Mighty Party – Turf War (TW) Guide

Guide to Turf War Mode

By Arik

Purpose of this guide: Turf war is its own game basically and not very well explained. It’s a very overwhelming mode at first but can be incredibly fun if you know what you’re doing and are playing with others who know what they’re doing. I will try to cover all things you need to know in this guide so you can get started in this Guild vs Guild mode in Mighty Party.

What Even Is Turf War?

Turf war is a game mode in Mighty Party that functions as a separate game basically. It’s in real time and you’re playing with other players against other real players, making it the only live PvP mode in the game. Turf war can only be played while part of a guild as its guild vs. guild. Your guild along with 9 others will be put on a Turf war map each week, monday 1 hour after shop refresh or 19:00 UTC. The map will look something like this at first:

Note: ignore the white flags we will cover them later.

As you can see there are 30 “squares”, called tiles. They are numbered 1-6 horizontally and assigned a letter A-E vertically.

You play turf war by sending your Vanguard troops (which we’ll get into more detail about later) on tiles and having the most “might” on the tile and winning that tile for your guild.

You attack tiles by pressing on the tile you wish to attack and clicking attack, from there on you can select which vanguards you want to send on said tile and then press attack. The tiles highlighted in bright green are your “entry points”. These are the tiles you can attack as soon as the war starts. It is smartest to attack the same tile as your guild members so you can channel your troop power and hope to get the entry tile you attack. Once a tile has been attacked and won by a guild, the guild gains access to the tiles surrounding the already captured tile. You only get access to tiles around a tile your guild already owns.

For example:

Your guild has captured tile X (D6) in clash 1 (the one with the tree on it) and you now have access to tile Z (D5) and all the tiles which arrows are pointing to. You don’t however have access to tile Y (E5). Only if you capture tile Z (D5) or the one below the tree (E6) you get access to it. At the end of the day (clash 3) you will get rewards for each tile you hold. A tile always shows the amount of troops on a tile and which guild’s troops they are, the guild with most troops aka who is winning at that moment on a given tile has a little crown on their guild emblem as seen here:

These are the basic principles of Turf war!

Rounds and Clashes

Each Turf war day (Tuesday to Sunday) is divided into 3 different “clashes” or “rounds”, 3 per day and therefore 18 in the whole week. All 3 clashes end at a different time, each determining what you bring into the next one. The first clash ends at 01:50 UTC, the second one at 12:50 UTC and the last one ends at 18:50 UTC. Let’s use the map up top as an example.

In clash 1 your guild captures tile X, clash 2 tile Z and clash 3 tile Y. The final clash is the most important one as you need the most might on a tile at the end of clash 3 in order to get the rewards for those tiles.

If you have 500 troops on tile Y at the end of clash 2 and your enemy has 200, you get the tile for clash 2 and gain access to the tiles around it for clash 3 but if at the end of clash 3 your enemy has 700 troops on it and you still only have 500 troops there they will get all reward for tile Y and you get nothing. This is why you should always aim for most tiles at the end of clash 3. A commonly used strategy would be1 tile in clash 1, 3 tiles in clash 2 and 9 tiles in clash 3. Sunday is double rewards day!

On clash 3 on Sunday (round 18) you will get double the rewards for each tile held! I will get into rewards later on but if you for example get 100 Seals of Valor (TW currency) everyday with 6 tiles held You will get 200 on sunday instead if you manage to get 6 tiles again then. Now we get into the thing you need in order to actually take tiles.

The Vanguard

Your Vanguard are your Turf war champions, you can find them here:

This is an example of a Vanguard, you can see the combined might (Turf war troops) at the top and the might of each champion at the bottom of their respective frame:

The dark champions (cards) with a plus sign haven’t been unlocked yet and need to be bought using SoV first.

An exclamation mark means you can upgrade your champions, which are only the common champions at first. A glow in a champion’s frame means they’re able to be upgraded. There are 4 rarities of champions in the game, Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. Each belongs to either melee or ranged and a faction (Chaos,Order or Nature). In order to upgrade your champions you will need jewels for their faction and Power Essence. You can acquire those with money/gems in the deals section, by exchanging captain emblems in the Regatta shop or using Seals of Valor from the war spoils wheel. You spin the war spoils wheel using the Turf War currency I mentioned earlier, Seals of Valor (SoV). You acquire SoV by competing in the Turf War.

