Megaloot – Useful Tips & Tricks

Gameplay Tips for New Players

General Tips

  • Use as many starting bufs as you want. This is a game thats ment to be broken and these are the easiest ways to do it. (I recomend adding swarm for extra money).
  • Remember the damage types. Some characters are better at using diffrent dammage types so keep that in mind.
  • Dont be afraid of dying. In the end you are gona die when you beat the final boss so why be afraid to die a little earlier than that.
  • Some item sets scale very well. The gold and silver sets are some very good early item sets to help you with losing runs early.
  • You can alwase change your build on the fly. A good build will mostlikly only be able be completed by floor 7-10.

First thing is to ensure target priority. Focus on guys with high damage first (like bats). Then guys who will stun you (boars and jellyfish). Later (floor 5+), make sure you have some sort of way to deal high damage reliably. Either high combat, high wisdom, or some form of elemental damage. Lastly, in the late game, make sure you avoid enemies with “retaliation” effects (like parry or mind control).

Some good sets to get early include greed (works throughout the whole game), Electricity, and “setless” for magic damage, though for that you’ll probably need the demonic set to get a quick wipe and some form of defense (either character ability, defensive sets like Flesh or Orion, or something else).

  • Don’t open the elite or swarm chest ( blue and pink chests ) while you’re just learning.
  • Hover over enemies and their stats and see what they do whenever you see a new enemy, it will save you.
  • Start by dismantling damage, then things you need in specific for your build, try new items and stats, see how it goes.
  • Try simple characters at the start like Fren or Elis, and you dont have to pick talents/specializations at the character selection if its too overwhelming.

Combat Tips


These enemies were very difficult for me when I started, but now they’re not a problem with my current character setup. I’m using a combination of scout, shadow, and hunter abilities. I think the equipment I got rid of might have affected this change. Now, it’s mainly about having enough energy to keep dodging and countering attacks, which is helped by using the shadow equipment set.


I either use evasion, or when you see sparkles on the enemy, it means that the next attack the enemy will use their ability, in Kotya’s case, it’s Parry, so everytime you attack while they have sparkles, usually I skip my turn (if only Kotya is left) or attack a different enemy.

Armor Tips

The armors you get from the shop are random to an extent. There is no best armor, it just depends on what you’re trying to build. During the early game you get wood armor which gives you a tiny amount of armor points, but later on you’ll get ones with a bunch of effects.

If you want to know OP armors though, Magma is super powerful and I think the rogue (dodge chance) + the moon one (forgot the name) is an awesome and fun combo. You just need to experiment with different combos and see what works for you.

Elite Chest

It’s currently way too easy to spacebar through the elite chest and for new players to have no idea what the consequences are for selecting the chest. There should be an immediate dialog on the elite chest scene that describes the reward and the consequences of selecting the elite chest. Similar to the black market scene it should be possible to skip through the elite chest with the attack hotkey.

Overpowered Build

2 shadow rings (1 blue for damage multiplier, 1 red for ridiculous amounts of evasion), shadow wisdom amulet, shadow staff, living boots chest and pants for HP and sustain, zephyrs hat for the large damage from set bonus.

Was alternating between living and shadow sets between floors to help tiering them up, but by floor 10 I only focused on shadow. Cosmic weapon was my best tier, everything else was just the tier below, apart from living armor at legendary or the tier just above, which was more than enough to ensure being almost unkillable.

The dodge% given by the shadow dodge ring carries the whole run, and living armor ensured enough HP and sustain to last at least 10 turns after all abilities run out. Damage was one shotting everyone without exception, and by a lot. Even those birds with 200%+ eva could barely get a hit in before they got killed, the only time Id see my hp go below 3/4 was when I was against 2 at a time.

Took the extra attack “extra” set on floor 10 (didnt even roll for it), and focused on faith, armor pierce and did pick 1 dodge bonus at some point between floors.

Used Pyry, swarm honor and rejuv keystones, no stats.

All in all, good game, defo replaying value and all, but as far as this build went, just felt….. not going to say boring, but I was too OP to have any substantial amounts of fun, I was just waiting to get outscaled, or find an enemy that counters my build (the dragons that cast slow don’t counter me, I have too much HP and recovery, and I kill them 1st anyway).

7/10 game, massive challenge for the dev to balance, looking forward to see how that goes. I’d say maybe cap eva to 100% as the description says, I could stack it to almost 200%, which made me impossible to hit for a long time.

Oh also, cant remember which one, but theres a textbook loop possible on some effect where hovering above it displays the exact same textbox it was from, so you can pop infinite boxes. Not really a bug, but I thought I’d mention it.

