OUTERPLANE – Detailed Heroes Guide

Guide to Heroes


  • S1 S2 S3 = Skill 1, 2, 3
  • B1 B2 B3 = Burst Lv. 1, 2, 3

Noa: DPS

Amazing starter unit, she’s arguably the best unit to use in story, thanks to her high damage skill kit for both single target and AOE damage. The striker gear you get from the story (chapter 10-5) boosts her early game performance further. Her primary damage comes from her normal attack critting, which procs her S2 for additional AOE damage. This is why a 50% crit rate Noa paired with Valentine or Tamara is the best duo to clear the story. You should try to avoid using her S3 unless you need the 50% crit rate boost.
In the end game, she does fall off slightly, and other units such as Ame become a better option for almost everything, however, she remains very useful.

  • Do not get her EE: Her EE provides very little value compared to other units, do not waste gifts on her.
  • Prioritize upgrading her S2 and S1, leave her S3 and chain passive at lvl 2.
  • If you have Valentine or Tamara to pair with Noa, you can leave her S3 at level 1

Rin: DPS

Good starter unit and a core unit against fire enemies. The 5* striker gear you get from the story (Chapter 10-5) increases her early game value. Her skill set allows her to deal consistent AoE damage. In combat, use S3 first, then S2 continuously, and circle back to S3. Her S2’s cooldown resets with a buff, so by pairing Rin up with Valentine or Tamara, she can continuously use S2. Each use of S3 boosts her attack by 7%, stacking up to 3 times. Thanks to her S2 always dealing advantageous damage, her damage doesn’t fall off by a lot against earth enemies.

  • Rin’s EE is amazing for the water guild raid and fire enemies in general, but shouldn’t be prioritized over other, more useful EE’s.
  • She does strong, consistent AoE damage, but as a trade-off, her single target damage feels somewhat lacking. However, against fire enemies, her EE largely compensates for this drawback.
  • Prioritize upgrading her S2 then her S3 when upgrading, leave her S1 and chain passive at lvl 2.

Aer: DPS

Alright starter unit and a great single-target damage dealer. She benefits from the 5* striker gear from the story (Chapter 10-5). She can strip all buffs from her target and boosts her priority (turn order) if she lands a critical hit. Her normal attack has a chance to buff her critical hit chance, but it’s unreliable and should be mostly ignored.. She’s widely used for her massive single-target damage from her S3, which deals more damage to buffed targets or grants her an extra turn if the target is unbuffed or killed.

  • Useful EE, but not a priority.
  • She is the best fire damage dealer and one of the strongest PvE DPS in the game.
  • Prioritize upgrading S3, then S2, then S1, and leave the chain passive at lvl 2.

Ame: DPS

Alright starter unit and a great single-target damage dealer. She cannot benefit from the early game striker gears you get as she is not a striker. In combat, start with her S3, which grants Ame an extra turn, as well either a priority or damage increase. After that, repeatedly use her S1 until her S3 is off cooldown.

  • Her S2 (Passive) increases crit rate and weakness gauge damage.
  • The best earth damage dealer and arguably the best DPS against bosses thanks to her EE.
  • One of the top priority EE to get in the game.
  • Prioritize upgrading S3, S1 then S2 and leave the chain passive at lvl 2.

Valentine: Buffer

The best early game buffer and possibly one of the most versatile units in the game. She increases the crit chance and crit damage of all allies, and gains an extra turn. She’s one of the few units who can keep her buffs with 100% uptime. She can increase the priority of an ally with her normal attack and decrease the enemies’ priority with her S3, which can be very valuable.

  • EE is useful, but not a priority.
  • High priority unit, one of the best buffers in the game and one of the most important units for the fire guild raid.
  • One of the three best Starter Dash choices.
  • Prioritize upgrading her S2, keep her S3 at lvl 3 and her S1 at lvl 2 for now, and leave the chain passive at lvl 2.

Tamara: Buffer

The best buffer in the game, however she requires heavy investment, making her difficult to use in the early game. She increases the crit chance and crit damage of all allies, while also inflicting silence on a single target, as well as reducing the defense of all enemies and increasing their skill cooldowns. Her S1 triggers a dual attack every time it lands a crit.

  • Prioritize getting her EE if you use her.
  • One of the most important units in the game.
  • Prioritize upgrading her S2, then S3 and S1 after that, leave the chain passive at lvl 2.

