1×1 Direct Pin Miner (Max Efficiency Excavator) [12 Lane Out]
By Loup&Snoop.
Mine any shape with all 4 quadrants, and output an even space belt of 4 pins ({P-P-P-P-}). It takes ~90 seconds to prime, and then about another 30 sec to warm up to full speed.
- Converts shapes to pins at a 4:3 ratio (max efficiency). 4 miners (3 extensions each) for 1 space belt.
- No post-processing needed => best platform point efficiency possible.
- Efficient pin production is denser to transport via train than transporting equivalent shapes/fluids.
- Supports normal/hard/insane mode.
- No manual fiddling with priming/initiating it. Just throw it down, and it will automatically start itself. Also no sourcing of external nonsense to kick it off.
- Does not need crystallizer unlock.
- Output is automatically evenly distributed across 12 lanes of a space belt.
Requires unlocking wires, gates, and 3rd floor. All lanes must be pulled from evenly to prevent it from backing up. If not going to a train, you may need a priority overflow to void block.
- Google Drive Link (2 Kb).
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