Item Stats

NameElementPriceBase Stats
Wooden ShoesWood2Armor: 1
Training SwordWood + Swiftness2Phys Atk: 1
Ring of AngerGeneric3Crit DMG: 3
Magical StickWood4Mag Atk: 2
Training HammerWood4Phys Atk: 1
Penetration: 2
Leather BootsMercenary5Armor: 2
Wooden PlatesWood5Armor: 2
Training AxeWood5Phys Atk: 2
Amulet of LifeGeneric6Max HP: 2
Recovery: 8
KeepsakeGeneric7Wisdom: 3
Greed’s GraspWealth7Greed: 1
Life Steal: 3
Poor Man’s BladePoverty8Phys Atk: 1
Crit DMG: 5
Hunger BladeFlesh10Phys Atk: 2 [x Flesh]
Max HP: 1
Leather HelmetMercenary10Armor: 3
Silver SabatonsSilver10Armor: 3
Warrior’s DaggerWarrior10Phys Atk: 3
Shadow RingShadow11Crit DMG: 5 [x Shadow]
Evasion: 3.0
Life SeekerSilver11Recovery: 3
Faith: 5 [x Silver]
Arcanus ShoesGeneric15Wisdom: 5
Evasion: 2.0
Hunter’s BootsHunter15Precision: 10
Leather PantsMercenary15Armor: 4
Silver HelmetSilver15Armor: 4
Golden DaggerWealth15Greed: 2
Phys Atk: 3
Precious RingWealth17Greed: 5 [x Wealth]
Recruits BootsScout18Evasion: 10.0
Shadow PiercerShadow18Crit DMG: 7
Penetration: 10 [x Shadow]
ChainmailGeneric19Armor: 6
Leather ChestplateMercenary21Armor: 5
Silver LeggingsSilver21Armor: 5
Silver RingSilver21Faith: 12 [x Silver]
Hunter’s HoodHunter24Precision: 15
Poor Man’s HelmetPoverty26Crit DMG: 17
Armor: 2 [x Poverty]
Silver ChestplateSilver27Armor: 6
Nature’s GiftWood27Luck: 5 [x Wood]
Golden SabatonsWealth29Greed: 5
Armor: 4
Recruit’s HoodScout30Evasion: 15.0
Golden SwordWealth31Greed: 4
Phys Atk: 5
Zephyron’s Magical ShoesZephyron31Wisdom: 7
Eldrid’s RingFlesh33Recovery: 10 [x Flesh]
Life Steal: 15 [x Flesh]
Hunter’s PantsHunter33Precision: 20
Orion’s PathOrion34Armor: 6 [x Orion]
Silver SwordSilver34Phys Atk: 6 [x Silver]
Magical GauntletMonomana36Mag Atk: 6 [x Monomana]
Wisdom: 4
Magic WandDarkness + Wood37Mag Atk: 4 [x Darkness]
Insight: 2
Hunter’s JerkinHunter43Precision: 25
Recruit’s PantsScout43Evasion: 20.0
Zephyron’s EyeZephyron44Control: 25.0
Ethercrest’s RingAncient Ice47Unnamed: 31: 18 [x AncientIce]
Golden LeggingsWealth47Greed: 10
Armor: 5
Magical GuardianMonomana49Wisdom: 4
Armor: 6 [x Monomana]
Shadow SentenceShadow49Phys Atk: 7 [x Shadow]
Crit DMG: 5
Wealth WardenWealth49Greed: 15 [x Wealth]
Vitality RingGeneric50Max HP: 15
Recovery: 10
Ethercrest’s BladeAncient Ice52Phys Atk: 8
Unnamed: 31: 6
HySwordWealth52Greed: 3
Luck: 5 [x Wealth]
Phys Atk: 4
Orion’s LeggingsOrion53Armor: 8 [x Orion]
Crystal StaffGeneric55Mag Atk: 12
Insight: 5
Arcanus RobeGeneric55Wisdom: 12
Evasion: 7.0
Berserker’s AxeBerserker56Phys Atk: 10
Demonic SabatonsDemonic56Armor: 8
Max HP: 4
Warrior’s ChestplateWarrior56Armor: 10
Omni RingGeneric58Wisdom: 7
Max HP: 12
Recruit’s CloakScout58Evasion: 25.0
Warrior’s War HammerWarrior58Phys Atk: 8 [x Warrior]
Penetration: 6 [x Warrior]
Shadow WisdomShadow65Wisdom: 10 [x Shadow]
Believer’s LocketSilver65Faith: 36 [x Silver]
Zephyron’s Magical CapZephyron68Wisdom: 12
Phantom TomeGeneric70Mag Atk: 21
Faith: 15
Vampiric BladeFlesh73Phys Atk: 8 [x Flesh]
Max HP: 5
Life Steal: 2
Orion’s Sanguine SalvationOrion75Toughness: 5 [x Orion]
Max HP: 10 [x Orion]
Starborn RingGeneric77Wisdom: 17
Hunter’s RingHunter78Precision: 35 [x Hunter]
Golden CrownWealth79Greed: 25 [x Wealth]
Royal SabatonsRoyal81Combat: 8 [x Royal
Armor: 4
Faith: 6 [x Silver]
Golden ChestplateWealth81Greed: 15
Armor: 8
ThunderbladeThunder82Mag Atk: 12 [x Thunder]
Electric: 8
Ethercrest’s StaffAncient Ice84Mag Atk: 14 [x AncientIce]
