Lust Goddess – 3 Girls Event Guide: Quests, Rewards and How to Complete

This is a comprehensive guide to completing the quest and maximizing the rewards during playthrough.

Guide to 3 Girls Event


The event is a series of quests, for which we get tokens – currency for using roulettes (also while the event is going on, tokens fall out in regular chests instead of super serum). In 3 different roulettes we can get all kinds of rare event mercenaries, or emerix.

All quests are divided into 3 chapters, after passing each chapter the rewards in the roulettes are doubled, so the correct strategy to maximize the rewards is to save up tokens until the maximum rewards in the legendary roulette and use them only for some quests or at the end of the event, when there will be no opportunity to collect more tokens. The event is repeated every 2 weeks with other mercenaries, no progress or resources achieved in them are saved. Below will be presented a guide to the quests that would give you the opportunity to optimize your time and resources to achieve maximum results.

During the event, all mercenary event cases have double probability and double number of events.

The event itself requires accumulations of unopened cases, cards, emerix, recruitments and super serum, without which you can be stuck for a long time before some quests, so it is recommended to have the following accumulations before the start of the event:

  • Maximum number of ready to open cases (both league cases, daily/weekly quest cases and battle pass cases).
  • Recruits (or emerix on them) in quantity of 2/4/24 pieces.
  • 200/700/4200 Emericks
  • 1 unopened legendary case (from league fights or battle pass)
  • Super Serum (3865 or more)

Also keep in mind that many quests ( in the guide with X value ) are league dependent. The higher your league, the more X you will need in these quests.

When quests offer two branches – by closing one of them you won’t be able to complete the other. Her quest(s) will be considered completed, but you won’t be able to pick up the reward. However, attached is a way to collect the reward from all quests on the fork.

Quests cannot be done in advance – progress is only counted towards the quest when the quest becomes active (except for quests to reach mercenary level. If you already have a mercenary of the required level – the quest counts automatically as soon as it becomes unlocked).

As for roulettes, definitely the most profitable roulette is legendary roulette. Bonus roulette is awarded for the first 10k tokens spent, and each next one becomes more expensive, but also in bonus roulette the rewards grow. It is recommended to use ALL roulettes only to advance on quests, or use them all in the last days of the event.

Example of roulette:

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 is fairly easy, except for a couple of places that may be difficult, can be easily passed on the fly. (2970 tokens from all quests)

  1. Boss 1 – use your deck.
  2. Kill 10 mercenaries – fast league quest.
  3. Two paths
    • (Top path) – find X points of mercenaries / place 30 mercenaries in battle – use unopened cases or store in the store. / is quickly accomplished in league.
    • (Lower path) – find 4 rare mercenaries – open 4 of any blue cases or most likely you’ll need 1 recruitment. I recommend the briefcases.
  4. Boss 2 – use your deck.
  5. Level up your mercenaries 4 times – level up the cheapest (preferably green) mercenaries.
  6. Boss 3 – use your deck.
  7. Open 12 cases – If you don’t have enough league cases, BP and mission cases can come in handy here, just try not to open the ones that might come in handy later.
  8. Two paths
    • (Top path) – T: get 4 victories / kill 50 mercenaries – both quests are done by fighting in the league.
    • (Lower path) – B: find X rares event mercenaries – quest is either for luck in cases, or for using roulette. Not as useful, so I recommend only closing the upper path.
  9. 2 rar roulette – will have to spend the first tokens earned.
  10. Boss 4 – use your deck.
  11. Two paths
    • (Top path) – T: speed up 4 cases / get X any regular mercenaries – done in league, wait for max low timer on cases <4 minutes to optimize price in emericks. / quest may cause difficulties as regular mercenaries stop falling in cases from league 18 (but you can get them from BP cases or mission cases).
    • (Lower path) – B: level up Rare Event Mercenary – since the chance of these mercenaries dropping is increased, you’ll probably already have all the cards you need for this. The quest can be done in advance. Recommended path.
  12. 2 recruitment – use chips or emericks.
  13. 5 bosses – use your deck.

Chapter 2

Quickly passable even for a F2P player if he did basic savings (15150 tokens from all quests).

