Sea of Conquest – Useful Tips & Tricks

Gameplay Tips & Tricks for New Players

Crimson Sentinel vs Black Raven

Crimson Sentinel (Epic Ship) is not better than Black Raven (Rare Ship). If you don’t use blazing or drowning heroes, the differences between these two ships are…

If you use Black Raven instead of Crimson Sentinel:

You Lose:

  • 7% HP (fake stat for a damage mini-ship, plus fake combat power).
  • 9 armor and some extra armor as your Crimson’s HP drops (fake stat for a damage mini-ship).
  • 9 impact.
  • 9 attack.
  • 2% attack.

You Win:

  • 5% extra damage of all types (doesn’t count in combat power).
  • 10% extra impact.

The overall damage output is going to be way higher with Black Raven (even if the combat power seems lower because you lost the fake stat of 7% more HP and the fake 2% attack compared to the 5% extra damage of all types that doesn’t count in combat power).


A) Everyone uses Cordelia in miniship because they see that she scales from ATK – the more ATK, the more healing. That’s a fact, but don’t be BLIND. It’s not all about her; don’t forget Ahab scales from HP. Ahab shields a total of 11% of his ship’s max HP and his lowest HP ship for 5% of Ahab’s ship HP (and with the third skill, it goes up to 10% more, so) 12.1% for self, 5.5% for lowest HP ship.

B) Plus, Cordelia has more armor bonus for ships compared to any other hero you’re going to put in her spot. This means that your flagship will be less tanky because of the extra 15% armor from the sovereign set, and from Ahab’s third skill which increases armor of the ship by 15%, and from his 4th spell which increases it by 15% more. So, less tanky means more damage taken overall by the enemy ships.

C) If you put Cordelia in flagship compared to any other hero, you get way more extra total ship HP because she has high Constitution compared to other heroes. Plus, the 18% bonus max HP from sovereign ship parts increases the total HP of the ship way more compared to any other hero.

D) Because Cordelia has too low Strength/Dexterity etc., your miniship is going to have less impact and less attack. It’s also going to have an extra 18% less attack and 15% less impact due to the difference between her and the other damage hero stats, not only from the hero difference but from the set, and that’s a lot of DPS output loss overall for the ship.

E) If ED focuses your miniship with Cordelia, you’re going to lose way more value from her heals when your playstyle is all around her in a damage ship, compared to flagship where the healing loss is going to be way too small because you don’t play around her scaling. The same goes for Molly’s heal reduction, etc.

F) So, by putting your Cordelia in flagship, you make her do half healing, but you increase your Ahab shields by a lot. You also increase your miniship damage output by a lot, as well as increase your armor and tankiness by way more. You make enemy ED less valuable, same as Molly, and make your enemy do less damage while you increase your DPS more than the heal output. Cordelia’s heal in miniship is like 10% of your total damage done, while in your flagship it’s going to be 5% or even less, but not because of her losing more value. It’s because you’re going to increase your total overall damage by much more, meaning your enemy’s Cordelia will do less overhealing because he will die faster, making him lose value and making his ED/Molly lose value, plus making him do less damage because of your more tanky flagship while also getting the value you lose from heals into shields, into more HP, more armor, etc.

So as you can see in the photo, Cordelia did 700k heal while damage done is 6.5m and damage taken is 1.1m. If you had Cordelia in flagship, she would do like 300-350k heal, but your overall damage taken on flagship would be way less because of her high increase in armor, and overall Ahab shields will be way stronger, so more sustain. Your crimson ship would do double the heal loss from Cordelia. You would increase the damage of the ship by way more than the heal loss of Cordelia. Heal loss is going to be like 350-400k, but the DPS increase on your crimson ship would be more than 500k plus all the other benefits.

The same goes for the second photo: 1.3m heal, 13.5m damage done, 3m damage taken. Cordelia in flagship would have done 600-650k heal.

Your crimson would have done 1m damage increase for sure, and your damage taken would be way less on flagship for the same reasons. Overall, with her in flagship, you make your opponent do less damage, get less benefit from ED/MOLLY, you increase your overall DPS output by way more compared to the heal loss, and you also get way bigger shields by Ahab.

(Sharky is level 58 and 4 star, Cordelia is level 56 and 3 star). Ship with Cordelia has 60 more armor and 47,900 more HP.

This Means:

  • Ahab shield flagship for 5,748 more (just from HP)
  • And 2,634 on the miniship
  • And with the 10% more increase shields by his 3rd skill
  • Makes flagship 6,322 more shield
  • And miniship 2,897 more shield
  • Every time he uses his ability
  • While also being more tanky because of the extra 60 armor
  • And that’s with 1 star and 2 levels higher Sharky, not even a fair example

So Cordelia in Miniship:

  • 27,717 ATK

Cordelia in Flagship and Kojo in Miniship:

  • 30,363 ATK

The attack difference is more than 9.5%

27,717 * 1.095 = 30,350.115

So your overall DPS output of the ship with 3 DPS in ship is going to be 9.5% higher just from ship damage, bones damage, and luna damage compared to ATK only and extra damage by X% by the third DPS hero (So fake example: Sharky in flagship does 500k damage, so putting him in miniship while swapping him with Cordelia’s position, he will do even more than 1m+ damage because of more than double ATK of the ship plus the ship armor piercing etc.)

And combined with all the other benefits with Ahab’s shields, you can see the value I guess. And as you saw by the photos, Cordelia’s heal is like 10% of your overall damage done, so increasing your damage by 9.5% (so like 9.5% on your 33% damage done) without even counting the damage output of your third hero is already 5% overall damage done, and you lose 5% overall heal less with her in flagship, so the trade-off is kind of the same, without even counting any of the above benefits I said or Kojo’s damage done or Ahab’s shields etc. I’m not going to repeat myself.

Cursed Ed

Ed is useless, only good in the early game when there are 2-3 ships. Ed increases damage taken of one ship by 18%. That’s like:

  • 9% when 2 ships overall damage done
  • 6% when 3 ships overall damage done
  • 4.5% when 4 ships overall damage done
  • 3.6% when 5 ships overall damage done

So as the game progresses, his value drops by a lot, especially when, for example, he uses it on a mini ship and you hit the flagship because of taunt by aggro of Armstrong/Magnus and get focused only by the AOE. It’s still 3.6% overall. Any other hero in his spot will have way more value in his position.

His damage reduction is bad as well because if the enemy has 5 ships and decreases 1 ship’s ATK by 12%, it’s like reducing the total damage done by the enemy by only 2.4%:

If 5 ships:

  • Flagship: 8% damage done drops your overall damage by 0.96%
  • Any other mini-ship: 23% drops your total damage taken by 2.76%

(8% flag + 23% x 4 mini-ships).

Any other hero would have done way more damage increase boost overall.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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