Mighty Party – Divine Arena Guide

Guide to Divine Arena


Purpose of this guide

This is a guide for the Divine Arena mode in Mighty Party, nicknamed DA.

DA puts 2 preset teams against each other, often with special scenarios or themes and your goal is to defeat the other side or do certain things like surviving, killing a specific hero or other methods so read the rules of the DA before beginning.

Each DA lasts 48h before it rotates to the next one and you have infinite free attempts while it is up. Because of this, it is often better to restart if you have a bad opening hand rather than trying to beat it with a bad draw.

Winning each side of the DA grants you an epic chest equal to the souls in your maximum League achieved, so beating both sides gives you 2 epic chests.

Note that the estimated difficulties are my personal experience (I have well over 2000 DA wins at the time of writing) and are probably a bit lower than what you find them. So compare them to other ratings here before you bash me about “you said it was easy but it’s super hard”. I consider 6/10 the baseline aka needing a bit of luck on the draw and beatable within 1-3 tries.

How to read the guide

  • Matchup: A vs B
  • Difficulty rating with A
  • Difficulty rating with B
  • WL abilities A
  • WL abilities B
  • Team A (highlight important ones in bold)
  • Team B (highlight important ones in bold)
  • Special rules (if any)
  • Strategy for A
  • Strategy for B

Matchup: Ogre vs Anna

  • Ogre side difficulty (8/10)
  • Anna side difficulty (6/10, though it appears more difficult than it is)
  • Special rules: none

WL abilities Ogre side:

Ogre’s team:

Key heroes: Airavata, Tengu, Sly

Tactics for Ogre side:

This is a lot simpler than Anna but if they take out your Tengu it’s a bit harder.

Start with Airavata if you can, otherwise Coba, Taurus or Sly are good starter options.

Play everything that isn’t tanky (aka most ranged heroes) behind or next to Airavata or behind Coba.

Ideally Sly should be out asap for when enemy Angelia shows up. Once she does, kill her asap with Sly and Melia.

If they happen to play Chernomor, use Anak to block him or kill him with your melee tanks and Tengu buffs.

Once Angelia is down, you can safely play Tengu (ideally behind Aira) and just burn Anna down with Tengu buffs. If her shield is up just focus on killing all her heroes.

Turn 5 try to avoid summoning the stones as they mostly work against you due to Anna’s third skill.

Just focus on Tengu buffs and only play stuff to kill enemy heroes or with high attack (don’t use Ananta for example) and either keep her enemies low or your own atk up and she should go down without too much trouble as long as Tengu lives.

WL abilities Anna side:

Anna’s team:

Key heroes: Onmoraki, Angelia, Chernomor, Axe, Dominus

Tactics for Anna side:

Anna relies mostly on winning through her third warlord ability. This deals damage to enemy warlord based on the number of enemies on the board and this per allied attack.

As you could guess, heroes with multiple attacks are important to achieving this, as well as a stacked enemy board to generate more zaps. Ogre’s thing is healing so don’t worry if his health is at max. Nearly every turn, you’ll burn him down in no time once your turn 7 ability comes online.

Turn 1-3: play Onmoraki, Mina Hellsing or if unavailable Dominus/Discоrdia near the bottom.

If they open with Airavata/Taurus/Coba/Ananta/Anak, ignore them and play more of the 4 above.

If they open with Melia or Sly, try and kill them as they hurt a lot.

If they open with Tengu, play Angelia in a different lane to try and kill him. You can use Onmoraki too to bleed Tengu to death. Tengu is the one hero you must kill asap. With Melia being a priority a bit too but AI usually only uses her early on.

Turn 4-6: DO NOT use your shield ability unless you are about to die.

Same strategy as above but once Ogre used his silence ability you can play Apollo if you don’t have to focus on killing anything as above.

Once your hp is getting low and you ignored Airavata, the AI should start playing stuff behind or next to him. Ignore it and play Chernomor or if unavailable Axe/Dominus IN AN OPEN LANE.

Turn 6+: save your shield ability until turn 7 if possible, otherwise when you’re close to dying (remember it only kicks in AFTER the first hit so if you’re not sure, pop it anyway).

Activate your shield and third ability on turn 7 before doing anything else.

By now your Chernomor/Axe/Dominus should have 2-3 attacks which you can increase by playing either another one of those or playing Discоrdia if you got Axe/Dom out.

