Merger 4×4 Inputs / 4×2 Outputs Platform 2×2
By Wielkimati.
It’s a platform blueprint, 2×2 size. Uses only belts and corner joiners, so this can be used from pretty early on.
Has 2x 4×2 inputs, 1x 4×2 output on other side. uses only 2 floors.
(2 floors used for both, 1 input/output of the same shape for both floors. I guess you can make 2 different shapes with this, since inputs taken isn’t mixed between floors by mergers (LeftBottom + RightBottom, LeftTop + RightTop), but outputs aren’t sorted by input floor (top floors come out as 2×2 by sides, bottom floor comes out from 2×2 center belts)).
Has enough space to add rotators or wiring as needed, input/output sides can be easily changed. Overall pretty modular design and can be used very early on.
- Google Drive Link (6 Kb).
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