Helpful Things
By hihi.
General Challenge Guidelines
- Challenge 1 – Immediately after unlocking challenges.
- Challenge 2 – Can be done right after challenge 1.
- Challenge 3 – All upgrades up to, including column 8, 2nd first gen.
- Challenge 4 – 1st second gen. Column 9 upgrades can also make it faster.
- Challenge 5 – Immediately after challenge 4.
- Challenge 6 – Immediately after challenge 5.
- Challenge 7 – All upgrades up to, including column 13, 3rd first gen.
- Challenge 8 – All upgrades up to, including column 14, 4th first gen.
- Challenge 9 – Immediately after challenge 8.
Challenges 4 and 9 are pretty long, supposed to take a few hours each, so be patient during them.
EXP Values
Fixed exp values, added bonuses for other promotions and how much prestige mult you need to jump from 0 to this promotion level.
- Promotion 1 – Multiplier bonus.
- Promotion 2 – Lap speed bonus.
- Promotion 3 – Ascension power bonus.
- Promotion 4 – Other promotions effect bonus.
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Infinity -> Challenges
This needs 11 Infinites in total and should take roughly 8 relatively active hours to play through.
Spending IP
Don’t bother getting more generators in here, the save up isn’t worth it.
- 1;1 : This unlocks the generator and autobuy (just set it to 100% for everything) which will make the second infinity much faster (roughly 90 minutes)
- 2;2 : Unlocks automated ascensions, (just turn everything on). It’s slightly less efficient that manually doing it (because ascensions are a short term time loss) but it’s fine
Do not get 2;1, if you get it you’ll have to do another infinity to unlock challenges, the time save from 2;1 is not worth it.
- 3;1 : More lap speed is great
- 4;1 : Even more lap speed is great
- 5;2 : 5;2 and 5;1 let you get 6;1 which is good, neither 5;2 is the better of them
- 5;3 isn’t worth it because you only need a couple more infinities before challenges, and challenges will let you get more IP. Getting 5;3 means you have to get the much worse 6;2 instead of 6;1
- 6;1 : Ascension power is the increase you get from ascending. 10–>12 is 3x power through 6 ascensions.
- 7;1 :This unlocks challenges and is when you enter the next channel
Time Per Run
First run should be 70-100 minutes, the converter alone makes it much faster.
Second run should be 50-70 minutes, the rev speed makes it a bunch faster & more infinites makes the generator stronger.
After this, runs should get like 2-5 minutes faster per Infinity, with the final couple of runs taking ~30 minutes.
Promotion Order
- 1 > 2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 2
This is the setup, Promote to keep the levels ~ even afterwards, until infinity.
Time Flux (TF)
You can spend this as you like. If you are going to be offline often then work on Increasing TF gain and TF capacity. If you are gonna be very active then use it to speed up progress.
How to spend this depends on what you want. None of the upgrades are too important but increasing TF gain is good for a more idle player.
Lap speed is likely the best of them, but again, none of them are too important. You may also want to spend it directly on TF. The only way to get souls is from spending money and achievments.
Challenges -> Stars
First part is doing challenges.
- Go through the upgrade tree and do challenges once you have prereqs.
- Finishing all 9 challenges means you can break infinity. This lets points go past e308, which let you get more IP. You can fix infinity if you want
- Finishing all 9 also makes col 15 upgrades do stuff
- Do short runs (sub 1 min)
- Unlock Column 15 (15;2 first) and Col16 (16;1 first)
How to get Col 17
- Lower challenge time, aim for ~5 minutes (less is better ofc)
- Set up auto settings via Automation Suggestions.
- Do a run for 10+ minutes
Why are long runs good
I’m calling anything over 5 minutes a long run
- Many of the upgrades, as well as the generators get better as you go longer
- With the challenge times you can get now, you are strong enough to make good progress
- The 10x IP gain, first at e3080 and then more frequently
- This does NOT immediately 10x the IP you can get. It DOES increase the IP that you will gain from that point on in the run
- Even if the long run feels slower at points, just stick with it. It gets continuously gets better over time
- Infinity once you have enough IP to buy another upgrade
What Next?
The playing loop is defined for the next little bit.
- Do a long run.
- Infinity once you can afford some good stuff. Then buy said generators and upgrades.
- Lower Challenge time.
- Do another long run.
Repeat until you can afford 21;1. Ensure that you have at least 2e33, as you will need 1e33 for 21;1, and 1e33 for something in the next area.
First Upgrade from each Column
You want to buy all of the upgrades from all of them, this is just the one that you should get first. Not going to mention it if there is only 1 in a column
- 8;3
- 9;2
- 11;1
- 14;1 (but both are very good)
- 15;2
- 16;1
- 17;3
- 18;3
- 19;3
Last 3 in order of costs ofc.
Stars -> Eternity
This part is relatively straightforward strategy-wise. Everything but generators and star upgrades are maxed. The progression path is:
- Do a long run
- Buy star and generator upgrades
- Redo Challenge times (you can likely do this without any prestige, which will likely be the fastest. Try the runs with auto prestige set at (+0, 1e21, 0s) as well. One of these will be the fastest.
- Do another long run. Ensure you can get at least 1 star per long run.
Things explained
Currently held Stardust is reset upon infinity. Stardust upgrades are NOT reset upon infinity.
- Stardust(SD) gain: .05 * (Star base ^ # of Star). SD ^ Star Exponent = Generator power multiplier
- Stars: Increase SD gain. Price increases by e3 for every upgrade. At e87 the price increase starts increasing, going up by e7 and eventually even more.
- Star Base: Increases star base. 2.75 + .275n
- Star Exponent: Increase Generator gain from SD: 0.45 + .05n
- 1st Upgrade: Each upgrade adds one more generator that 1;1 effects. The text shows what it current effects. This means that after 1 upgrade, 1;1 will also affect G2, and with 2 upgrades it will affect G1, G2 and G3
- 2nd Upgrade: Increases Infinity Gain. Multiplicative with everything else
- 3rd Upgrade: Adds .01 to the exponent for the score
- 4th Upgrade: More passive infinity/s gain.
If some of them are the same price, and you can only afford one of them, the upgrade order is: 1,3,2,4. Should be everything, nothing too much in here tbh.
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