Mecha Domination: Rampage – Explanation of The Beast Gene Upgrades

The Beast Gene Upgrades Guide

By Loadingsan.

Here I am referring to the genes that are activated directly in the beasts.

First the general information, before I go into a little more detail and give my personal recommendations on what I consider to be useful.

So now let’s get started.

Every beast, regardless of whether it is SR or SSR, has genes that need to be unlocked. These genes give you various advantages. Some active. Some passive. But more on my recommendation later.

In order to unlock this, you first need a beast at star level red2 (picture 1). Then you also need the gene clue (picture 2) that you get from hunting beasts. You can increase the drop rate by 140% with a monthly pass. It´s a Nice to Have, but isn’t essential. it’s fine without it also.

Alright, now that we’ve sorted that out. How do you use it?

If you have a beast and want to activate the genes… You go to the gene symbol in your beast selection (red circle in the 3rd picture) and since nothing is given to us for free, we first have to spend 10 gene clue, so that we can continue at all (picture 4). With this we also unlock Lvl1 of Gen1. In total a gen has 10 lvl.

  • The first gen gives bonuses for hunting and Rallys.
  • The 2nd Gen is to improve your stats, when you have the beast in action, i.e. in your march.
  • The 3rd Gen also gives stats again when used and increases a value of your stats passively, i.e. permanently.
  • SSR beasts have 4 genes the 4th gen gives like gen 3 stats when used and again a passive stat.

Well, since nothing is free in the game…

I’ll briefly write to you what you need to bring a gene from not yet unlocked to the max level.

For Gen 1, 2 and 4 you need a total of 30 Gen clue and 20 Golden Beasts of the same type that you want to level. (Example you want to level up the Caesar genes then you need golden Caesar to upgrade). For Gen 2 you need 25 Gen Hints and 20 Golden Beasts.

So now my recommendation as to how I would approach the whole thing and where in my opinion the whole thing is most worthwhile.

Now I’m intentionally only talking about the SR beasts because everyone has the opportunity to upgrade them.

  • First… you should get the 1st gene of the Dunelord max as quickly as possible. (picture 5). This gives you up to 12 Liquid Alloy from hunting every day.
  • Then it’s the turn of Gen1 from the Vanguard Triceratops (picture 6). This gives you the chance to get speed ups from the hunt with a daily limit of 96.
  • Then Gen1 from the Sand Stinger (picture 7). This gives you an increase in the units capa – so more troops – more damage.
  • Then last but not least Gen1 from Subject #9 (picture 8). Which increases the capa of the hospital.
  • Gen1 of the Firespitter is also quite nice. This gives you more rewards from exploration.
  • For the remaining SR beasts, there are usually more Rss from hunting and gathering in Gen1. I don’t think that’s that important, so I would recommend that you now concentrate on Gen3 for all beasts as they push the stats. Once these genes are maxed, you push Gen1 and 2 of the remaining beasts.

I hope it is understandable what I want to pass on to you.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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