OverMortal – Why Respira Tech is Better than Abode Tech

Respira Tech VS Abode Tech

By Sephiroth

The purpose of this guide is to find out in exact terms, how much experience is gained from respira and abode aura techs from techniques, and make a comparison based on the calculated values. Techniques are the most expensive system to upgrade in the game, therefore players should invest in techniques that give the most return, which in this case, is cultivation experience.

You might ask how we can make such a comparison, and the answer is to compare the amounts gained every 24 hours. Respira is able to be used once every 24 hours, and it is possible to calculate the amount of exp gained from abode every 24 hours as well, so a direct comparison can be made.

  • Cultivation experience = [abode aura] x [absorption ratio] x [cosmoapsis]

Since we are calculating abode aura tech, we will use 69 for all calculations, as this is the maximum amount achievable from techniques.

Absorption ratio is dependent on the players current realm. The data set for this guide ranges from voidbreak late to wholeness late, so corresponding absorption ratios will be used.

A cosmoapsis is equal to 8 seconds. From there we can calculate that there are 10,800 cosmoapsis every 24 hours (the number of 8 second cycles every 24 hours is 10,800).

Therefore we can find the amount of exp gained per 24 hours for each realm.

  • Voidbreak Late absorption ratio – 80%

[69 abode aura] x [.80] x [10,800 cosmoapsis] = 596,160 exp gained per 24 hours

  • Wholeness Early absorption ratio – 85%

[69 abode aura] x [.85] x [10,800 cosmoapsis] = 633,420 exp gained per 24 hours

  • Wholeness Mid absorption ratio – 90%

[69 abode aura] x [.90] x [10,800 cosmoapsis] = 670,680 exp gained per 24 hours

  • Wholeness Late absorption ratio – 95%

[69 abode aura] x [.95] x [10,800 cosmoapsis] = 707,940 exp gained per 24 hours

The amount Respira from techniques for this guide ranges from 167%-184% (up to R23). Other sources of respira include epic curios 10%, curios 2%, and immortal friends 23%.

Total Respira – 202%-219%.

Technique respira to total respira ratio:

  • 167%/202% = .82673
  • 184%/219% = .84018

Since we are calculating respira yields from technique, we will calculate the ratio: technique respira/total respira to apply to the dataset. However, since this is a personal study, I forgot to mark the timing of when the respira % increased, so in order to maintain the validity of the data, we will only calculate using the ratio of 167%/202%, because we know as the minimum technique respira ratio, it will apply to all the data.

The exp yields will be the lowest possible, so keep this in mind for any decisions you may make. The dataset spreadsheet is attached. Adjusted values are just the experience numbers applied with the technique respira ratio.

Click to enlarge…

It’s clear from the data that respira tech is overwhelmingly better than abode tech. Even the minimum numbers are higher than the corresponding abode tech. The baseline respira (167%) was also used for all calculation, so the actual numbers are definitely higher.

This of course a personal study and not definitive, however it is much better than the baseless claims that abode tech is better than respira tech. Some other factors include absorption bonuses of other stages and the total tech point cost of upgrading. But I can confidently say that respira tech is better than abode tech in terms of exp for the voidbreak and wholeness stages.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.


  1. None of this matters if you did not go half step VB, at wholeness middle for an absorption rate of 130% x (base abode 130 x 2.987 Abode Bonus) = 504.803 Cosmo

  2. So did you leave out the base multiplier for Abode Aura on purpose?
    (130Base Abode Aura x1.69Tech Abode Boost)x0.8VB Late=175.76Cosmo x10800= 1,898,208/24hr
    130 x 0.8=104 x 10800 = 1,123,200/24hr
    1,898,208 – 1,123,200 = 775,008/24hr from Tech Abode Boost only

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