Helpful Things for New Players
General Tips
Tips to help in your first few hours in Terminus:
- At night equip your torch (you start with one).
- Pantheon NPCs don’t advertise their quests with exclamation points or question marks over their heads. If you want to discover quests, you’ll have to speak with NPCs to learn what quests they have to offer!
- Dropped items will sometimes have quests.
- Currently all water is treated as solid ground, this will change.
- Food & Drink should be active on your person to avoid the effects of being without it (slowed movement).
- When starting out, store items you find in the bank. Fill the bank with bags & boxes.
- Skinning, you can hit CTRL+Right Click to skin an animal while it still has loot on it.
- Use keys F1 – F6 to target first yourself and your group.
- Hitting F1 twice will target your pet.
- Currently, once you bind to a Bind Stone, you cannot rebind to your original starting spot.
- Social Aggro, some mobs will assist their fellows if you attack them near each other.
- Some quests may need you to first increase your faction with the quest giver before you can see the quest.
Character Overview
What you can find under the Character Adventuring Tab:
- Adventuring Skills Levels
- Health Points (HP), Mana Points (MP) and Endurance (End)
- Experience Bar
- Mastery experience bar & unspent Mastery points
- Attributes
- Four Stat types: Melee, Defense, Ranged and Spell
- Resistance levels
- Coins on your person
- Total weight/weight %
What you can find under the Character Professions Tab:
- Profession Skills Levels
- Gathering Tools
- Professions Clothing Slots
- Schematic Bag – a 20 x 10 slot bag used to hold schematics and certain trade tools
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Stats / Attributes
How do stats and attributes work?
Attribute effects are:
- Strength: auto attack dmg, max carry weight.
- Stamina: health, reduces endurance drain rate.
- Agility: dodge rating, parry rating.
- Dexterity: physical crit rating, chance to hit.
- Constitution: armor, crowd control resilience.
- Wisdom: mana (healers), spell crit, skill up chance.
- Intellect: mana (casters), spell crit.
- Charisma: charm duration, reputation modifier, vendor prices.
Racial starting stats are:
How do I control my pet?
- After summoning a pet, two windows will open:
- Pet Window: displays pet hitpoints, mana, and abilities
- Pet Control Window: allows you to command your pet to attack, back off, guard, follow, stay, and to dismiss
How do I equip or view my pet’s stats?
- With a pet summoned, right click on the pet name in the Pet Window.
- The character sheet for the pet will open. In this window you can equip the pet, review stats, and view abilities.
What are the differences between necromancer, summoner, and shaman pets?
- Summoner:
- Pet level matches player level
- Can only equip summoned, pet specific armor
- Necromancer:
- Pet is summoned with a random level (within a range around player level)
- Can equip normal equipment
- Equipment is lost when the pet dies
- Shaman:
- Pet is summoned at a set level based on the summoning spell
- Pet cannot equip gear
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Abilities / Techniques / Utility Skills
What are abilities, techniques, and utility skills?
Each of the bars at the bottom of the screen holds a different type of skill as shown in the image below.
In general, the types of skills/abilities on each bar are:
- Base: general combat abilities: melee attacks, ranged attacks, direct damage spells, damage of time spells, debuffs, etc.
- Techniques: these skills allow for powerful debuffs using class related dependencies.
- Utilities: these are generally skills used outside of combat. Examples are buffs and resurrection.
How do quests work?
Quests in Pantheon are shown in your quest journal. Access the journal with the ‘J’ key or the scroll icon in the top left (after toggling open the Pantheon eye).
The image below shows the journal with two quests. The left hand side of the journal shows quests sorted by source and name. After selecting a quest, the tasks or other information and reward associated with the quest is shown on the right hand side of the journal.
Unlike many current MMOs, Pantheon is not built around quest hubs. Quests are not intended as a primary means of gaining experience and levels. Quests are available from many sources in the world, including NPCs in towns and in the wild, and items discovered through combat or found on the ground. Quests are also intended to be an important part of the perception system as that system becomes more mature.