The combination of all the attacks should be hitting the enemy warlord hard and either kill him or severely damage him. He might heal up again but don’t worry, just keep stacking extra attacks on the board and he’ll go down for sure now.

Tip: try to avoid attacking his healing stones and hit his heroes now unless you can’t kill him off yet, then attack the stones.

Matchup: Morgoth vs Jimmy

  • Jimmy side difficulty (7/10, mainly due to Aharin and random freeze effects)
  • Morgoth side difficulty (5-9/10, mainly due to Ghosta’s rng making this a lot easier/harder)
  • Special rules: none

Morgoth Warlord abilities:

Morgoth team: Key heroes: Necro, All, Prince of Sands, Gremory

Tactics for Morgoth side:

Most people know Aharin is a very powerful card so it seems tempting to play him early and just let him + Morgoth abilities steamroll the enemy. Don’t do this. The enemy deck is stacked with freeze and block runes + tanky heroes so Aharin won’t achieve much.

Your best option to start is Necro as he can kill off starter buildings and doesn’t care about block runes. Legion at the bottom is also a decent option or worst case All.

Use All and Gremory to block Jormun/Mi/Arthur and focus on killing Jormun/Arthur/Vixen with your warlord abilities (Necro can tank Mi).

Basically keep stalling and play for turn 5, then use the Soulbinders + Necro (or maybe a second one) to just wipe the enemy board.

Jimmy Warlord abilities:

Jimmy team: (key heroes: Vixen, Titania, Mi, Jormun)

Tactics for Jimmy’s side:

Jimmy side tactics: place block runes asap, put down Titania or tanky heroes on those runes and focus on freezing enemies like Aharin to prevent him from Phantom Attacking.

Focus on deploying near the bottom to reduce the chance of Ghosta appearing there and kill Ghosta asap if she shows up. Aharin is really powerful but will end up frozen 90% of the time so don’t worry about him too much.

Titania, Mi and Arthur are your opening moves (on block runes) and you can use Mi/Jormun on another lane, especially when Ghosta has been eliminated. The rest consists of keeping high hp to ignore Morgoth’s abilities while using Vixen to keep enemy cards frozen every turn and Arthur’s Caladbolg to keep your attack up.

Matchup: Forest Protectors vs Flame Cult

  • Forest Protectors side difficulty (6/10)
  • Flame Cult side difficulty (6/10)
  • Special rules: both warlords and all heroes have different abilities than normal. Read the abilities of each hero carefully (the skills are posted below, they are not the same as the rest of the game).

Warlord abilities Forest Protectors side:

(Young Ent has no abilities, is a melee card)

Forest Protectors team:

Key hero: Ferocious Beast

Tactics for Forest Protectors:

The Forest Guardians start with 6 Great Trees (more like bonsai trees but I didn’t choose the name) on their side with following skillset:

Obviously that third skill means the Forest Protectors want to keep their trees alive while the other side wants to burn them down.

Forest Protectors tactics: The major issue here is if 3 of your trees spawn in the same lane behind each other so you can’t place heroes there. That’s free real estate for the enemy AI so you might want to restart if this happens (still winnable though, just harder).

You will mostly rely on keeping at least 3 trees alive while using your tanky heroes to absorb the splash.

The first skill and second Bonsai skill mean that any tree which gets hit but doesn’t die buffs your whole team up a lot and with most damage negated.

Ferocious Beast is your key melee hero while the Flower and Spirit Speaker are your ranged supports, with the Forest Dryad being there in case you need a quick tune-up.

Focus on protecting your trees but don’t worry if a few go down as it buffs your team, killing any enemies that have splash and playing Ferocious Beasts in the melee line and keeping them alive.

Warlord abilities Flame Cult side:

Flame Cult team:

Key heroes: Flaming Orc and Priestess of the Abyss

Flame Cult tactics:

Ideally 3 trees spawn in the same lane in which case you can just play the Orc in that lane and just take them down without anything to stop him while playing good ranged behind him.

Good ranged are the Explosive Minion and Priestess of the Abyss.

If not, focus on lanes with 2 trees and play the Flaming Orc first as he deals the most damage against them.

Save the Priestess and your warlord abilities for when you can get a sure kill on a tree, don’t use them if the tree will survive. Focus on killing the trees one by one. Use splash to take out any enemy heroes who pose a threat but don’t go after enemy heroes too much.

