Reverse: 1999 – 1.8 Event Guide (FAQ + Puzzle Solutions)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Vila worth pulling for?

Yes. Doesn’t matter if you already have Tooth Fairy. She’s a universal healer and is good almost anywhere. She has great synergy with upcoming units as well.

Is Windsong worth pulling for?

Yes. She is the strongest single target carry this game has to offer, although using her requires manual input and a certain level of skill. If you are short on pulls but not short on carries, or if you just prefer using auto battle, skipping her to pull for Lucy next patch who is the best AoE carry and a limited might be a better choice.

Where to farm event currency?

The last battle stage in the event.

Is buying the infinite materials in the event shop worth it?

Only the holy silver. Unlike any other event we’ve had so far, those are significantly more worth than regular farming, so stock up as many as you can!

Where did the gummy bears go?

Those only exist during main story patches. They will return next patch.

How to beat event boss?

The boss takes more crit dmg from mental dmg and less crit dmg from reality dmg. It loses hp for every move it takes. If you cannot rush it down, it’s best to kill the adds first and let its hp drop from attacking you, then focus on it. Save up skills for a burst on its second phase before it reaches 50% hp, as it will gain additional buffs.

How to beat Echoes of the Opera?

The unit in the first slot gains dmg boost against the boss. However, once this unit hits the boss, it will inflict 4 stacks of a special status effect on them. When this effect is at 9 stacks or above they get staggered, and at 4 stacks or below they do extra dmg to the boss. Buffing or healing them, as well as killing enemies, will reduce the stacks. What you need to do is basically put your carry in the first slot, heal and buff and save up for a major burst turn, then do as much dmg as you can to the boss.

1.8 Event Puzzles

Dispatchment Time Saves

  • Communication – Avgust, Vila, Jiu Niangzi, Marcus, Ezra, Shamane, Eternity, Centurion, Ms. New Babel, Tennant, Necrologist, TTT, Ms. Radio, Onion, Door
  • Handicraft – Avgust, Jiu Niangzi, Shamane, Druvis III, Medicine Pocket, Sotheby, Regulus, X, Charlie, Satsuki, Blonney, Diggers, The Fool, Leilani, Nick Bottom
  • Planning – Vila, 6, Eternity, Melania, Ms. New Babel, Yenisei, Tennant, Sonetto, Dikke, Mesmer Jr., Oliver Fog, Bunny Bunny, John Titor
  • Familiarity – Avgust, Vila, Voyager, Lilya, Yenisei, Zima, Sputnik
  • Searching – Marcus, Jessica, Melania, Pickles, Regulus, Diggers, Click, Eagle, Mondlicht
  • Teaching – Vila, Getian, 37, Kaalaa Baunaa, Tooth Fairy, Ulu, AppLe, Ms. Moissan

Puzzle Solutions

02 “Coal Pile Area”

03 “Processing Area”

04 “Storage Area”

Note: The Names are translated by me, so they might not match to the game 1:1. I will update it later for the accurate names.

Vila’s Psychube vs That Inquistive Dear

Vila’s Psychube and That Inquisitive Dear (TID) are the exact same psychube by all means.

The difference is Vila’s Psychube (DIC) has an additional heal when you use a buff card.

While TID has an additional heal on debuff card. However, this heal is not good enough to really differentiate the two.

The main point of TID/DIC is for the unconditional healing done% on stats.

  • IF you already have TID built and bought, and don’t have resources to build DIC, then by all means you can skip Vila’s psychube upgrading until later.
  • IF you also have Laughter and Laughter (LnL) built, you can also skip it, however, it would be your best interest to get DIC currently, as it is free.

No, both are not good for amplifying, it makes very little difference.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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