You use them to buy new Vanguard champions as well, this is helpful since a legendary champion for example will have more might than a common and be cheaper to upgrade. Every good Vanguard will need all champions.

  • A Legendary Champion costs 2 000 SoV.
  • An Epic Champion costs 1 000 SoV.
  • A Rare Champion costs 500 SoV.

Currently there are 24 champions in the game. 6 of each rarity and each rarity has one of each faction with melee/ranged versions. Upgrading your Vanguard will cost increasingly more resources and a high leveled War spoils wheel will help you acquire these resources, its max level is 50/51 and you spend 100 SoV per spin on it.

This is why it’s advised to spend some SOV on new champions until you have them all but also to spend some on the wheel since a high level wheel with only the common starter champions doesn’t help you much but all champions with a level 2 wheel for example will take you forever to upgrade your champions.

This is for example a level 14 wheel.

As you can see it also contains other in-game resources such as scrolls,gems, elixir and hero souls. The jewels for each faction are in their respective color (blue for order, green for nature, red for chaos) and Power Essence are the purple bottles at the bottom.

Power Essence is used as a level breakthrough resource when upgrading and will cost increasing amounts whenever there is a multiple of 10 to „break into“ for example level 150 to level 151 will cost Power Essence, same for level 160 to 161 etc. Power Essence and Faction Jewels increase with every level, the rest will not. At the bottom you can see the cost of 1 spin and 10 spins in SOV. At the top you can see how many spins you need for the next level. This is a maxed wheel by comparison:

As you can see it gives much more rewards and it will help upgrade your Vanguard much faster.

Note: a maxed wheel takes forever to achieve so don’t be discouraged if your upgrading isn’t going very fast.

To summarize, you get SoV for competing in Turf War which you can buy new champions with for your Vanguard and spin the wheel with. Upgrading vanguards costs resources named Jewels and Power Essence and there are 4 rarities of champions.

Tile Rewards and Buffs/Debuffs

So now you know what Turf war is and how to play it, you also want to get SoV to level your vanguard and increase your might, how exactly do you get those and how many?

Here we go. A tile gives your guild rewards when owned at the end of clash 3, these rewards are dictated by your tier. There are 6 TW tiers and each one has different rewards per tile.

  • Tier 7 gives the guild 20 SoV per tile.
  • Tier 6 gives the guild 650 SoV per tile.
  • Tier 5 gives the guild 800 SoV per tile.
  • Tier 4 gives the guild 1 000 SoV per tile.
  • Tier 3 gives the guild 1 250 SoV per tile.
  • Tier 2 gives the guild 1 750 SoV per tile.
  • Tier 1 gives the guild 2 500 SoV per tile.

Tiers are determined by the troop strength of your guild, this is calculated by adding your entire guild members’ Vanguard might together. The final number will dictate your tier and consequently your rewards. As a beginner you will most likely be finding yourself in tiers 7-4 but you can also just check that at the top of your TW map as seen here:

Your rewards are based on your performance in the Turf War that day within your guild. Your rewards acquired from each tile will be distributed like this

10 minutes after the end of clash 3 you can come collect them.

Besides SoV you also get something called Contribution.

Contribution is used to activate Guild boosts. I will cover this in more detail later. You also get gold for troops sent, it’s not much but a nice bonus however in higher tiers it goes to multiple thousands a day so definitely worth it.

You might’ve noticed there are some tiles with buildings on them, those buildings are acquired mostly like normal tiles but have unique extra rewards, same SoV as the other tiles but more Contribution and depending on the building also sometimes a few gems (in the gem mine building specifically) and a thing called Influence, which is used to upgrade your guild and your guild bonuses but only necessary to know as an officer or GM of a guild. The extra rewards from buildings are pretty nice and you can expect these tiles to be fought over a little more heavily than the other tiles.

