Project Castaway – Escape Quest Guide (Cassette Tape Locations)

How to Find All Cassette Tapes (Escape Quest)

By MajesticKarLyn

There are a total of 5 tapes which includes the intro tape when you start the game.

The first tape from Uncle Seamus, is on top of the radio tower.

Note: this is tape 2 on the quest page

The 2nd Uncle Seamus tape (tape 3 on quest page) is on the edge of the rock platform, straight across from the stairs that goes up to the tower. (not the one on the sand). Walk straight to the edge and follow the ledge along the left. This is the tape that sometimes glitches into the mesh of the rock, you cannot continue if you can’t get it.

The 3rd Uncle Seamus tape (tape 4 on quest page) is on top of the cliff, between the tower and the hanging tree that you get the necklace from.

The 4th Uncle Seamus tape (5th tape on the quest page) is where you find the lantern treasure, on the other side of the island on the cliff at the large tree.

The last item is the Plane Repair Manual, which you need to use the Pland Blueprints to build the plane to get off the island.

The tapes also tell you why you need to find the treasures. Hopefully this helps you all out. Happy Hunting!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.


    • You need to be on top of the cliff where you turn right to go to the tower and left to go to the tree with the necklace. If you keep walking forward turning slightly right( going towards where you find the Wilson volleyball) you will see the tape on the ground, there is another tree up that way that looks similar to the necklace tree, which is what I think confused you. (c) MajesticKarLyn

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