You should basically be spamming Flaming Orc and Explosive Minion while tactically applying Priestess the first few turns.

Once a few trees are down and you have 2+ cards in play, you can summon the Fire Servants and use Hand of Flame to give +2 atk to everything in play, that should wipe out the last of the trees at which point you can just play whatever to get the win.

If Son of Woods uses his spikes, just focus on his cards for a turn if needed.

Matchup: Indestructible Army vs Spider Queen

  • Indestructible Army difficulty (6/10, mostly depends on enemy AI behaviour and initial draw)
  • Spider Queen difficulty (4/10)
  • Special rules: Spider Queen side only has 1 hp but starts with 4 Crystals in the backline with 50 hp, block 10 and regen 10.

Both sides must kill the enemy Warlord in order to win.

Spider Queen Warlord abilities:

Spider Queen team: (key heroes: no specific ones)

Indestructible Army Warlord abilities:

Indestructible Army team: (key heroes: Yuri Shadow Dagger, Diana Amazonian Queen, Koschei the Immortal)

Indestructible Army tactics:

This one heavily depends on your initial draw so the fastest way to beat it is to restart until you either have Diana or Koschei in your opening hand. Place one of these in lane 3 (lane 4 is for Legion, 1-2 are too easily countered though it doesn’t matter too much).

Hope no Lo’trix puppets end up blocking you (use your Warlord zap and kill Lo’Trix with Yuri if she shows up turn 1), just focus on other lanes with buff cards or killing whatever the enemy plays. Do not rush it and try to turn 2 kill the crystal, just take it slow and avoid Diana/Koschei drawing much attention and keeping your warlord alive.

You can win with Legion too but basically if you kill Lo’trix asap to avoid puppets becoming an annoyance and get both Diana and Koschei in play, you’ll win by turn 3-5.

Note: the game gives you other tools like Legion/Ronin/Wild Tamer which in theory would buff well but the 10 block from crystals means they barely scratch them. You CAN win this way but Diana/Koschei just do it ten times faster and easier.

My moves: Koschei turn 1 => AI played Lo’trix

Turn 2: zapped the puppets with my Warlord, killed Lo’Trix with Yuri => AI played Zor’ma (Koschei got too big now so AI won’t block him most of the time)

Turn 3: played Wild Tamer (didn’t need the archers) and won

Spider Queen tactics:

You have a lot of warlord damage so it seems tempting to just burn the enemy warlord down but beware of AI shenanigans. Focus on killing/controlling their cards and if they play the big ones (Diana/Koschei) just block it with a ranged or Tesla X. You can just block off the enemy heroes that pose a threat and slowly burn them down with all your zaps, not much to it really.

For a more detailed play: turn 1 Zor’ma (most likely AI will play Diana across him), turn 2 block Diana with Melia/Aphrodite/Mina/Tesla X (you should have 2 mini-Zor’ma’s now). Diana should be dead now.

Turn 3 Aphrodite/Melia/Tesla X again and by then enemy Warlord should be close to dead.

The essence is preventing Diana and Koschei from going out of control. Zor’ma draws Diana out but your best bet of killing them is stalling with ranged heroes or Lo’trix puppets.

Matchup: Tesla Keepers vs Dark Ritual

Side note: this DA is hilarious and can technically run for unlimited turns or until your device blows up if you wish.

  • Tesla Keepers side difficulty (2/10)
  • Dark Ritual side difficulty (1/10)
  • Special rules: well, both decks consist of only buildings. The Dark Ritual side the common and rare buildings have different skillsets than the actual heroes but those skillsets are so useless (give pierce 5 to an ally when you can only summon Zombies from Hell Gate, block 5 against buildings, give 3 hp to allies start of turn when almost nothing can attack). They aren’t part of the strategy really so won’t be listed in detail here.

Tesla Keepers Warlord abilities:

Tesla Keepers team: (key heroes: Tesla X and Tesla Tower aka the yellow and purple ones)

Dark Ritual Warlord abilities: (key heroes: Hell Gate and Dark Tree)

Tesla Keepers side tactics

The following is a 99.99% way to win it (never failed on me but you never know of course).

Turn 1-3 place Tesla Towers (purple ones) on the block rune/hp rune (doesn’t really matter where but might as well use the runes). The AI should open with Hell Gate normally. If you’re lucky on row 1 so it can’t summon a zombie.