As a new player, check your character inventory: you will find a clue for a starter quest!
How Does Crafting Work?
Right now in testing players are not limited in their professions. The longer term plan is that you will be able to choose one Equipment Profession and one Consumable Profession.
Right now in testing trade skill skill caps are mapped to the player level. The longer term plan is to have a trade skill progression system that is not linked to the player’s adventuring level.
Equipment Professions (right now):
- Blacksmithing
- Outfitting
- Jewelcrafting
- Woodworking
Consumable Professions (right now):
- Provisioner
- Alchemist
Each equipment profession maps to several different skills. For example, Blacksmith breaks down into:
- Smelting (refining skill)
- Blacksmithing
- Armorsmithing
- Weaponsmithing
A Profession unlocks everything within its broader umbrella.
A Specialization is a mastery-like system that allows you to focus on one of those areas.
Example: A blacksmith can choose one skill within blacksmithing to specialize. An Armorsmithing specialist will be a better Armorsmith but still be able to do basic Weaponsmithing, Blacksmithing, and Smelting.
Each consumable profession also maps to several different skills, for example Provisioner maps to Cooking and Brewing currently (there will probably be more added at some point).
Note: Sometimes skills can be shared between multiple professions if needed. For example, both Blacksmiths and Jewelcrafters get the smelting skill.
Note: Professions are meant to depend on each other. For example, a blacksmith might get a sword hilt from a Jewelcrafter to help you build something.
Harvesting Skills
You will be able to perform all gathering skills. You’ll have a limit on the number of gathering types that you can specialize in. Right now group harvesting is turned off, this section will be updated as the systems progress.
Pretty Major Update: You will be able to choose two of the following on each character. For reference, here is a list of the different professions and what they make, along with skills they have (currently):
- Weaponsmith – metal weapons and tools
Skills: Smelting, Blacksmithing, Weaponsmithing
- Armorsmith – metal armor and shields
Skills: Smelting, Blacksmithing, Armorsmithing
- Tailor – cloth armor and items
Skills: Weaving, Tanning, Outfitting, Tailoring
- Leatherworker – leather armor and items
Skills: Weaving, Tanning, Outfitting, Leatherworking
- Fletcher – wood weapons and tools, including bows/arrows
Skills: Woodworking, Woodcarving, Fletching
- Carpenter – wooden shields and items such as storage boxes and furniture
Skills: Woodworking, Woodcarving, Carpentry
- Jewelcrafter (coming soon) – accessory items such as rings and necklaces
Skills: Smelting, Gemcutting, Jewelcrafting
- Scribe (coming soon) – acclimation glyphs and other magical/enchanted items
Skills: Woodworking, Woodcarving, Inscription
- Provisioner – food and drink
Skills: Cooking, Brewing
- Alchemist – potions and supplies
Skills: Smelting (next patch), Alchemy
Gathering Nodes
Right now gathering nodes break down like this for any given region of a zone (respawns are not shared zone-wide but rather the zones are broken up into 4-5 geographical regions):
- Mining nodes
- Wood trees
- Food trees
- Fiber plants (like jute or cotton)
- Food plants
- Alchemy plants (herbs, lilies).
Every time you gather a node, another node of the same type within the same region will spawn pretty much immediately. Most spawn regions have between 50 and 200 total spawners for that node type within them, depending on where it is and what kind of nodes we’re talking about.
If you are struggling to find gathering nodes of the type you are looking for, the best thing to do is to go further out or look in different places. For example, if you’re in Thronefast and the area around Availia is feeling dry, you can head out east past the crossroads and you’ll find the same nodes but be in a different spawn region (potentially with less competition).
Buying & Selling
- To buy an item from a vendor, right click on the item you would like to purchase.
- To sell an item to a vendor, hold the ALT key and right click on the item you wish to sell.
