No Creeps Were Harmed TD – Useful Tips for Beginners

Useful Tips and Tricks for Noobs

Before You Start Playing

Recommended turrets aren’t always the best choice. You can finish maps using different turrets if you use them well. For example, I completed the Gemini map without using Blasters.

To see how much damage you’re doing, turn on Health Bars in the Options menu. In my game, Health Bars for Creeps was off at first.

Maps aren’t in order from easiest to hardest. Some maps are harder than others, depending on how you like to play. With Artifacts, you might do better on later maps.

Pay attention to the types of enemies you’re facing. Some important ones to watch out for are:

  • Fusers: These get very strong when they meet Fusers from other spawn points. Try to keep them separate or kill them quickly.
  • Porters: These are tough in long, straight paths. Build winding paths near your turrets to slow them down.
  • Phasers: These are invisible. You don’t need Cloak Detection on all your Blasters. Put a few turrets with Cloak Detection in the middle or end of the map to target these enemies.

Early Game Tips

Always use the Brian jar. It’s very powerful. In tough situations, set it to target enemies first. Make sure it’s always in range of enemies and shooting.

Remember that building early costs more over time. This is because of Upkeep Tax. For example, a Blaster built at Wave 1 costs about the same as fully upgrading an SRM at Wave 20 in the long run.

Try to build fewer structures and build them later if possible. Each structure you build takes a small part of your money every wave as Upkeep Tax. This adds up over time. For example, a Blaster costs 0.6% of your earnings each wave, and even a single wall costs 0.1%.

Make sure your structures are always working. Turrets should always be shooting enemies. Ground Pounders should always be hitting creeps, Ranger turrets should be shooting Brutes, and Blasters should be killing Runners. Don’t place turrets where they can’t reach enemies.

Check that turrets can see enemies. A red eye icon with an “X” means they can’t see. This icon doesn’t show up on incomplete structures. You can build turrets on walls to help them see better, but be careful not to block other turrets’ line of sight.

All structures can block each other’s line of sight. The Boost Emitter is especially bad for this. Artillery turrets shoot over other structures, but their shots can be wasted sometimes.

The Pulser turret needs to see its target to fire, even though its shots go through walls.

Build a Quantum Farm early and upgrade it sometimes. It makes money, but stop upgrading when you’re earning about 1000 per wave. To figure out if it’s worth upgrading, divide its Cred Per Wave by its Upkeep Tax.

Put your strongest defenses at the start of the enemy path. Try to kill enemies as soon as they appear. Watch out for Roamer creeps, which try to stay alive as long as possible.

Clear all Junk from the map. It gives you some money and prevents problems with your defenses later. Don’t use Junk as walls because it might get destroyed unexpectedly.

Don’t worry about selling structures. You’ll save money in the long run by reducing Upkeep Tax costs, especially later in the game.

Gleep Vats and How to Use Them

Many players use Beam Emitters to open Gleep Vats because their damage keeps increasing. But this might not be the best way.

A Gleep Vat gives you 1,500 Cred. If you use a Beam Emitter and sell it right after, you’ll end up with about 1,417 Cred. This is after paying for the Emitter and its upkeep tax.

Here are some better ways to open Vats:

  • Use a tower you’ll keep using. If you’re going to use a Beam Emitter anyway, and it’s in a good spot to hit enemies most of the time, that’s okay.
  • Try Ranger or Gatler turrets. They can hit targets far away and are useful after opening the Vat. A level 1 Gatler can break a Vat in about 5 full shots.
  • Mini-You Fabricators are good because they help everywhere on the map after opening the Vat.
  • Artillery and Ground Pounder turrets can damage Vats with their area attacks while also hitting enemies.
  • The Brian Jar at level 3 damage can open a Vat in about 5 minutes. It’s faster with certain Artifacts like Enrage Brian on Hit.

Don’t use Beam Emitters for Gleep Vats if you’re past the early game. When you’re earning about 1000 Cred per wave, the ongoing cost of an extra Beam Emitter is too high. Also, you might forget to sell it, which wastes more money. Instead, use your existing towers to open Vats. Just set them to Prioritize Target and let them do the work.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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