Activate your warlord abilities turn 2 for the first skill, then whenever you have them.

Try to place them until AI starts spamming Dark Trees and your first Tesla Tower is about to die.

If this happens or you don’t draw Tesla Towers anymore, place a Tesla X.

Just don’t play across an enemy Zombie and you should be fine.

Keep spamming Towers until your first one dies at which point you should swap to spamming Tesla X’s or worst case a Voltage Tower.

Spam more of these until he’s dead (the Tesla X’s will make this very easy even if the AI only plays one Gate).

Dark Ritual side tactics

Also a near 100% way to win:

Start with 2 Hell Gates in the middle (so you can spawn a zombie and leave room for trees behind).

Turn 2-3 summon your Count Vlad and play a first Tree or a third Hell Gate if the Tesla’s don’t spawn across your Vlad/Gates. After that keep spamming Trees to pump up the attack damage and use any warlord abilities when available.

Matchup: Tower Guards vs Wild Tribe

  • Tower Guards side difficulty (6/10)
  • Wild Tribe side difficulty (5/10)
  • Special rules: inspired by World of Warcraft. Tower Guards must protect 2 Tesla X’s with much higher hp and no abilities for 6 turns.

Wild Tribe side starts with a totem that buffs ally attack in order to help them take down the Towers.

If at the start of turn 6, Towers are still alive then Tower Guards win (enemy warlord will automatically take 1000 damage).

Wild Tribe side must either kill one of the Towers (doesn’t matter which one) or the enemy Warlord (unlikely, better to focus on the towers).

Warlord abilities: Tower Guard warlord has 500 hp and no abilities. Wild Tribe warlord has 1000 hp and no abilities.

Tower Guards team:

Key heroes: Titania, Jaxy, Keeper of the Storm

Tower Guards tactics:

Obviously the goal is to protect your towers though as they have quite a bit of hp, Draggara and poison damage are your main things to watch out for.

Your first priority should be to try and take out the enemy Totem which buffs their attack a lot. Keeper of the Storm can do this if you play him turn 1 across the Totem (starter buildings are order so he zaps quite a bit).

Focus on that with your high attack cards, saving the following heroes for now: Keeper of the Storm, Titania, Jaxy.

Titania and Jaxy both have Evasion so should be dropped to stop high attack enemy lanes. Keeper is your get out of jail free card as he hits a lane really hard and can solve any emergency issues. Try and stop Draggara as well as Ogre plant, the rest isn’t too dangerous. Blocking is more important than killing so don’t aim to kill unless needed.

When turn 6 hits you automatically win so all you need to do is stall. The Drunk Master is also surprisingly helpful in tanking damage if you need a blocker without having/using Jaxy/Titania.

Wild Tribe team:

Key heroes: Draggara, Ogre plant, Furious Sabertooth

This one is a bit easier mainly due to the enemy AI not realizing it’s supposed to protect the Towers. Ogre plant (combined with your totem) and Draggara are your damage dealers but use anything with high attack or poison the Tower (or both). Save the Sabertooth to eliminate Jaxy/Titania if they block you and try to keep your totem alive but don’t worry if it gets taken down. Just focus on the Tesla that’s easiest to kill and switch between them if one lane gets blocked off too much. Taurus is a good tank which the AI usually will ignore so if you can get a high attack ranged across a Tesla, follow up with Taurus in front and AI will usually only use Keeper of the Storm on that due to Taurus’ tankiness.

Matchup: Death and Chaos vs Order and Death

  • Death and Chaos side difficulty (1/10)
  • Order and Death side difficulty (1/10)
  • Special rules: the entire board is filled with death runes (insta-kill anything placed on it unless it has mental shield

Note: this sounds really difficult but is actually the easiest DA there is. It’s possible to clear both sides in about 90 seconds if you’re fast.

Death and Chaos warlord abilities:

Death and Chaos team: (key heroes: Death Whelpling, Goliath)

Order and Death Warlord abilities:

Order and Death team: (key heroes: Athena, Lady Curl)

General tactic for both sides: start placing in the middle as that’s where you can place both melee and ranged heroes.

Death and Chaos side tactics: Ideally start with Death Whelpling as it has reborn and will be able to attack right away, then play anything that buffs chaos allies or gives it extra attacks, turn 2 use your atk buff skill.

Keep buffing Whelpling and place Goliath once you have room (aka not on a death rune).

