Reverse: 1999 – Team Comp and Strategy Guide (Darkness of the Abyss)

Guide to Team Comp and Strategy

By Destroth

Do not get frozen

Every round except if Boss is killed and revived, it will do an AOE Atk on 2 units. Boss attack rotation starts with AOE Atk that inflict 4 stacks of [Frostbite] once Endless Mode begins, then it will do AOE Atk that deals more dmg if your units are [Frozen).

5 stacks of [Frostbite] will change to 1T [Frozen], and we will suffer 30% max HP as dmg.

How to deal with [Frostbite]?

  1. Act Consecutively

Taking actions consecutively within a Round can remove [Frostbite] stacks. Follow-up atk is considered and hence, Jiu, Windsong, Lucy, and Lilya can easily remove the stacks. For units that have no follow-up atk, then simply use two of their incantations in the same round to remove [Frostbite].

  1. Immunity and Cleanse

[Frostbite] is a debuff and can be cleansed, even better if you have immunity against it. Tooth Fairy’s Ulti have AOE cleanse if she crit and 6’s buff have cleanse. Yenesei Ult can grant immunity to debuffs.

Genesis DMG and star units

Genesis dmg deals 75% more dmg while Star Units get 20% more stats. This make 37 and Ezra good options for this fight. Since this fight needs strong sustain, Ezra’s shield and healing is also useful.

Sustain and Healing

Boss hits really hard, make sure your units are always at above 75% HP and above. Bring multiple sustain units, atleast 2. Vila + Tooth Fairy, Tooth Fairy + 6, etc.

Kill the minions

When the minions dies, they deal around 15k Genesis Dmg on the Boss. After 650-750k Score, Attack the minions instead of the Boss as you will likely deal more dmg that way. But direct all Genesis Dmg to the Boss instead of the minions as Genesis can still hit hard even when Boss has high Def and dmg reduction.

Minions does ST atk, and their Ulti can [Freeze] one of our units, kill them before that happens.

Other remarks

Try to hit the Boss atleast once every Round, else it will buff itself with [Sturdiness].

Recommended teams

Lucy is probably the best option for this fight as she deals so much AOE Atk and her follow-up is also AOE as well. She can effectively kill the minions, remove [Frostbite], while attacking the Boss.

Lucy’s follow-up also grant 37 Eureka allowing 37 to cast her AOE follow-up periodically. Vila is here to boost Lucy while 6 grants passive Def up and have cleanse on demand. So your main concern for this team is maintaining Lucy’s [Forcefield], which can be done quite comfortably with the new tuning [Unfinished Tune].

I do not recommend stacking strategy for this raid as the [Frostbite] and [Frozen] can easily mess it all up. So I recommend that after Boss revives, take 2 rounds to gain moxies, while healing and removing [Frostbite], then use her Ult next round. Don’t be too aggressive and if required, use [Unfinished Tune] to generate Vila’s or 6’s incantation for more healing or cleanse. I did this without 37 and managed a score of 1 M.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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