Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones – Endings Guide

Quick Guide to Endings

Mediocre Ending #1

Because you did not get all health upgrades, you turn into Dark Prince and kill your father. You will see visible that the Dark Prince drains your health like in GoW 3 and the idea is that he takes over your spirit and take control of your body.

Sometime later, after you defeated the Vizier without sharaman’s sword and chosen a route of how you wish to fight him: as Dark Prince or Light Prince, you will be sent to Mental Realm. In here, you can still get to pick between ending the story as Light Prince or Dark Prince. A choice of 2 thrones. If you pick the Light Prince ending the prince is too devestated to be in love with Farah so they go their seperate ways. He is morning for the loss of his Father and does rebuild the kingdom but alone this time.

Mediocre Ending #2

If you go for the Dark Prince ending, you kill Farah but quickly revert back to being conscience that you killed Farah. Prince is in shock and has an even more sadder ending. Still rebuilds Kingdom. It ends off with him reflecting on his entire journey throughout the trilogy and lost everyone he loved, and for what? the honor and glory he wanted to have and still so desperately wants.

Dark Prince Ending

You play as the Dark Prince a lot of times or all of the time. You are so corrupt you kill everyone in your way. At the battle with the Vizier you are locked as Dark Prince to fight him and have Kaileena as the final boss to revert you back to the Prince before you have the chance to rule over the kingdom on a quest to enslave every other kingdom to do your bidding. (Or something like that.) (There’s No Mental Realm sequence for this ending.)

Dark Prince Failed Ending

Kaileena reverts you back to being the Prince. You get same mediocre ending as earlier described for Dark Prince.

True Ending

You got all health upgrades, find Father dead cause of Vizier and pick up his sword banishing the dark prince transformation. As expected after the Vizier fight you end up at the Mental Realm. But even then, you have the option to still go for the other 2 mediocre endings. For the True ending the steps are unlocked. You get guided by Farah like in original game. And you see a more lenghty ending where they rebuild Persia with Prince’s citizens. At the end they are in the palace and talk about SoT perhaps.

Last Ending

The 6th ending is unlocked after unlocking all the other endings.

This would be the Epilogue Ending to the True Ending where we get to see the Prince of Persia, rule as King of Persia.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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