You’ll win by turn 3-4 normally.

Order and Death side tactics: tiny bit trickier but still ridiculously easy. Throw away crappy rares first, then place either Athena or Lady Curl when you have room. Activate your warlord abilities once one of them is in play and just keep placing random stuff to buff them up.

Matchup: Guardian vs The Thing

  • Guardian side difficulty (9/10)
  • The Thing side difficulty (2/10)
  • Special rules: none

Note: this is probably the most imbalanced DA there is so be prepared to get frustrated.

WL abilities Guardian side:

Guardian side team: (key heroes, anything except the Frog and the Monk)

The Thing warlord abilities:

The Thing side team: (key heroes: Cern, Mother Owl, Mr. Boom)

The Thing side tactics: this side is the easy one, just use Cernun, Mr. Boom, Mother Owl and anything else with high atk. Your cards just have a ton of high attack (especially Mr. Boom) so you can just hit harder than they can hit back. Spam these and use common sense and this should be a walk in the park.

Guardian side tactics:

This is extremely tough as the AI can and will deploy Mr. Boom behind one of the buildings 90% of the time and that’s really hard to recover from no matter what you do.

Your best bet is to start with Sharp Fin or if unavailable, Lancelot to kill the Tree in lane 3 (Tree has more hp so best to kill that first, your starter Tesla chips down the totem faster), then following up with Love Goddess (preferred) or Dark Huntress behind Sharp Fin/Lancelot.

That way you get some attack boosting pentagrams and heals/zaps in play.

If they play Mr. Boom behind the totem, restart until AI doesn’t do that.

Then save Groot for lane 2 and Evil Santa to transform Cernun. Groot is near immortal when Love Goddess (and optionally Lancelot) are on the field.

Use your summoned Knights to block (literally) the remaining 2 lanes and keep stacking behind Sharp Fin/Groot while making sure there are at least 2 things in every lane to avoid AI breaking through.

I’m also including some pics here of this:

  • Turn A: Sharp Fin, turn 2 Love Goddess behind him
  • Turn 3: Groot to neutralize lane 2 (Love Goddess making him nigh unkillable now),
  • Turn 4: used Santa to transform enemy Cernun

Turn 5: summoned both knights and put Lance behind the Sharp Fin to keep him safe (didn’t have a good ranged available)

Played Dark Huntress for added zaps and just blocked every lane with at least 2 things.

The Thing tactics:

Key cards: Mr. Boom: Mr. Boom turn 1 behind a starter building, Mr. Boom turn 2 behind anything

Not much tactics involved. Just play Mr. Boom. Other cards like Cernun or Epic Tani speed up the process, due to their high raw stats compared to the other side.

Matchup: Servant of Pain vs Squad

  • Servant of Pain side difficulty (3/10)
  • Squad side difficulty (8/10)
  • Special rules: none

Side note: Kong is bugged and applies block non-stop instead of for 3 turns only.

WL abilities Servant of Pain side: 

Team Servant of Pain:

Key heroes: all the legendaries + Chieftain Orc (the first selection of heroes)

Squad side Warlord abilities:

Squad side team:

Key heroes: all the legendaries

Servant of Pain side tactics:

This is relatively easy due to having several tanky legendaries and the enemy not having anything to remove them.

It’s easiest to start with Draggara behind an object, then following up with Kong/Apep/Chieftain Orc (whichever you draw, just need to protect Draggara).

If they play Tinker, block with Apep.

If they play Mizu/Flos, you can poison them with your warlord and kill her turn 3 (just ignore her for the rest or drop Chieftain across her for easy extra attacks).

Turn 1 Draggara you realistically only lose if Tinker zaps her down so if you have Draggara + Apep you save Apep to block enemy Tinker and then overpower them with extra attacks or hitting power.

You can play differently if you want, this side isn’t that hard so feel free to experiment a bit.

Squad side tactics:

This is rough as you’re outclassed on both warlord and legendaries.

Your best bet is to start with Mizu and kill the starter tesla in lane 3 (this stops it from wounding everything) as Mizu tanks nicely and you need Tinker alive.

Realistically speaking you can only kill Draggara and Kong via Tinker zaps + your warlord zap so try to keep Tinker out of harm’s way (hence you can’t open with him) and save King’s zap until both of them are in play.