  1. Boss 1 – use your deck.
  2. Epic Roulette 3 times – use the tokens you’ve already gotten. It may be a bit short to pass this quest at once and you will have to farm tokens from league cases or bosses for a while.
  3. Two paths
    • (Top path) – T: open 10 cases / find X epic mercenaries – Use league, quest or BP cases. / is already harder, but if there are no cases you can buy cards from the exo-card store.
    • (Lower path) – B: 2 recruitments – recommended path if you have the savings for it.
  4. Boss 2 – use your deck.
  5. Two paths
    • (Top path) – T: speed up 6 cases / reinforce 4 legs – done in league, to optimize price in emerix wait for max low timer on cases <4 minutes. / to optimize spend, reinforce any NOT IVENT legs – otherwise you may hit huge super serum spend later. Recommended path.
    • (Lower path) – B: find X epic event mercenaries – the quest is done with great luck in cases or roulette, but it’s not an optimized spend.
  6. Boss 3 – use your deck.
    • (Top path) – T: spend 200 emerix / modify X blue event mercenaries into epic mercenaries – Must have savings or make a purchase. / most likely you’ve already collected a large number of blue mercenaries, or had accumulations of these cards, in which case the quest will be easy. Recommended path.
    • (Lower path) – B: spend 7500 tokens – Spend on roulettes only if you can’t go the top path, the tokens are very useful for the next quests.
  7. Boss 4 – Use your deck.
  8. Two paths
    • (Top path) – T: Find X credits / reload event mercenaries – Credits can be obtained from cases, redeemed in the store, or found in BP. / it’s hard enough to find that many epic mercenaries, the quest wants you to spin the roulette for the sake of it and spend tokens, which you shouldn’t do for the sake of future quests.
    • (Lower path) – B: spend 500 emerix – Have savings or make a purchase. Recommended path.
  9. Open 1 light case – This is where the stocked case comes in handy. If you don’t have it – the best option is to play in the league until it falls out and open it for Emerixes.
  10. Boss 5 – use your deck.

Chapter 3

The most difficult quests, big reward in tokens. It is almost impossible to pass without preparation, for the sake of this chapter the biggest numbers in preparation are written (51650 tokens from all quests).

  1. Boss 1 – use your deck.
  2. Legendary roulette 4 times – If up to this point no tokens were not spent unnecessarily – should surely be enough for 2-3 times, the rest will have to either farm, or hope for the luck of falling out new tokens in roulette.
  3. Two paths
    • (Top way) – T: find 300 emerix / enhance legendary event mercenaries 9 times – you will be helped by not taking emerix from BP, or epic quests. / enhance 3 event legends 3 times will cost 3465 super serum, every next level costs 4 times more. Amplification lasts 2 days, so if you couldn’t complete the quest at once – you will have to wait 2 days until the amplification subsides and you can amplify them again, without the horse price tag. Recommended path.
    • (Lower path) – B: Get X legendary mercenaries from cases or recruitment. – Doable if there are unopened legendary cases, otherwise the quest will require serious time investment.
  4. Boss 2 – use your deck.
  5. Two paths
    • (Top path) – T: 20 recruitment / do X modifications of epic event mercenaries into legendary – only if there were recruitment accumulations, quest is still prioritized to save tokens. / quest can be both easy if the right cards have already been accumulated, or extremely difficult without it. Recommended path.
    • (Lower path) – B: use 30k tokens – Execute with your savings if the upper path is not available.
  6. Boss 3 – Use your deck. Boss can already be very difficult, requires strong cards or tactics to battle.
  7. Level up a legendary event mercenary to X – It’s easiest to get the points you need from roulettes, with luck you’ll already have a mercenary of the right level.
  8. Boss 4 – Use your deck. Boss can already be very difficult, requires strong cards or tactics to battle.
  9. Two paths
    • (Top path) – T: Spend 3500 emerix / level up the main event mercenary to X – 3500 is either very expensive or a long time to save up. / this level is achievable with luck in roulettes.
    • (Lower path)- B: Use 50k tokens – the quest we’ve been saving up for all this time. It’s easier than it seems – if you haven’t spent too much before, you’ll have about 25K tokens on hand from the completed quests. From this point you can freely use roulette – with luck from there will fall out new tokens that will go in the offset quest, but keep the bonus roulette.
  10. Activate bonus roulette 3 times – If you have reached this quest, you already have 3 bonus roulettes, unless you spent them earlier.
  11. Boss 5 – Use your deck. The boss can already be very difficult, requiring strong cards or tactics for the battle. This is the finish line!
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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