Shape of Dreams: Prologue – Memory + Essence Unlock Guide

Memory + Essence Unlock Guide (Demo)

By airspace.

Whatever It Takes [Flaming Whip]

Defeat an enemy while they have 20 or more stacks of Burn.

  • Recommended Memories: Ignite
  • Recommended Essences: Spiral, Efficiency, Scorch
  • Chaos Stats: Memory Haste

You can solo this with a high enough quality Spiral, just stall time for enough fireballs to stack 20 stacks of Burn on any level boss. Alternatively you can spam Ignite on low cd if you have high enough memory haste, this is easier in coop so team can help maintain Burn.

Electric Type [Chain Lightning]

Deal 1000 or more damage in a single hit.

  • Recommended Memories: Static Discharge, Lunge
  • Recommended Essences: Confidence, Talc
  • Chaos Stats: AP if Static Discharge, AD if Lunge

Main strategies are either a high level Lunge or Static Discharge with Confidence % damage boost pushing it from around 700 base damage to 1k and above. You can farm Dream Dust by keeping the Dream Teller artifact instead of giving it to her, this guarantees a Dream Teller spawn on the next world as well which is a good source of Dream Dust crystals. My personal peak was 2.5k per Static Discharge but if you get the components early you can do it earlier.

Pyromaniac [Flame Jet]

Defeat 250 burning enemies.

  • Recommended Memories: any Fire damage Memory. or just play Lacerta
  • Recommended Essences: Embertail

Just play the game and youll get it eventually idk. Play on Ominous Dream/Nightmare for more enemy spawns if you want. Also the Burning Forest event progresses this a lot.

Protector of the Forest [Hysteria]

Defeat the Demon of the Forest for the first time.

I have no tips man if you cant get this achievement just get good / Bonus: Lacerta’s Incendiary Rounds [Q2] has a very funny interaction with Hysteria. No idea if intended or not.

Kamehameha [World Cracker]

Defeat the Spirit of Light for the first time.

How to encounter the secret boss: during a run, you might randomly encounter a Remnant somewhere in world 2 or 3. Interacting with it will grant you the Fragment of Radiance as well as the Words of the Netherworld quest, which will alter one of the rooms on the map. Clear the room, then take the golden rift to the Eternal Prison to fight the Spirit of Light.

Traveller Memories [Lacerta and Mist]

Just Like The Old Days [Lacerta Q2 / Incendiary Rounds]

Defeat bosses 3 times as Lacerta.

Afaik you maintain progress between runs. See Protector of the Forest for more.

Untouchable [Lacerta R2 / Precision Shot]

Defeat a boss with Lacerta while having 75% or more Health.

  • Recommended Memories: any Shield or Healing Memories, any Fire Memories.
  • Recommended Essences: Predation, Twilight, Clemency.

Use your dodges effectively, maintain space, get as much damage uptime as possible. If going for a Burn + stall build, Lacerta’s Breath of Barasas constellation that increases Burn damage by 40% helps alot with dps allowing you to deal damage while still playing safe. Alternatively you can play coop and sit behind while your team kills the boss.

BFR 9000 [Lacerta P2 / Double Tap]

Reach 75 Attack Damage with Lacerta.

  • Chaos Stats: AD

Fully leveling the Inherent Aggression constellation gives you 10 AD for a starting AD of 55. Also when holding down LCtrl to show your stats, you can lock the panel to not disappear.

King of the Elementals [Mist Q2 / Flèche]

Defeat any elementals 45 times as Mist.

Note that both Leaf Elementals from world 1 and Ice Elementals from world 2 count towards this achievement. Afaik progress should carry over between runs.

Go With The Flow [Mist R2 / Parry]

Defeat 30 enemies in a row without taking damage as Mist.

  • Recommended Memories: any Shield Memories

You can easily chain oneshot kills early in the run especially with the Exceptional Agility [increases Dodge charges by 1] and West Wind [increases max Lunge distance by 33%] constellations. Note that progress transfers between rooms and enemies hitting your Shield also do not count as dealing damage to you as you do not lose Health.