Turn 2 you’ve got 2 options really:

  • play Tinker and hope AI doesn’t block him with Apep (meaning he can’t zap)
  • play any of the epics/rares (imp is ideal as he can zap) and wait until Apep gets played

Turn 3 Tinker should come out and try to keep him away from Kong/Apep/Draggara (the tesla can die, don’t worry too much about that). Flos is also a good staller but make sure he doesn’t block Mizu’s summon off or dies to Kong.

The rest of the fight is just getting rid of Draggara and/or Kong (Apep is annoying but you can block him with Flos summons or so) while either pumping up Mizu or if she dies, using Tinker Tesla and a full board to get past the enemy as once Kong/Draggara are taken care of you can just control the board and stall to victory.

My plays: Mizu, then Cursed Shaman (just to block), Tinker, turn 4 the zap from warlord and both summons and Flos (who died to Kong but I had the Tesla out so I let him die on purpose)

Matchup: Spirit of Fire vs Angst

  • Spirit of Fire side difficulty (5/10)
  • Angst side difficulty (6/10)
  • Special rules: none

WL abilities Spirit of Fire side: 

Spirit of Fire’s team (key heroes: the whole deck minus Pyromancer is useful)

Spirit of Fire tactics:

Key heroes: the whole deck minus Pyromancer is useful

This one isn’t too hard as you got 2 solid starting options: TNT and Flame Juggler.

My advice is to restart until you get one of these two in your opening hand and then place that one top left behind the Tesla (the other building helps counter Medusa’s attack steal so the Tesla is less important which is why you should deploy there).

Do not activate your zap ability yet, save it for when Medusa is played.

Turn 2 follow this method based on the enemy hero played:

  • Medusa => activate your zap + play Matriarch Eona so that she can splash damage Medusa to help kill her asap
  • Chernomor => block with one of the epic flyers, only block with Eona if you got no other choice (see above as to why, you need Eona for Medusa)
  • Ysh is played across TNT/Flame Juggler => block with one of the epic flyers
  • Ysh is played elsewhere => ignore him and play Discоrdia if you can, otherwise use the Beholder or Flame Juggler (not in Ysh’s lane)
  • Ogre plant => kill it (don’t use your warlord zap, save that for Medusa)

Keep following this and if Ysh is in your way, you can use Axe to get rid of him. Your main job is killing Medusa asap and blocking Chernomor with a flying card to prevent him from healing.

Do this and play TNT/Axe + Discоrdia as your damage dealers and you shouldn’t have much trouble winning.

WL abilities Angst side:

Angst side team:

Angst tactics:

key heroes: Ogre Plant, the three legendaries and Child of Chaos as it’s a ranged, though the other cards have their uses too.

This is slightly harder than the other side but still very doable. The main mistake people make is playing Medusa asap and she dies to splash.

The key here is to wait until the enemy uses their first warlord ability. It lasts 2 turns and will kill Medusa if you play her before that. You can play her after 1 turn of zapping has passed if you wish.

A good way to bait out that ability is to play Ogre Plant turn 1 behind the Tesla top left. This has a high chance of triggering the ability.

Turn 2 you can play Ysh’tmala (immune), Soul Hunter (recovers hp on kill) or Old God’s Servant (doesn’t mind dying) to absorb the hits.

If they open with TNT use your first warlord ability and kill him asap.

If not, save it for when the opportunity is right (mostly when enemy Axe is played)

Once the zap has passed 1 turn, your goal is to set up two lanes:

Lane A with Ysh’tmala and Medusa behind him

Lane B with Chernomor (ideally with Child of Chaos/Ogre Plant behind him but doesn’t matter much)

The reason for this is that AI can’t handle both at once as Medusa’s attack steal prevents it from damaging Chernomor much. Ysh’tmala + Medusa means nothing can attack that lane without being frozen and Ysh’t is immune so can’t be splashed down.

Chernomor keeps your warlord up, AI may try and block him with flyers so that’s why you need Child of Chaos/Ogre Plant to remove those.

Here is an example of doing just that (doesn’t matter who goes where, I went with lane 1 and 2 here but other lanes work too depending on where enemy runes and pentagrams end up):

Once you’ve baited out the enemy zaps it’s just countering TNT and draining their attack with Medusa while making sure she stays alive.

If you draw another Ysh’tmala/Medusa/Chernomor just play those in yet another lane and you’ll win without too much trouble, the key is baiting out the ability and keeping your first Medusa alive.