Splitting Stacks
- To split a stack, hover your mouse over the items you would like to split, then hold down SHIFT and left click.
- Right click on either the Character you wish to trade with or their name plate if you have them highlighted or in a group.
- Once a trade window is open, you can either right click on the item in you inventory you want to trade or drag & drop it into the trade window.
- You can trade coins by manually entering the number of coins you want to trade directly in the trade window.
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Night & Day Cycles
- Day is 59 minutes long.
- Night is 29 minutes long.
Ambient Lighting
Lighting comes from more than just a torch or fire pit, it is all the world around you. A moonlit night sky can often provide enough light to move around at night. Other times “A dark and stormy night”, will really bring out the dark and eerie feel, where having a light source is strong desire.
How a Light Source Matters
In the first picture the player is carrying a torch, while in the next picture the player has put his torch away. The position remains the same, but the Jute Plant’s name plate that was visible before, is no longer able to be seen. Night is its own adventure.
Perception & Perception Pings
- Throughout the world of Pantheon you will suddenly see a popup and hear musical chimes, this is a perception ping (see picture below).
- They can be anywhere in the world and their intent is to both inform and engage the player.
- While what you see and hear at the moment is just testing, soon these pings will open opportunities of adventure and more for players.
Traits and Dispositions
What are traits and dispositions?
Traits are special buff modifiers NPCs will receive when they spawn. This can be seen when you target a NPC and look at their buffs. The picture below shows two examples of traits on the left hand side:
- Dark howler pup has a Pack Hunter trait
- Yellowjacket hornet has a Hive Defender trait
Currently, some NPCs display their traits in parentheses like the black roan wolf in the image below. Over time this is being phased out to be replaced with buffs.
Dispositions are different behaviors a NPC can spawn with. It’s displayed on the NPC nameplate. In the picture below, the Celis Creeper has a Pyrophobic disposition. These will not have an associated icon, and the effects will need to be learned via trial and error.
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Mastery System
The Mastery System is a way to upgrade your spells, abilities, and possibly things like attributes, stamina, run speed, and others. The system is still under development and will continue to evolve throughout testing.
How to earn mastery points:
- 1 point awarded with each level up
- 1 point awarded each time the Mastery bar fills
- MPs will be granted as rewards for certain quests
- Mastery shards can found in the world. 4 can be combined into a Mastery Crystal which can be consumed for a MP
How to spend mastery points:
- The cost to upgrade a spell or ability to Mastery 1 is 1 Mastery Point
- The cost to upgrade a spell or ability to Mastery 2 is 2 Mastery Points
- The cost to upgrade a spell or ability to Mastery 3 is 4 Mastery Points
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Mapped by Petrichor Guild.
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Demith Village
Goblin Caves
List of Initial Servers
Western United States
- Aellos – named after one of the Elven gods.
- Havensong – named after the first human city founded on the continent of Kingsreach.
- Khadassa – named after the Dwarven homeland on Terminus.
- Korcera.
- Lychandrell – named after a faction of lycanthropes.
- Ossari – named after Ossari, the Betrayer. A former god of the humans who played a pivotal role in The Deicide War.
- Runaway Reef.
- Syronai – named after the goddess who created the Myr.
- The Sacred Six – named after the six races who banded together to fight back during the Deicide War.
- Wovarren.
Eastern United States
- Aevos.
- Axecutor.
- Black Moon – named after one of the original 7 clans of Ogres.
- Dark Trade.
- Ermos.
- Khaga – named after the Khāga Sands region of Reignfall.
- Lucent Tree – named after the sacred tree that stands tall in the elven city of Faerthale.
- Revenant – named after the antagonists of the Deicide War.
- Stormona – named after the originating planet of the Gnomes.
- Veil of Azeris – named after the easternmost zone on the continent of Kingsreach.
- Whispering Lands – named after the southernmost region of the continent of Reignfall.
- Bakamel.
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