Plurality Belt Sorter – Proof of Concept
By Loup&Snoop.
This blueprint is a very rough proof of concept, and I need help optimizing it. This blueprint takes in 4 belts of shapes (some belts might be empty) where at least 2 belts match each other. Then, it will SORT the belts, so that whichever shape is the plurality is on the top.
Click to enlarge…
Example input to output (top belt to bottom belt): = empty, 〇 = circle, ◆ = diamond, □ = square.
〇〇□ → 〇〇□
〇〇 → 〇〇__
〇□□□ → □□□〇
〇□□〇 → □□〇〇
〇□◆□ → □□◆〇
〇◆□ → Jams up
The intention of this blueprint is to combine outputs from an Omni miner (on a mining node with at least 2 identical quarters) into a single useful stream, so you can immediately/quickly take the output of several omniminers, and make a few fully filled space belts with what you have.
I need help optimizing this blueprint to be useful. It mostly needs to be condensed to be much smaller, and support multiple floors.
The core thing about the wiring is that it outputs the shape that is detected as the plurality (eg there are at least 2 matching belts of shapes of this shape).
This signal could be used across multiple floors and sets of material input, since the same omni miner blueprint will output the same arrangement of belts in each copy (regardless of what omni miner BP you use).
So this big logic part just outputs to the bottom floor which shape should be on the top belts.
Based on that logic, my machine splits all the belts into 8: the top 4 belts only contain the plurality shape. The bottom 4 belts do NOT contain the plurality shape. At least 4 of these 8 belts are empty.
This part gets rid of the empty belts, to collapse everything together.
It might be possible to skip this part, and just output all of the plurality shape to one port. Or try to collect many belts across different floors to try to make the full space belt. And output all of the other mixed shapes to a different port.
- Google Drive Link (3 Kb).
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