Now let’s get into how you can get higher in the rankings and snatch the most SoV possible. The rankings and places as seen in the picture above are determined by your deployed troops, your deployed troops number is the amount of troops you placed during the day. It’s not however just your raw Vanguard might, it’s your Vanguard might (if you deployed your entire vanguard that day which I highly recommend) + voluntary elixir boosts (which I’ll cover later) and tile buffs/debuffs. As mentioned earlier each Vanguard champion is a class (melee or ranged) and faction (chaos/order/nature) and each tile you place on boosts specific championsˋ might. For example this tile gives all order faction champions in your Vanguard a 30% boost to their might:

This means if you deploy 3 order champions (doesn’t matter if ranged or melee in this case) with 1 000 might on this tile they will have 1 300 might.

Now to look at the opposite of that, debuffs:

On this tile heroes of the chaos faction will have for example 800 might instead of 1000 when deployed. Buffs are the majority of all tiles and affect each faction/class, debuffs are exclusive to a few tiles with good extra rewards so it’s a little harder/ more costly to capture them. Buffs can occur in different percentage rates (most commonly +50% but there’s +20% and +30% as well) and to different classes and factions, make sure to check before you deploy your troops. Now sometimes when you own a tile you might check and see that your tile has been attacked (indicated by clashing swords on a tile) and when you check and see how many troops and by which guild the place where normally a guild emblem goes is empty and when you press on it you see it says “neutral forces”. These are riots.


At the beginning of the War, every tile is owned by neutral forces. These are not real players and just numbers of unaffiliated troops deployed by the game. They are not other guilds. Riots can appear on your tiles if you hold more than 3 tiles and you can check how likely an appearance is by clicking on a tile. It will say “riot chance: high” for example. Every hour at :00 riots refresh and you can check if they’ve appeared on your tile then. They look like this

They are always around a similar amount of troops, around ~15% (although fluctuating) of your guild’s combined Vanguard troops. In this example, the riots have more troops on the tile than the guild who owns the tile at the moment, meaning that unless they defend against the riots before the end of this clash they lose the tile to the neutral forces.

The more tiles you own, the more riots you get and it’s not uncommon that if you have a successful clash day and take something like 11 tiles that day, the next clash 9 of those tiles will be filled with riots. It’s smartest to not waste the troops you need in the fight against other guilds on riots and just take as many tiles as you need and let the rest fall to riots and take them back another clash. It has to be noted that at the end of clash 3 70% of your troops on each tile will be discarded. Meaning that even decently enforced tiles can fall to riots after.

Now let’s talk about the little mask next to „defense“. That is the hiding/scouting symbol. Hiding and scouting costs gems and what it does is in the case of hiding, making the troop count deployed on a tile unknown to all enemies who check it. You will only see three question marks where normally the deployed troop number is. It costs 30 gems the first time then 60 after it was scouted etc. Scouting is uncovering the already hidden number of troops deployed on a tile and costs, same as hiding, 30 gems the first time then 60 after the troops were hidden again etc. So you can only scout another guilds’ already hidden troops.

Cost goes up again and again after which can go into 1000s of gems.

An example: guild A has 1000 troops on tile C1, their enemies guild B can attack C1 as they own tile D1. Guild A doesn’t want guild B to know that they need at least 1001 troops to take C1 so they hide their troops on C1 for 30 gems and unless guild B spends 30 gems and scouts the troop count on C1 they have no idea how many troops they need to deploy on C1 in order to take it, this gives an advantage to guild A as guild B might send way too many troops or not enough, as they can only guess how many troops are on the tile unless scouting it.

Disclaimer: Hiding/scouting can get very costly on your gem stash very fast, and gems are one of the most important currencies in the game so unless you have a lot of gems at your disposal you need to be careful and only hide/scout when it brings a decisive advantage.

Elixir + Sniping and Placing

Elixir is used to boost your turf war troops when you deploy them. I made a distinction between your Vanguard might and deployed troops earlier as you can increase your Vanguard might when spending elixir to boost them after you deploy them. Elixir is purple and looks like this:

It can be obtained in the regatta shop, the event center, the journey chest, the elixir shop, from the daily guild fountain, as a bonus for purchases, in the wish shop and the spoils of war wheel.

How to use elixir

After deploying your troops you should find an option on the right that looks like this:

Note: in this screenshot a boost of 160% has already been applied, equal to 1000 elixir.

