Hero Guide
Have ye ever found yerself in a battle scene like the one above, mateys? Be ye curious ’bout the secrets of mighty heroes sailin’ these vast seas?
I reckon many a fresh-faced pirate be tryin’ to unravel these mysteries behind heroes. Fear not, me hearties! Just a few days back, crafty ol’ Rocky and Henry Hell stumbled upon a treasure hidden deep in the sea. And ye won’t believe it—it holds detailed intelligence on every single hero!! I be hastenin’ to share it with ye all!
Hero Types
Heads up, Captains! I be unveilin’ the scroll now! Every hero be carryin’ three tags, and all battles be built upon understandin’ these tags, including their positions to be on board, roles to go on close combat, and specializations they excel in.
As it stands, ye have the power to recruit a total of 23 heroes and bolster yer pirate crew in S1. Three heroes, Ophellia, Bones, and Griffin are S1 banner limited. Ye can obtain all the other heroes through the permanent banner. Let’s set our sights on discoverin’ the specialized positions of these heroes aboard the ship!
Let’s first take a look at Firepower heroes. There are 5 damage types in total currently.
Team Build Tips for Close Combat
- There are various types of damage for Firepower heroes as introduced above, and ye need to strategically combine the different damage types for team build in close combat. e.g. Artillery + Cutthroat.
- With Artillery’s high AoE dmg to lower enemies’ HP first, Cutthroat then has a better chance of dealing killing blows with their burst damage.
- Also, ye may find that the survival pressure increases as you enter the later stages of the game. To counteract this, ye can add heroes with abilities such as: recovery, shield, and taunt to the team to help improve your team’s survivability.
- And if ye are pursuing maximum damage, bring yer strongest DPS hero along with Support heroes that can enhance your team’s output with buffs or weaken your opponents with debuffs.
- One last crucial point remains—keep on upgradin’ yer heroes and skills! Levelin’ be the foundation for dealin’ mighty damage, and it be a long process of nurturin’. Keep at it, me pirates, and give it all ye got!
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