Quick Guide to Creating Group / Guild
How to Manage a Group
By Wilderness.
How do I invite players to a group?
GUI: Search for them in the social window, click their name in the character list, then click the “Group Invite” button.
Text command:
/invite <player name>
How many people can be in a single group/party?
You can have a max of six players in a single group.
How does the EXP Split work in a group?
Experience is split evenly by the number of people in the group. In addition to this even split, there is also a bonus for larger groups.
How do I set group loot rules?
Coin is split between all group members.
The lootmode command controls how loot is distributed:
/lootmode round - Round robin: take turns looting; use /skip to skip the current looter
/lootmode free - Free for all: anyone can loot
/lootmode master <player name> - Master looter: designated player loots
What slash commands are available in groups?
/invite <player name> - invite player to your group
/group <text to send to group> - send message to group channel
/g <text to send to group> - alternative to /group
/tgm or /targetgroupmember <group member name or number> - target a group member
/disband - disband group
/kick <group member name> - remove player from group
/leader <group member name> - pass leader
/leave - leaves group
How close in level to my friends do I need to be to earn experience with them?
- You can get experience with players up to 1.5 times your level + 1.
- In game, you can confirm players are getting experience by looking for the “you have gained experience” message after each combat event.
How do I locate my party?
- On the group window, each player has a golden ring with an arrow around their class icon (shown in image below).
- This arrow acts as a compass to point you in the direction of your party member.
- When the arrow is pointing up, your party member is in front of you.
- When the arrow is pointing down, the character is behind you.
How to Set Group Loot Rules
Coin is always split between all group members.
If you are the leader of a party, you can use the lootmode command to control how loot is distributed in your group:
/lootmode round - Round robin: group members take turns looting. In this mode you can use /skip to skip the current looter.
/lootmode free - Free for all: anyone can loot.
/lootmode master <player name> - Master looter: designate a member of the group as master looter to distribute loot.
How to Manage a Guild
Guilds are collections of players who wish to be identified as a group. To begin a guild, a person types the command /guildcreate <guild name>. This creates the guild with the provided name. No special characters/numbers are allowed.
The person who initiates the /guildcreate command is the guild leader. The guild leader can now invite new members by typing /guidinvite <name of player>. The invitee must be in the same zone as the inviter.
The following commands are related to guilds:
/guildcreate <guild name> - Create a guild.
/guilddisband - Disbands the guild.
/guildinvite [player name] - Invites someone to the guild.
/guildremove [player name] - Removes someone from the guild.
/guildpromote [player name] - Promotes someone from member to officer.
/guilddemote [player name] - Demotes someone from officer to member.
/guildroster - Lists everyone in the guild.
/who all guild - Lists everyone in the guild that is currently online
/gs - lets players in the guild use guild chat
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