Helpful Things
By Rat.
Tip #1
To determine how long it takes an animal to grow to maturity, you look at the number titled x days (see image below, the cow takes 4 days the fully mature). Then after the cow has matured, it will begin the timing for producing whatever item you are making.
Here’s a Breakdown:
- Day 1:
- Buy cow
- Feed
- Day 2-4:
- Feed
- Day 5:
- Cow is fully mature and will appear larger than when first purchased.
- Feed
- Day 6:
- Feed
- Day 7:
- Harvest milk
(Udders will be glowing yellow, and there will be an option to “Harvest”)
Every two days after maturity while the cow is not already ready to be harvested, the cow will produce milk.
Here is the timing for each animal:
- Cow: 4 days to mature, 2 day interval for harvest
- Brown Cow: 4 days to mature, 4 day interval for harvest
- Goat: 4 days to mature, 3 day interval for harvest
- Chicken: 2 days to mature, 1 day interval for harvest (You get eggs everyday!)
Tip #2
You need to feed your animals to make them grow goods. there is a grass bucket located next to the animals with 5 uses (50c). Left click each animals bed/ trough to feed them. once fed, grass will appear in the area. the animals only need to be fed once a day, and no extra grass will be provided by using the bucket more than once per day per animal. The bucket will still lose 1 use if you feed an already fed animal.
Tip #3
As shown in the in-game tutorial, you need to water crops daily. This also includes trees.
Tip #4
You can only plant crops in accordance to the current season. The game starts you in winter, meaning the only crops you can grow and purchase are merlot lettuce, cabbage, collards, and leeks. any other crops will not grow. Trees grow in any season unless specifically noted. Chestnut, Yellow Apple, and Apple can only be grown in fall.
Tip #5
Trees can only be placed where the grass is green, excluding the small rocky place on the right side of the farmland, where it can also be placed.
Tip #6
The boat, paddle, rod, buoy, and fish trap can be located on the left side of the lumberjack stand, next to the small fishing dock.
Tip #7
Specialty fish can be located by using the ingame map provided on the boat. To confirm the location of these fish, swim underwater (You don’t have an oxygen bar, and nothing will hurt you as of this moment) and you should see the type of fish you are looking for swimming around in the water (see image below). This guide does a good job on going more in depth with locating each current specialty fish.
Tip #8
Recently updated, the Junksmith now provides cash for all items in game following a new formula:
- OP = Order price from the ship
- x = the price of the container being held in (This is usually set at 20, but in certain cases like fish and meat, this is not calculated)
- OP/2 + x = final value
Here’s a Breakdown:
- You can purchase 10 eggs from the ship for 120c, each is bought for 12 dollars as the basket is not included in the cost.
- When junksmithing a basket of eggs, each egg will be worth 6 dollars, half of what they were bought for.
- The basket itself when junked, will give you 20 dollars.
- If you junksmith 10 eggs, that will be 6×10 = 60, +20 for the basket, giving you a total of 80c back.
Tip #9
To place the alcohol machine, meat cutter, and oven, you must purchase the workshop from the architect first, then place the machines inside it.
Tip #10
To cook a recipe in the alcohol machine or oven you need FULL stacks of each item to cook the recipe. you must place or throw the items on the machine to have it work.
Alcohol Machine:
- Beer: 1 Day
- Wine: 2 Days
- Whiskey: 3 Days
- Champagne: 2 Days
Additional Tips
- Chestnut, Apple, and Yellow Apple trees will only grow and produce in fall.
- The Greenhouse will not grow trees outside of season.
- Fish traps can catch specialty fish.
- A rod has 50 uses, a use will not be triggered unless something is caught.
- The Cellar stops the decay of items inside of it.
- The cellar employee takes items from the cellar ONLY. It will restock any items in the store that have an EMPTY crate. it will then replace the crate with one from the cellar.
- Purchase the knife to slaughter animals, It has 5 uses.
- You cannot purchase multiple bags to have more storage.
- Various produce and items change price every season. make sure to check your prices.
Bonus Money Tip
A good tip is to not spend all your money on things, because filling your shop and not selling out can make your items expire. Keep money for events so you can buy extra of the expensive items the day before, as most events are 2-3 days and you need stock. During the event, the prices go up, and items such as champagne or chocolate-covered strawberries are expensive. On an event where these are in demand, chocolate-covered strawberries are 17k at the grocer, so buy them before.
If you do it right, you should make about 10k on a normal day. You can easily increase that in multiple ways, though. I am currently making around 10k just selling grocer items, like nuts, cheeses, and drinks. I have no vegetables left from winter, so I am sticking to what I can sell easily and quickly.
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