How to Get The Big Game Hunter Achievement
- Defeat all 9 mini-bosses in a single life without loading.
To get this achievement, you need to beat the 9 mini-bosses without dying or loading your game. There are 3 mini-bosses in the castle and 6 in the dungeons.
In the Castle
- A goat head in the east tower.
- A plant thing in the back tower.
- A cloud on the roof of the west tower (you need the double jump to reach it).
In the Dungeons
- A sun thing in Arachne’s Dungeon.
- A big crab in Nephele’s Dungeon.
- An undead horse in Skorpios’ Dungeon.
- Floating ice in Gorgon’s Dungeon.
- A big bat in Kraken’s Dungeon (there are 3 but you only need to kill one).
- A big brain in Pyros’ Dungeon.
That’s it – those are all the mini-bosses you have to beat.
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