Sea of Conquest – Quick Guide to Black Sail Expedition

Black Sail Expedition FAQ


The Black Sail Expedition event is a cross-server battle mode. It’s a head-to-head competition between servers. Each seas are randomly matched against another for this contest. The goal is to control the Nine Kings Port. Success requires the Pirate King to rally all local gangs within their seas for either offensive or defensive actions.


All players from your server will be automatically registered for the event. The Pirate King will be able to choose two out of three time slots. The actual start time of the event will be scheduled to the slot that mutually chosen by both parties.


  • If your server has no Pirate King, then the R5 of the gang can choose the time slots.
  • During the registration period, the expected participation time can be adjusted.
  • If no time slot is selected after the countdown, the system will automatically select two time slots to proceed to the next phase.

Morale Showdown

Players will be able to complete certain tasks to gain morale for their server. Increasing morale will unlock chests with rewards and buffs that will aid you in the upcoming battle!


Under normal circumstances, the side with higher morale is the Attacker, while the side with lower morale is the Defender. And you’ll see the opponent and battle time displayed in the event interface.

Control the Nine Kings Port

When the preparation countdown reaches zero, both sides will be able to enter the battle.

Players will be transported to the Season 1 server of the defenders by clicking the transfer button. And the objective of this battle is to gain and maintain control of the “Nine Kings Port”.

There are two Mystical Floating Islands near the Nine King Port. One is for the Attackers and the other is for the Defenders, both side players will respawn on their island if defeated. And you can also be transported to the original seasonal server if necessary.

After entering the battlefield, players will have 5 minutes to get prepared, then the battle will begin and will last 30 minutes. After 30 minutes have gone by, the server with the highest amount of points will be declared the winner.


This event is not only packed with action but also with great rewards! By participating in the event you will be able to earn the following rewards.

Preparation Rewards

Obtained by completing tasks during the preparation Stage.

Personal Point Rewards

Obtained by completing individual tasks during the battle stage.

Victory/Defeat Rewards

Obtained by participating in the battle stage.

Rewards will include but are not limited to – Hero EXP, Echo Conches, Hymn Conches and Speedups…

Top10 Tips for Black Sail Expedition!

During the battle phase, will the attackers be transported to the actual defender’s S1 map? or a simulated copy of it?

  • Players will be transported to the actual defender’s S1 map.

If we are transported to the defender’s S1 map, wouldn’t that give them an unfair advantage? Since they would have extra buffs from their S1 incidents.

  • Not at all. During the battle phase, teams will carry over the buffs they have unlocked from their seasonal map. Meaning there will be no advantage for either team in regards to incident buffs.

Will this event be available for everyone? Or only after a certain season?

  • This event will be available to players only after they enter S2, it will start a few weeks into their season.

When there are multiple gangs in your server going into this event, would there be a way to prevent attacking people from your own server?

  • In a world full of pirates there is always a chance of betrayal, however for this event we strongly encourage servers to work together as a team!

When attackers arrive in defender’s map, can they gather, auto-trade, complete incidents, purchase goods or attack Sentry Towers?

  • No, they can’t.

Can attackers use their Golden Compass to find treasures or obtain Acquaintance Rewards?

  • Nope, attacker’s can’t do this in the defenders S1 map.

Are there any other restrictions or tips we should know about?

  • Yes, during the battle phase, players can’t join Raids or change Gangs. Players will also have unlimited uses of their “Eye of the Sea” allowing them to teleport to their hearts content!

What happens if I am defeated during the event? Will we be sent back to our current season map?

  • If your fleet is sunk, you will respawn in the Defender’s S1 map near the temporary “Mystic Floating Islands”. Once the event is over, players will be automatically sent back to their Seasonal Map. Also, at any point in the battle, you can decide to leave the battle and return to your Seasonal map if needed.

What do I do if I’m low on sailors during the battle phase?

  • You can refill and/or buy sailors at your team’s “Mystical Floating Island”, which functions similarly to a regular Port.

Will I encounter enemies from other seasons? That would make the battle very unbalanced and not fair.

  • Worry not captain! You will only face opponents that are currently in the same Season as you. (This includes all servers that are in the same Season #, not only those who were matched with you in your Seasonal Map).
Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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