Note that the Gargoyle deals 5 damage on play so he’s useful if you think you can’t kill TNT quickly.

Matchup: Zombie vs Plants

  • Zombie side difficulty (5/10)
  • Plants side difficulty (5/10)
  • Special rules: based on the popular game, just a MP twist of it. Plants side has a few copies of the same card

Warlord abilities Zombie side:

Zombie side team:

Key hero: Necromancer

Zombie side tactics:

You can win this one just by using common sense and using the bushes to hide your most powerful cards but here’s a strategy that works really well.

  1. Restart until you have Necromancer in your opening hand.
  2. Play Necromancer in lane 2 in the back like this:

This way he’s always surrounded by two heroes (the rotter he summons + the bush top left) and gets 10 atk every turn while also allowing you to place a melee hero in front.

  1. Turn 2, play any of your melee heroes in front of Necromancer’s lane (not right in front of him, you’ll still want him summoning his rotter. Living Dead, Bone Warrior, Zombie and Demon the Ripper are all decent choices, it doesn’t matter too much.
  2. Whenever they kill that melee, replace with one of the above. If they don’t, summon another melee in lane 3 (against the 2 bushes). You can also drop Embalmed Priest in lane 1 if you want
  3. Ignore anything played and not threatening your cards, if they’re hitting your warlord don’t bother until he’s down to less than 75 hp, then use your first warlord skill and ONLY the next turn (not same one) use your summoned Void Demon. The Void Demon’s skills are set atk to 1 of two random enemies and therefore do the same thing as your first skill
  4. Keep stacking Necromancer’s and other “free” lanes and you’ll win by turn 6-8 somewhere as they can never kill him this way. If Necromancer is taking spikes damage, play Living Dead to give him vampirism. As long as there’s a melee in front to take the hits, he’ll never die.

Warlord abilities Plants side:

Plants side team:

Key heroes: Ogre Plant + the 2 Planty’s

General note: this is one where your starting hand can really help secure a win.

Plants side tactics: similar to the zombie side, you can start with one card (Ogre Plant) top left between the 2 bushes in lane 1. This guarantees a spawn in lane 2 every turn.

  • If AI targets the front bush, just place a melee to protect Ogre Plant.
  • If AI plays elsewhere, just focus on killing whatever they play or blocking it with your tanky cards.

The rest of the fight is just repeating this over and over, using tanky melees and Planty’s behind them to take out anything they play.

When Demon the Ripper and/or Necromancer are played, use your Warlord spikes and silence to reduce their damage and kill them.

Matchup: Bleeding vs Poisoning

  • Bleeding side difficulty (7/10)
  • Poisoning side difficulty (6/10)
  • Special rules: Bleeding side starts with two 10/6 Elf Slayer’s on the board (random placement).

Poisoning side starts with two bushes that poison attackers (also random placement).

Warlord abilities Bleeding side:

Bleeding side team:

Bleeding side tactics:

Key heroes: basically all cards minus Elf Slayer are useful

A lot of your starting tactics depend on how the board looks like (your two Elf Slayers and enemy bushes).

This is a long fight due to enemy Marquis and lots of stuff on both sides dying.

Good starters are Onmoraki (gives double attack to both Elf Slayers end of turn, Arioch (invulnerable so he can get some bleed in) or Elwin Fierce (gives bleed to allies entering play and has 21 hp which is the most you’ve got).

The fight itself is a slog but focus on killing Melia and Ananta as soon as possible, spread your cards out as the poison side has a lot of “adjacent enemy” effects.

If you see an opportunity to kill several bleeding enemies drop Taeral in the front with Arioch if possible.

Otherwise just spam Arioch, Onmoraki, Ruthless Executioner and Elwin Fierce.

The only thing you really need to be wary of is enemy Marquis de Sat, save your warlord abilities (second skill) to get rid of him asap.

Afterwards just keep spamming the above cards, enemy will go down eventually.

Warlord abilities Poisoning side:

Poisoning side team:

Key hero: Marquis de Sat, though there aren’t any useless cards in here

Poison side tactics:

Tip: cards with zero attack won’t trigger bleed as bleed triggers upon attacking. Use this for your Marquis/Ananta.

Similar to the bleed above, this is a slog as you don’t have a lot of attack. Your main advantage is that Marquis is nigh impossible to kill and buffs your other melees. Try and drop him behind a bush if you can (same for Ananta) but you can put both on the frontline too.

