Project Castaway – Lt Thompson Quest Guide (All Notes Locations)

Guide to All Lt Thompson Quest Notes

By MajesticKarLyn

I am putting these locations in order as you can find them from getting the note on the plane to the last one in the lighthouse. An easy route to follow.

Go left after getting the note on the plane and follow along the shore until you see this rock formation.

Continue down the shore to the fully intact boat and it’s on the side, hard to see.

Go through the passage under the bridge and on the right, were there can be a blueprint, is the next note.

Go down the passage and around to the arch and on the right side is the note, also a blueprint spawns here.

Go back and up the cliff on the other side of the passage, between the rocks and the jungle, watch out for the Leopard. At the top just before you go on the bridge on the right there is a note on the tree, hard to see.

The next note is in the archway of the lighthouse.

The last note is in the lighthouse on the box.

I hope this helps everyone. The quest is not over yet, you have items to find, you already have one, the letter to Elizabeth. Read the last note carefully. Here is a screenshot of one thing you need to find. It spawned right in front of my cave base were I was putting out the sequel snare. I do not know where the other item is.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.


  1. Hi tnx for the guide i found other item but quest still 90% i need to find copy of lettre to elizabeth ?

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