Useful Tips for Melusine
The most important thing to learn on Melusine is stutter stepping (Wavedashing dubbed by Pam).
During any part of the attack animation, you can immediately cancel it by leaving Sing stance(Either through dash, trait, dive, Sea Dance, Water Bomb, or Wisp Ballet). You can use this in combat to hit without standing still. You can also do it very fast to move around the map faster.
Not only can you cancel the attack by leaving Sing Stance at any time, you can cancel the post frames of the attack by using other abilities. If you have abilities to use, you should always use an attack right before using them.
A cool thing to know. You can use Sea Dance to cancel the channel animation for Torrent (Special) in order to: Not be caught standing still and die, immediately gain intangible, and also to increase dps.
Melusine’s Sea Dance Talent:
Although it looks like a healing talent has a lot more uses. The extra movement it allows can get you out of tight spots i.e. too deep to run out of a boss attack, spinning attacks on 2&3rd bosses or grouping enemies and yourself into a corner. This is because it’s a teleport, you don’t have to worry about passing through attacks cause you’ll go underground.
Using sing stance also does not count as leaving sing dance despite moving Melusine, this is very important as it allows you to upkeep important buffs for an attack build such as submerging attack(wisp deals more damage for each enemy hit, resetting after leaving sing stance/taking damage, final burst(wisp explodes when leaving sing stance after 3 attacks), and shimmering scales(gain increasing armor/s during sing stance that resets when leaving).
Depending on the scenario it can be a better healing talent as well since spring water depends on a number of enemies to be hit to maximize healing and that your team is also near you. Sea Dance is a guaranteed burst of competitive healing to spring water while also moving yourself to secure the heal on stubborn dashing scarlets & carmillas while helping yourself escape as well.
Melusine Heal Build:
Besides the healing and shielding talents, I would say to focus on getting any defensive talents for yourself since as long as your up your team is too. Freezing splash and water bubble are what I’d recommend.
Dont forget that backwash’s returning waves also deal toughness damage meaning you can stun enemies better making it both a defensive and offensive talent.
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