Focus on killing off Arioch quickly (your first Warlord ability can help delete him) and don’t allow Taeral to get a shot in.

The rest of the fight is just poisoning down whatever they play with Marquis doing the heavy lifting. Just kill everything you see as soon as possible and the enemy will go down eventually.

Matchup: Earth Kingdom vs Sea Army

  • Earth Kingdom side difficulty (7/10)
  • Sea Army side difficulty (6/10)
  • Special rules: Earth Kingdom starts with 2x Wooden Totem and 1x Totem of Protection (spawn randomly each time)

Sea Army starts with a full board with damage (7) pentagrams (start of turn, deal 7 damage to any hero placed on it).

In return for this seemingly huge disadvantage, Sea Army has multiple legendaries at their disposal while Earth Kingdom has none of those. Starting board:

Earth Kingdom Warlord abilities:

Earth Kingdom team:

Key heroes: Wise Owl, rest doesn’t matter too much

First thing to keep in mind is not what you play but what the enemy AI plays. Croc and Triton are by far your most dangerous enemies though Triton only when he is dropped turn 1 or 2.

Save your Warlord silence ability for Croc or you will get owned!

With that out of the way, you have multiple ways of damaging/killing enemies. The pentagrams will deal 7 damage per turn so low hp enemies such as Morgan are toast in 2 turns even without hitting them.

Your spikes can help kill off Mizu or Turtle Teacher. And finally you have 3 totems, two of which do a lot of spike damage and the third one reflects all damage back.

You may have seen the hint already but your first job should be hiding ranged heroes behind your totems, especially the Totem of Protect as it has the most hp.

Anything with high atk will do so just place your most damaging card there. This side has crappy abilities and only Wise Owl is where the abilities really matter.

Winning comes mostly down to counterplaying as above. Use your spikes if they play anything on the threat list or with high attack (basically all the legendaries + Turtle Teacher) and let the spikes + pentagrams take care of things. Keep stacking cards behind the totems or if they die, put some melee in front (doesn’t matter much which cards, just go for big damage and focus on enemy warlord).

If Croc is played use your warlord silence.

If Triton is played turn 1 you might want to silence him if he blocks a full lane, otherwise save it for Croc as Triton doesn’t do much when you have 4+ cards on the board so just ignore him if he shows up late.

Rest of the fight is just focusing on damaging enemy Warlord while countering enemy cards and watching them die from pentagrams.

If your own Warlord is taking a beating, don’t be afraid to sacrifice a tanky card to stall.

Finally, the enemy deck has quite a bit of attack steal so having Wise Owl ready when most of your cards are at zero atk can help get you back in the fight.

Sea Army Warlord abilities:

Sea Army team:

Sea Army side tactics:

Key heroes: Dandy Croc, Turtle Teacher, Mizu the Sea Foam, Triton the Bottom Herald

Despite the odds looking stacked against you, this is actually easier than the other side as you simply got better cards.

The main thing to remember is to avoid attacking the totems (like don’t attack them at all).

Your main tactic will be using Croc to instantly kill the 1 hp totems and gain a lot of hp in the process. It’s best to not do this turn 1 but rather wait until a few enemies are on the board already for more hp gain on Croc (and more attack steal).

Your opening move should be either Mizu or Turtle Teacher in a free lane (no totems there). Both have a lot of hp and provide freeze runes/heals for your Warlord. If you don’t have either, Triton is also a decent opener.

Ignore the enemy cards as they don’t deal much damage or have good abilities and just stack melees or whatever has most hp in front or behind your opening card or in other free lanes.

When the board is starting to get slightly crowded you can unleash Croc and he should have like 60hp so just laugh at the silly pentagrams and enjoy your new monster.

Keep focusing on the enemy Warlord while ignoring the remaining totem. You can freeze stuff with Mizu and her lower rarities or your first Warlord ability if your hp starts to get low. Alternatively Triton and Turtle Teacher’s healing ability (works well with Croc too) can keep your hp up.

Once the 2 totems have been cleared you can also deploy your summoned Demon hoping it doesn’t end up across the third totem (though odds are you’ll win without even needing the summon).

You deal way more damage than they can deal back, especially with Morgan and Croc stealing their attack.

The only card you really need to focus down is Wise Owl. Do that, eliminate the totems using Croc around turn 2-4 somewhere and this should be a walk in the park.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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