Howdy and welcome to Wandmart, where we have all your wand crafting needs.
Guide to Wandmart Clearance Aisle
Over here is our clearance aisle, where we have discounted and lightly used wands for cheap.
This guide is going to be a collection of knowledge of simple, cheap, and effective wand builds to get you through most stages of the game even then the game wont give you the spells you want.
The guide will contain lots and lots of spoilers. So be warned.
Basic Damage Wands

The most basic damage upgrade you can do in this game, take the cheap projectile from your blue starting wand and put it on your starting bomb wand. Easy damage up.

So with this wand you can put any cheap projectile you have available in place of the spark bolt, you can also replace the chain saw with a luminous drill but it will be more mana costly that way.

Super basic use of trip bolt making it better

Basic payload wand. Triplicate bolt triples and damage boost you put on it, spark trigger delivers the danger directly into enemy face. Simple. effective.

Shoot above target, you will often get two bolts to hit your target.

This is a classic wand that gives you both damage and digging and will last you through quite a few levels.

This setup will cause the disc to cause a large damaging explosion upon contact with an enemy, be careful this will damage you, both the explosion and the disc.

This is a good set up especially for the first few levels as all the kills will count as trick kills granting you extra money, and even health if you have trick blood money. Work best with homing and short range homing.

This is another wand that will grant trick kills. There are some pros and cons with this one. The rocks last until they unload or are destroyed via explosions/acid/lava. They can be kicked and will keep their homing indefinitely, but you only get 3 rocks before you need a spell refresher.
Very good in hissi base/ works best with homing and Short range homing.

This wand gives you damage, soft digging and some mild defense against projectiles. Since pollen has natural homing that makes adding a damage field very effective. And pollen can dig out soft materials like the coal in coal pits or dirt.

Quintessential homing mist wand. This works well cause mist does damage ticks very fast. You can replace damage field with other damage boosts, and this can be any mist will work but toxic and slime last the longest and slime wont do self damage.

Homing plasma is a classic. I prefer plasma cutter because it has a shorter range and is less likely to accidentally hit you. You don’t need the trigger but again it makes it safer.

All three bolt will do damage to a target. Only works one per cast.

All three will pierce as well as all three explosions will go off.

Just try this one, it’s wild. don’t use a plasma cross unless you put it on a trigger.

Triple the damage output for your plasma since the quantum copies the emitter and it doesn’t die.

LDC is a projectile that costs 0 mana, add damage and life time to it you have a lazer beam that goes thru walls thats very cheap and speedy

Did you know bouncing burst can do thousands of damage, well now you do. Bouncing burst increases in damage the larger the difference between its starting speed and ending speed. Thus this monstrosity is born. Acell shot slows it down and makes it go faster over time, heavy shot makes it start even slower and gives it higher base damage, and rotate towards foes as a homing makes it take long enough to hit to build up damage.

This one can dig through almost anything softer than brickwork, and due to the nature of long distance cast it will not use up charges of matter eater, if you want this to dig through anything add in a ground to sand in front of the matter eater.

Lumi drill, digs thru anything, already talked about this damage and digging.

Null shot stops big boy saw from hurting you, big boy saw digs thru brick work and follows you. Ez digging.

A different version of the saw wand that will damage enemies and will only damage you if you use a teleport while they are orbiting you

Simple, effective, won’t kill you.
CQB Travel

Basic, effective, can go through walls, can avoid holy mountain triggers. Doesn’t get much quicker or dirtier than this
Overland Travel

Fly with recoil. Faster than walking everywhere, more dangerous than teleporting.
Recoil modifier can be replaced with a heavy shot but it is slower. Can also remove all the other spells aside from recoil if you want.
All of these are just ways you can get a healing bolt to hit yourself.

The worst one, terrain can fuck it up doesnt heal you for much

Reliable but inefficient.

Good can heal for lots of hp reliably. Shoot at the ceiling and “catch” it as if falls. (thanks nikita)

Best you can do without Greeks or Circle of Vigor not only is it 100% reliable it also gets more healing out of each charge of the healing bolt.
Now for the meat and potatoes of this post, the boss killers. Also again massive spoilers ahead. Also there will be lots of duplicates. I have ordered this list in the order of which i would kill the bosses. The later bosses are not stuff you would go after on later runs.
Boss Killers
Massive spoilers below this point!
0 Orb Kolmi

This is a basic mid game machine gun wand. Easy to make, chainsaws can be replaced with luminous drills but it needs more mana or a great wand. 0 orb kolmi will die to most things that let you waltz through temple of the art with ease.
Squidward/Pit boss/ Wand connoisseur

Both of these are plasma based, as the boss will copy the plasma a bunch and kill himself with it. Timer works better than trigger as you don’t want to hit him with the bolt directly. This does take a little practice and a few shots to kill him. 2 spell payload is more consistent. Any plasma spell will work, cross works the best.
Pyramid boss

Plasma forces the boss to open up and become vulnerable, this does take longer than it does for bit boss but this boss is less dangerous to you than the pit boss. Just play slow and be careful. As the bolt will bounce off his shell.

Dragon dies to most rapid fire wand as long as there is some slice damage in the payload.

This is a wand that is great at deleting any boss not immune to explosions and that doesn’t have any kind of shield. Completely deletes dragon.

Explodes him. Just shoot him once his shield is down. Should only take one or two shots.

This version gets the alchemist to kill himself. The magic guard latches on to him and when he raises his shield they explode. Typically killing him. Mildly inconsistent. Magic guard can be swapped for big magic guard, does not need lumi. Does take quite a few shots but you can toss this down from off screen being safe.

This wand will shred the alchemist. Have fun.
Master of Masters

Acid deletes him and wont reflect damage on you, any acid will work. Just be warned it can delete the wand core. I have had good luck with this wand not risking the wand core as it its not a large flood of acid. But literally any acid/lava will work. This will also work with blood to acid and blood mist

He can drown. Doesn’t reflect damage. Replace with any liquid, acid and lava can destroy wand core.

Tiny hates slice damage, this wand takes a few seconds to kill so just dodge.

This wand kills him extremely fast just to make sure the saws spawn while not in immediate contact with the boss. Very fast, very reliable. Either of the bigger sawblades will work
Now we move on to the bosses that don’t have useful drops unless you are doing certain quests.
Mecha kolmi

Deletes him instantly, just don’t hit the projectile eater.

Kills him slightly slower than instant, again don’t hit the projectile eater.

This is a hard boss to kill.
Explosive curse and nolla basically required, add mana not so much.

He takes full damage from holy lance, so just build a basic damage wand with holy lance as its damage. Ez kill

Deletes him, wont kill the evil eye.
Niche Utility
Simple Poly safety egg

If you fire this at the ground so the egg doesnt break, then carry it in your inventory it will break if you ever get polymorphed and help you not die while poly morphed. Its not perfect but it is easy to do.
Projectile shield

Pollen can get hit by enemy projectiles and lasts a long time, true orbit increases that time. Can also be further increased via nullshot and other modifiers.
Long Distance Travel

So I finally got/found a quick and dirty (and janky) LDT wand. This only requires one spell thats hard to find (inner spell).

This is an upgraded version that will allow it to work easier and while having projectile eater perk.
To use this wand you need to have a wide open space in the direction you want to go (i recommend standing on top of the mountain), firing the wand, wait about 30 seconds then blow up the dormant crystal copies. Its not going to put you exactly where you want but it will cross the border and you don’t have to deal with the cursed rock.
Warning: Do not let the crystals expire on their own it will put you inside cursed rock and you will die. I highly recommend backing up before using this wand!
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