1×2 Corner Excisor (12 => 24 Belts)
By Loup&Snoop.
This blueprint splits a shape to produce 2 space belts: one of the top right corner, and one of the other quadrants without mixing up the shape. That detail is what made this a 6 hour build.
- This blueprint is stupidly dense. Also works with 2 floors.
- It mixes lanes, but will not mix floors (floor segregated).
- You can see a pic of the output for my debug suite.
Click to enlarge…
On this input:
For reference, it takes:
{CrCbCgCw} => {Cr------} + {--CbCgCw}
Just to clarify what it is doing:
- Cut, rotate, swap, rotate: This gives the top right corner, rotated to the orientation that we started.
- That swap also produces a diastereomer of the desired other shape (eg {–CbCwCg}). The next step fixes that shape.
- Rotate, swap, rotate, swap, rotate.
Now the remaining 3 quadrants are correct.
- Google Drive Link (6 Kb).
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