Ending Lockdown!
Part #1: Getting Your Gun
Wait for the door to open, then follow the path to your first gun.
Part #2: Getting Your Suit
Using your assault weapon, take out the two adversaries and go down the path. Proceed through the purple doors after obtaining the purple keycard.
Locate the door that is locked with a keypad, get your armor by reading the PDA.
Part #3: Getting to the Atrium
Leave the room and go to the bottom of the map. Find the locked door and flip the switch in the room to the right. Kill more enemies and go through the loading screen.
In the atrium, enter the large office on the left to flip a switch and open the doors across from you.
Part #4: Accessing the Labs
After flipping the switch, go across the room and upstairs. Jump on the stuck elevator, knock it down, and fall into water.
Take the rightmost vent to reach the labs.
Part #5: The Labs
This is the longest section. Get the shotgun if you can. After the loading screen, go through the vents and drop into the labs.
Find the purple key in an office and go back through the purple door halfway down the main hallway.
Fight through the offices to the end and enter the right office to find a switch. This opens the warehouse area.
Climb to find the blue key. Go back to the start, through the blue door, and up the stairs to trigger a loading screen.
Part #6: Ending the Lockdown and the Big Fight
Turn right to find the lockdown switch and turn it off. Go back to the atrium through the exploded wall. Walk to the far end to trigger the fight. Use the shotgun if you have it.
Part #7: Entering Level #2
After the fight, move forward to the end of the level screen. Jump into the vent in the new room. Shoot the doorswitch on the left to open the door and get the blue keycard.
Go through the blue door on the right side of the area. You can return to the 1st level to collect missed secrets and resources.
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