Unnamed: 31: 12
Ethercrest’s HelmetAncient Ice85Armor: 10
Unnamed: 31: 12 [x AncientIce]
Demonic HelmetDemonic88Armor: 10 [x Demonic]
Max HP: 5
Alchemist’s WisdomGeneric88Wisdom: 12
Insight: 7
ThunderhelmThunder88Armor: 7
Electric: 10 [x Thunder]
Living HelmetFlesh89Max HP: 15 [x Flesh]
Recovery: 10
Orion’s CoreOrion94Penetration: 10 [x Orion]
Max HP: 15 [x Orion]
Demonic LeggingsDemonic95Armor: 12
Max HP: 6
Blade of the RuinedCursed102Phys Atk: 12 [x Cursed]
Crit DMG: 9
Diowz RingGeneric107Luck: 15
Wisdom: 10
Dark HarnessDarkness + Wood108Insight: 7 [x Darkness]
Zephyron’s Magical CloakZephyron111Wisdom: 17
Royal HelmetRoyal113Combat: 10 [x Royal
Armor: 6
Faith: 8 [x Silver]
Shadow WhisperShadow126Phys Atk: 14 [x Shadow]
Crit DMG: 9
Blackthorn ChestplateBlackthorn129Armor: 15 [x Blackthorn]
Giants RingGeneric136Toughness: 15
Max HP: 25
Orion’s DestinyOrion136Combat: 12 [x Orion]
Armor: 7 [x Orion]
Ring of PowerGeneric148Power: 25
Yuni’s NecklaceGeneric148Luck: 25
Royal LeggingsRoyal153Combat: 12 [x Royal
Armor: 8
Faith: 10 [x Silver]
Coward’s RingGeneric155Evasion: 75.0
Demonic ChestplateDemonic156Armor: 15 [x Demonic]
Max HP: 7
Warrior’s HelmetWarrior156Combat: 15 [x Warrior]
Armor: 6
Living ChestplateFlesh162Max HP: 24 [x Flesh]
Recovery: 18
ThundergraceThunder162Electric: 25 [x Thunder]
Orion’s RageOrion172Phys Atk: 14 [x Orion]
Combat: 10
QolkJade178Phys Atk: 12 [x Jade]
Unnamed: 32: 8
Soul CollectorGeneric188Mag Atk: 24
Insight: 17
Royal ChestplateRoyal194Combat: 14 [x Royal
Armor: 10
Faith: 12 [x Silver]
Dark Magical RingDarkness + Zephyron203Wisdom: 17 [x Darkness]
Zephyron’s Magical RingZephyron203Wisdom: 22 [x Zephyron]
Heart of GoldWealth221Greed: 5
Armor: 10
Toughness: 12
Max HP: 17 [x Wealth]
Wooden CrownWood224Power: 17 [x Wood]
Armor: 10 [x Wood]
Orion’s HeartOrion232Armor: 10 [x Orion]
Max HP: 25 [x Orion]
Warriors RingWarrior232Combat: 15
Max HP: 25
Blackthorn CrownBlackthorn243Wisdom: 25 [x Blackthorn]
Shaman’s RobeCursed243Wisdom: 25 [x Cursed]
Turtle ChestplateAncient Shell282Armor: 25
Toughness: 15
Ethercrest’s SwordAncient Ice285Phys Atk: 28
Unnamed: 31: 16
Cursed RingCursed311Malice: 25 [x Cursed]
WitherscarChromalure332Phys Atk: 15
Toxicity: 8
BlakeJade381Phys Atk: 25 [x Jade]
Unnamed: 32: 10
GlimmerJade458Control: 10.0
Unnamed: 32: 25 [x Jade]
Mask of CataclysmCataclysm500Power: 45
Pantaloons of GreatnessGeneric802Luck: 15
Total Attacks: 1
BloodedgeGeneric1177Phys Atk: 100
Penetration: 75
Life Steal: 45
Demonic ClaymoreDemonic1189Total Attacks: 1
Phys Atk: 15 [x Demonic]
Mask of the CursedCursed1228Malice: 75 [x Cursed]
Banished NecklaceCursed1325Total Attacks: 1 [x Cursed]
Demonic RingDemonic1325Total Attacks: 1 [x Demonic]
Silver AxeSilver1381Total Attacks: 1 [x Silver]
Phys Atk: 10
Magma SabatonsMagma1481Armor: 12 [x Magma]
Max HP: 7
Cinder: 15 [x Magma]
Magma HelmetMagma1929Armor: 14 [x Magma]
Max HP: 8
Cinder: 17 [x Magma]
GloomJade2043Unnamed: 32: 85 [x Jade]
Magma LeggingsMagma3013Armor: 17 [x Magma]
Max HP: 12
Cinder: 21 [x Magma]
NighthornChromalure3155Total Attacks: 1
Toxicity: 25 [x Chromalure]
Magma ChestplateMagma5092Armor: 21 [x Magma]
Max HP: 15
Cinder: 27 [x Magma]
Rod of DoomDarkness + Wood14386Mag Atk: 1000
ThronglerGeneric70544Phys Atk: 1750
Crit DMG: 75
Max HP: 150
ExcaliburGeneric1360276Phys Atk: 13571
Recovery: 375
Legacy: 125.0
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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