OverMortal – Demonfae Guide (Path, Setup and Relic Choice)

Hi here is a break down for demonfae choice and setup tips, hope it helps.

Guide to Demonfae

By Kun

Current Demonfae environment

When demonfae first came out in my server, there r some OP relics like divine lamp(no dmg cap), divine map (no dmg resist cap) demon armor (no dmg resist cap) demon bell (no dmg boost cap) etc. For current version all demonfae relics have a cap and none of them r OP no more.

How many demonfae relics to equip

For 95% of the players, one demonfae relic is good, since demonfae relic cost double resource to upgrade, equipin 2-3 will decrease overall augment resonance, which decrease ability/relic dmg boost/resist %, might weaken u instead. Me as 120k ely point been doing one all the way till eternal stage, since not just augment resonance, carvin resonance and carvin itself they all take double, u gon lose a lot of stats from places.

Divine or demon for corp

Current version the first pick of demon is mace n divine is map. Map requires longer time of fightin to reach full potential, fightin 2-3 cycles (the more time u cast map the better it gets) Map could be more efficient than mace, and usually better to use winged array n equip even 3 ability shields to survive longer to collab, which is only a whale thing since many f2p n light spenders dont even have enough mp to support 2 ability shields in pvp.

Mace is a general choice n friendly to f2p n light spenders. But even u choose demon, the ideal pvp set is still mace +2 ability shields, still 2 ability shields the amount many f2p cant afford.

So from f2p to whale setup, I say its mace +1 ability shield, to mace + 2 ability shields, to map. If u have enough mp to use mace with 2 ability shields and still have enough mp left in fights, thats when u can consider if switchin to divine and try out map.

Divine or demon for magicka

Before celetial world its mainly Flask vs armor, both have pros n cons. They have different cooldown time which might change the total shields number needed, n depends if u need more protection or dmg. Its not settled in different stages, like in celerial world many start to use Robe + multiple trigrams and ability shields, cause the dmg in celetial is high high (abilities can go 2000% up), which create the need for robe to stack up high amount of shields in short time to avoid high dmg in secs.

Before celetial, usually the first pick is either flask or armor like said, flask pure protection, lucidity works good with stages with multiple cc and saves mp(takin dmg doesnt cost MP), which works for the stages lack of mp. Armor is kinda a shield too but its u sacrifice part of the tankness for some extra dmg, u lose hp n mp faster while castin (armor originally 60% dmg resist flask 80%).

But one thing flask is more friendly to f2p n light spender is, the cap of flask shield amount is fixed. But armor dmg and shield cap will increase with the set rank (number of total gold affix). Rank 1 armor kinda sucks tbh, but rank 4 with 27 gold affix total makes it decent. With 6th creation to recraft affix everyday its easy to achieve, but for f2p it proly takes long time to get there or even cant get there. So which one at what stages, and ur rank lvl r the references for ur final decision.

Why don’t have to equip demonfae relic till perfection (or u can)

After the update which nerf all demonfae relic by cappin all the effects em got. Phase 1 demonfae relic in voidbreak n wholeness, their caps r pretty low compare to the resource they require. Like divine lamp only has slighty better dps comapre to a bell or seal. Or armor n flask aint that double resources good compare to a trigram.

U still can if u can keep the same resonance level consider ur overall resources, the point is phase 1 relic aint really worth that double resources, most of time u can have replacement n achieve a better overall outcome. But if u a corp n lack of mp to equip 2 ability shields, u can maybe use mace with 1 ability shield. When u hit perfection u will see the demonfae relic r obviously better compare to normal relics, thats when they started being worthy of the recourses required.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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