Ravenswatch – Useful Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips

By Wolf-66.

  • Dream Shards and time are valuable resources. Try not to waste them.
  • Do not kill everyone in a row. Regardless of the difficulty (especially on Nightmare), go only to points of interest (there is an «Explorer» modifier for completely clearing the map) – the timer ticks faster than you think.
  • Do not waste feathers immediately after falling when playing in co-op (the higher the difficulty, the fewer there are; feathers are common for the whole team). Most likely, the team will be able to lift you. Use feathers only when absolutely necessary.

This also applies to solo if the timer is low enough! The nightmare’s arrival is a featherless revive.

As a last resort:

  • Someone can try to distract the enemies on themselves, and someone in the meantime can lift the fallen ally.
  • If there is an opportunity to take the enemy to the stun or finish him off, do it before raising the fallen one.

If there is Aladdin in the team, leave as many feathers as possible for him, because he can resurrect the entire team with one wish. (Aladdin, do not spend all your wishes at spawn on money and items! Then you will have nothing to resurrect your friends with.)

  • Stick together! The more of you there are, the more damage you do and the faster you kill enemies.

P.S. Scarlet and Carmila with their skills, can «steal» some items, such as the healing fountain or the Eye (aka the Tower of Vision). This will help in exploring the map.

  • The team needs a healer. Without characters, skills and items that can heal, it will be extremely difficult to play. Keep this in mind.
  • If possible, clear dungeons (the key to them is usually nearby), complete quests and open grimoires – this will give you experience and legendary items that will help you in the future.
  • Calculate your strength: do not go to grimoires, dungeons and quests at low levels even in the first chapter (especially alone) – you will not only fail to achieve the goal, but also lose a lot of time.
  • Collect as much money as you can during the chapter (I mean points of interest: focus on the big dream crystals; collecting a small shard surrounded by enemies is often pointless). Personally, I prefer to spend it at the Sandman, but you can also use the Wells.

P.S. Sometimes you can try to steal money if you don’t have enough time to kill the enemies (by the way, their attacks can help you destroy the dream crystal, but be careful not to fall yourself).

  • The point above also applies to chests: loot the maximum amount per chapter – this way you will have more useful items (there is a chance to complete collections).

(For example, Aladdin’s Master Thief skill helps you loot two items at once with some skill. This can probably help with completing a collection, as I mentioned). Maybe, optional?

Desired level by the end of the chapter:

  • Dark Hills — 5 (it is important to have time to get the ultimate).
  • Storm Island — 8 (the more abilities, the greater the chance of killing the boss).
  • Avalon — 10 (it is also important to get an upgrade for the ultimate).

The higher your level in one chapter, the sooner you will reach the next one upon arrival at the next island. If you do not have enough experience, kill Nightmare Tumor. This will get you the required amount of experience and reduce the boss’s health by 20%.

Tips for Points of Interest

Mainly about the Darkness and Nightmare difficulties.

Chapter 1

A) Grimoires.

  • Green — not lower than level 3.
  • Yellow, Red — not lower than level 4.

B) Swine brothers’ quests. It is best to go there with at least level 3.

  • Straw Defense level: weak. This is the hardest to defend. Sometimes it’s completely pointless to take.
  • Wood. Defense level: medium. Quite passable, since the house is quite strong.
  • Stone. Defense level: strong. The easiest house to defend. My team always takes it for the task.
  • But! You always can try any of them!

How to Protect Straw House

Most of the problems with straw defense instantly disappear when you start doing 2 things:

  • Defend it at night. Pigs not exploding makes them simple. (To do this, First talk to the pig at the very start of a new morning, sun just coming out – or even a little before)
  • Be selective about what you target. If it’s not going to hurt the house much, kill it last. Cultist assassins, for example, do less damage than trees, believe it or not! Normal ghosts do less damage than red (corrupted) ghosts, etc.
  • Sure, there are situations where ghouls come, but they really are SUPER rare! Usually, ghouls are a free win!
  • The ones that get me, though, are the ones that are hard at night, or those that over-summon. Trees followed by spiders can be lethal, as can trees followed by pigs, depending on how slow my character is!
  • Issues with straw are that the quest just seems to eat a ton more game time than the other 2. This might be partially down to me being bad at ignoring camps, especially when the green sight statue is located at a straw stockpile. I’ve dabbled with leaving 1 enemy standing, which prevents the location from re-populating when the quest is started, but either way it’s a battle for me to full clear a straw map.

С) Dungeon and mini-boss — not lower than level 3.

Chapter 2

A) Grimoires.

  • Green — not lower than level 6;
  • Yellow, Red — not lower than level 7.

B) Sinbad’s quest — not lower than level 7 (MB also optional?)

Cyclops Sterops:

  • Be careful! As soon as the fight starts, he will try to eat the player closest to him — dodge!
  • If the Cyclops eats a player, he restores some health.
  • When the Cyclops eats prisoners, he becomes stronger → it is harder to kill him.

B) Crab Cave — not lower than level 7.

Chapter 3

A) Grimoires.

  • Green — not lower than level 10;
  • Yellow, Red — not lower than level 10 + talent upgrades.

B) Morgan’s quest — not lower than level 9.

C) Mini-boss (optional) — not lower than level 10.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

1 Comment

  1. great tips ^_^. I’d also add try to bundle enemies in one central swarm, it makes doing damage to them much quicker for many characters, and controlling them with blocks etc much easier. It sounds strange but its often safe to run (sometimes dash) right through the middle of a pack to force them all to attack you (missing is the goal obviously) and opening up the whole pack for a good aoe smash by the team for 3-5 seconds. You really want to avoid the pack all attacking constantly at different times.
    Getting good at this is the difference on many enemy camp clears going from 1min + to 30 seconds or less.

    big crystal packs (and raven eye camps) can often be cleared without a fight by simply kiting the mobs out far enough, and having someone else lose combat while staying in. Sidenote, this is also a great way to get friends up who are downed, dont fight on top of them, kite everything away from them!

    Certain enemy attacks really break the crystals for you too, double so if you can bring a corrupted version to them. (genies come to mind haha)

    Rerolls i’ve often found are better used on your red grimoires/chests then any early game stuff, or most the time even talents (unless youre hunting hard for leprechaun coins)

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