Eternal: Debuffer

The best debuffer in the game. Her kit is awesome; she can lower enemies’ defense and speed, and apply unhealable and reduced evasion for earth targets. She can strip enemies’ buffs with her S2.

  • High priority EE, as it enables 100% debuff uptime.
  • Very high value unit, useful in most content.
  • One of the 3 best Starter Dash choices.
  • Prioritize upgrading S2 and S3, while keeping S1 at lvl 3 and leaving the chain passive at lvl 2.

Dolly: Debuffer

Very versatile, straight forward and an overall great unit. She was the best debuffer before Eternal was released, she remains very useful for the hard tower, green guild raid, and she can substitute for Eternal in most cases. She increases the survivability of any team she’s in, by reducing the attack, speed and accuracy of all enemies, as well as inflicting silence with her S3.

  • EE is not a priority.
  • She is a 2 star unit, which makes it easier to obtain and upgrade her.
  • Useful everywhere and a popular choice for 2-star units for the hard tower, as you are required to use 2 2 star units there.
  • Very valuable for earth guild raids
  • Prioritize upgrading S2 and S3, her S1 is useful but not a priority, keep it at lvl 3 for now and leave the chain passive at lvl 2.

Tio: Healer

One of the best starting heroes and remains useful in later stages of the game. Currently, she’s the game’s best debuff cleanser due to her passive that triggers a cleanse and heals for all allies when any ally gets debuffed. Her S3 is a single-target heal and increases the defense of the targeted ally.

  • In situations where enemies don’t apply debuffs, she might struggle to keep up with heavy AoE damage.
  • Very useful and versatile EE, but not a priority.
  • In difficult or endgame content, some 3-star healers will outperform her in specific stages, yet she remains broadly useful and is a good alternative to those 3-star healers.
  • Free unit and a 2 star, making it easier to upgrade her.

Tip: Logging in for the first time will reward the 85 Tio pieces that are needed to unlock her. Instead of unlocking her immediately, wait until you get her through pulls, then you can upgrade her to 3 stars immediately. 2 star dupes only give 10 pieces. On day 5 you will get enough pieces to get her to 5 stars, so you should be able to easily 6 star her (You may want to get your desired character in the Starter Dash along with a Tio copy to transcend her easily).

  • Prioritize upgrading S3, then S2 and leave S1 and the chain passive at lvl 2 for early game.

Astei: Healer

The best PvE healer in the game, thanks to her S1 activating her S2, healing all allies, while also boosting their priority and generating AP for them. Do keep in mind however, that Asteis S2 does not include herself unless you use B2. Debuffs are countered by the Immunity granted to all allies, including herself, by her S3 and B3, the latter also cleanses, however the cleanse is not reliable, so try to plan ahead in more difficult fights.

  • EE isn’t bad, but does not have a high value.
  • One of the most valuable units in the game.
  • Requires high investment.
  • Prioritize upgrading all 3 skills to lvl 3, then focus on S1 and S3, before getting S2 to lvl 5 as well, leave the chain passive at lvl 2.

Saeran: Healer

A great healer to have, not a must-pick unit. She’s great at boosting her team’s turn order. She stands out with her S3, providing single-target healing, skill cooldowns reduction, and allowing the healed character to take action again immediately. Even without maxing S3, it provides a decent 50% boost to turn order and reduces cooldowns by one turn. Additionally, her S2 offers an AoE healing for all allies.

  • EE provides a priority boost to allies with her S2, useful but not essential.
  • A highly valuable unit in the green guild raid
  • Focus on upgrading her S3 first, followed by her S2, and you can leave her S1 and chain passive at lvl 2.

Veronica: Tank

The best PvE tank and a solid all-around unit. Her normal attack, if she has increased defense buff, triggers a dual attack from your DPS, boosting your damage output. She allows your DPS to shine as she can proc her dual attack consistently. Veronica’s passive grants a shield to herself every turn, boosting her survivability, and removes one debuff from herself at the start of every turn. Her S3 does AoE damage, increases all ally defense and removes one buff from enemies.

  • EE is not a priority, as it provides little value in comparison.
  • A free and versatile unit – she can be paired up with any DPS.
  • Prioritize upgrading her S1 and S2, then her S3, leave the chain passive at lvl 2.
  • You can cheese Special Request: Identification – Blazing Knight Meteos – Stage 10 with her, if you get unlucky with summons.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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