Traveller Memories [Yubar and Vesper]

Night of Counting the Stars [Yubar Q2 / Supernova]

Reach 80 Ability Power with Yubar.

  • Chaos Stats: AP

Fully leveling the Night Time constellation gives you 15 AP for a starting AP of 62. From there simply activate Cataclysm for the bonus 30% AP which should put you just over 80 AP

Peace Amid the Storm [Yubar R2 / Tranquility]

Deal a total of 250000 Light Damage to enemies with Yubar.

  • Recommended Memories: World Cracker, Static Discharge
  • Recommended Essences: Shatter, Pain, Thunder

You will eventually get this just by playing. If you want to grind efficiently play on Ominous Dream or Nightmare, more enemies + more enemy health = more damage per enemy.

Ode to the Stars [Yubar P2 / Converging Stars]

Reach 50 Attack Damage with Yubar.

  • Chaos Stats: AD

Fully leveling the Inherent Aggression constellation gives you 10 AD for a starting AD of 42.

Peak Performance [Vesper Q2 / Discipline]

As Vesper, have 3 Dash or Blink Memories simultaneously.

  • Recommended Memories: Shadow Walk, Blink, Searing Charge, Winter Dive

Play on coop so that you can share Memories with your team for more chances to find Dash or Blink Memories. As of writing, I am unsure if Ice Claw, Chomp and Hysteria count towards unlocking this memory, sorry.

Master of the Hammer [Vesper P2 / Mercy of El]

Perform 9 basic attacks within 5 seconds using Vesper.

  • Recommended Memories: Frostbite
  • Recommended Essences: Wind, Perfection
  • Chaos Stats: Attack Speed [AS]

Fully leveling the Hurricane constellation gives you 15% AS for a starting AS of 1.15, or 1.15 basic attacks per second. Additionally, hitting an enemy with Vesper’s Heavy Strike [Dodge] or tapping Suppression immediately after a basic attack resets your basic attack timer and lets you attack again with little downtime. In combination with Sanctuary of El that grants Vesper 40% AS while within [base 1.55, total 7.75 for 5s], you should be able to hit 9 attacks in 5 seconds relatively easily even without any AS bonuses from Chaos drops.

Also I recommend trying this on either the merchant or the first boss when he stands still to fire projectiles so that you can hit all 9 attacks without having to move, saves you some time.

Suspiciously Wealthy Traveller [Wealth]

Spend a total of 2000 gold.

You can farm Gold by keeping the Dream Teller artifact instead of giving it to her, this guarantees a Dream Teller spawn on the next world as well which is a good source of Gold ore. This also works for Dream Dust, see Electric Type for more.

Desperate Hero [Direness]

Defeat 15 enemies in a row while your health is below 40%.

You can do this easily by tanking early enemies until in range then clearing 1 or 2 rooms, note that during this time you cannot heal out of range or the achievement will not count.

Ultra Rapid Fire [Insight]

Cast 10 Memories within 10 seconds.

  • Recommended Memories: Searing Charge, Rewind, Discipline
  • Recommended Essences: Metal, Momentum

Farm weak enemies by spamming Searing Charge or any other Memory with a similar reset on kill mechanic. As of writing I am unsure if casting Memories with charges [Quick Trigger, Flèche, Ignite, Essence of Virtue] count for this achievement, sorry.

Who’s the Prey Now [Predation]

Defeat the Hunters 30 times.

If Hunters are in a room you have already visited, going back to that room only forces you to clear 1 wave of Hunters before the rift opens up regardless of your Hunt Threat Level, allowing you to farm Hunters decently safely. This also works for farming the actual orb drops from Essence of Predation. Also you should maintain progress between runs.

Frozen Heart [Glacial Core]

Defeat the King of the Snowy Mountains for the first time.

See Protector of the Forest.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 508 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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