Sengoku Dynasty – Production Menu for NPC Automation Guide

Ultimate Guide to Production Menu for NPC Automation

By Winter’s Embers.

When you complete a building’s production furniture, such as the forager’s workstation, you can access it by either approaching it and pressing or holding the “T” key or through the Dynasty -> Jobs window.

To keep things simple and so you know where you’re working, it’s better to use the first example, at least to begin with. When you do open the production window, you’ll see this:

Not a lot to go on, I know. First off, you’ll need to assign a worker. Look in the upper right corner to see “Assign worker” with a dual-arrow button. Press it to bring up a list of your current villagers, like this:

As you can see, my ladies are just sitting around, waiting for me to give them something to do. I’ll choose Ako and assign her by clicking on her name. Now, you’ll see her name where the Assign worker was before:

Next, we need to tell her what to do. So, let’s assign her to go gather some grass. We’ve got a lot of building left to do and grass is a key component. See that plus button on the left? Click it and get directed to the list of possible tasks:

There’s so much stuff here that it doesn’t all fit on one page, hence the scroll bar on the right side. Fortunately, grass is listed 6th down from the top. Click on it and the game will auto-populuate the task, like so:

Notice the black bar in the upper right is now blue. This is the total workload of the workstation. Because we’ve only assigned one job (so far), the game auto-filled the grass-collection task to full. See that smaller bar at the top of the grass row? That’s how much of your workstation load is currently dedicated to grass. To either side of the bar is a “-” or “+” button. You can click (and hold) to increase or decrease a task’s given production workload. Since the grass task is already at 100%, you can only decrease it here. Beneath this smaller blue bar is the daily production box. This details how much grass will be collected at the appropriate time (1800). Here, we’re going to get a total of 200 grass stored in the General Storage building.

200 Grass is a lot in the early going and forager’s have a lot of tasks. How about we split up the workload and gather more than 1 item. After selecting the grass for the first task, you’ll notice that a second, empty, task box has appeared. This will allow us to assign Ako to collect more than one item. Click on that second plus button on the left side of the empty task row and select gobo. Ou people need to eat, after all! Now your screen looks like this:

Notice how the second box auto-filled just like the first box did? Of course, there’s one exception: because your grass task is using 100% of the workstations workload, your gobo task was set to zero production. We need to change that if we want to see any gobo appear in our food storage! Use the “-” sign to reduce your grass to 100 grass. That will lower your workload to 50%. Like this:

Now, let’s fill up the workload by increasing our gobo collection to the maximum available!

Notice how the gobo only filled up to 25 while the workload filled up from 50% to 100%. Why is that when we get 100 grass for the same amount of work? Because every item in the forager’s list has a separate total per item that applies to the workload. Grass has a modifier of 0.5 so you get to 2 grass per 1%. Gobo has a 2.0 modifier. Hence, for each 2%, you’ll receive only 1 gobo.

You can have as many tasks as you want but each task will be limited by the amount of workload available for that particular workstation so use caution when assinging too many tasks.

Now, we’ve got Ako collecting some gobo but raw gobo doesn’t provide much Meals points. We want that gobo to be cooked before it is consumed so we need to make sure our people don’t eat the raw gobo! To do that, access your Dynasty screen and select Priorities. This will bring up a list of all 8 needs that have an expansion arrow on the left. Click on the expander next to Meals and you’ll see a list of every edible item in the game. Since we don’t want the ladies snaking the raw gobo, we need to turn off consumption. A check mark in the box allows them to eat it. Removing the check mark prevents them from eating it. Scroll down the list until you find gobo:

(Hint: It’s number 28 if you haven’t played with this list yet.) now, uncheck the box on the far right. Now, no one will eat the raw gobo.

Okay, so, we’ve got raw gobo but we need cooked gobo, right? Time to assign Sayuri to the job of cooking! Go to your kitchen and interact with the cooking hearth workstation to see a similar screen to the forager’s production screen:

Notice how the name of the workstation changed in the upper left corner? That’s how you know what station you’re working at. So, let’s assign Sayuri, open the task menu and select gobo.

Oh, great. Something new! The cost and requirements box is active now! In the upper right, you’ll see the workload has been fully filled and that it has all been assigned to gobo. With this set up, you can produce a maximum of 65 cooked gobo for 100% workload. But, the cost and requirements show that “Gobo x1” is zero! That’s because you have no raw gobo in your food storage or on your person. So, without the raw gobo, your Cooked Gobo production is also set to zero. So, we need 65 gobo to make a full line of cooked gobo, right?

Technically yes, but lets review the forager workstation. The raw gobo has a modifier of 2 which means the maximum a single forager can make is 50 gobo if you dedicate it only to gobo collection. So, do you want to build two forager workstation (and go out and find another refugee?) or perhaps it is better to lower the maximum production to equal the exact amount of gobo you’re already collecting: 25.

Let’s do this. Click and hold the “-” sign and lower production to 25.

Notice how the workoad bar also changed to reflec the lower production. You’ve got plenty of room for when you need to expand your cooking. But still, there’s no gobo! You have two options here. Wait for the daily production tick to occur. The 25 gobo Ako collects will be immediately transferred to Sayuri’s workstation and she’ll begin cooking but her product, cooked gobo, won’t appear until the next prodcution cycle. Your other option is to simply collect 25 gobo on your own and put it in the food storage. Sayuri will collect it and begin working immediately. She’ll put her product into the storage at the production cycle and grab the new raw gobo ako collected for her next day’s work. That’s why you turn off raw Gobo consumption. So your people won’t eat it before Sayurit gets to it.

Now, I just let time go by since I’m typing this as the game runs and the production tick occurred. Since that happened, I got Ako’s gobo production deposited into Sayuri’s task and now Sayuri will make cooked gobo to eat. Now that this has been fully setup, these two women will continue to produce 25 cooked gobo each day until you tell them to do otherwise.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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