Once you press ‘boost’ you can find options that show how much elixir you can spend for a boost. Elixir helps increase your might and means that somebody who has 1000 Vanguard might can take a tile with 10 000 troops if they use enough elixir. For example, I have 1000 Vanguard might (troops), I place them on a tile with a 30% buff to my nature champions,meaning I now have 1 300 deployed troops on that tile. I then spend 4 000 elixir to boost them.I have now deployed 4 030 troops on that tile. Below is a picture of an incredibly helpful table that helps calculate how much elixir you need to use to reach a certain amount of deployed troops.

Elixir helper

The calculation in my example was troops (including buff)=1300 x 3,10 = 4.030 troops with boost, as 4000 elixir will boost my deployed troops to 310% of their power on that tile as seen in the table.

Elixir means that even the person with the lowest might Vanguard can take first place in the rewards distribution if they have spent enough elixir to have the most deployed troops in the guild.

Note: Elixir is an important resource in TW, spend it only when necessary.

Sniping vs Placing

There are two (basic) different kinds of deploying your troops during TW, sniping and placing. Placing is fairly simple and just means deploying your troops on your target tile at any time during the day. Sniping, however, is an entirely different but much more effective way of deploying your troops. It’s attacking your tile right before the end of a clash, 1 minute and less. You can see a little clock at the top of the TW map and when it goes into the seconds- that’s when you snipe.

The benefits of sniping is hitting your target with an amount of troops just necessary to reach your goal and since you can’t deploy after a clash has ended your enemy has no way to retaliate to your attack. For example, it’s 2 hours before clash 3, tile C2 has 10.000 enemy troops on it. You place 11.000 troops on it right now and think it’s yours, however your enemy realized you attacked their tile and another guild member of theirs puts 5.000 more troops on C2 and now it’s their tile again. If you deployed 11.000 troops on C2 just 20 seconds (or less) before clash 3 ended instead the enemy probably wouldn’t have noticed/it would’ve been too late for them to react and you ‘sniped’ the tile successfully, using the same amount of troops. Sniping can be incredibly helpful and is a technique widely used by all successful TW guilds.

Note: If for time or other reasons you can’t snipe, it’s not a problem. Sniping can be super successful and effective but placing can too. Don’t think you need to snipe to be successful in TW, most big guilds consist mostly of placers and only have a few designated snipers for each clash, it’s fun though so if you can, use it.

Targets and White Flags

Officers and GMs (Guild Masters, leaders of a guild) can place red targets and white flags on every tile of your TW map. These generally mean attack tile X and don’t don’t attack tile Y.

In this example the Green guild is telling its members to attack the tiles C1, C2 and D2 (white crosshairs in red circle) at their own leisure and to not attack tile C3 (white flag). This is a good way of communicating with your guild members/ know what the leadership of your guild wants you to do. Always keep an eye out for these symbols on the map.

Disclaimer: There is no general rule on the meaning of these symbols/how to use them. There probably are guilds who use them differently. However, in 99% of all cases they mean attack/don’t attack.

Guild Bonuses

Earlier I mentioned Contribution, a separate currency you receive for competing in TW and daily based on your tier.

Contribution is used to activate guild boosts. Guild boosts are boosts to your game that improve certain aspects of the game, usually offering in-battle bonuses or discounts on upgrades. You can go to the guild tab and then on the left there is a tab called ‘Bonuses’. Here you can spend your Contribution on bonuses you personally find appealing. These bonuses affect all parts of the game, for example they can add skills to your heroes or give buffs to your gold received in matches. You can activate your guild boosts for 1 day or 7 days (stackable) with varying costs per bonus. Personal favorites are ‘Self perfection’, ‘Time loop’ and ‘Cheap upgrades’. Self perfection gives you a discount to evolving souls,Time loop gives a discount on the time it takes for chests to open and cheap upgrades gives you a discount on the cost of leveling heroes.

These bonuses really stack up and are immensely helpful. Guild Bonuses show that playing well in TW can also help you out with the main game. Guild Bonuses can only be upgraded by the officers and Gm’s of a guild using something called Influence which can be obtained by making purchases, finishing events, finishing the Regatta or Chariot race and by competing in TW.

Note: some guilds have better/higher leveled boosts than others.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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