Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 – Fast Money Guide

Wall Street Whale Achievement Guide

Keep a total of $100000 on your account.

The Setup

Max out all gear, especially the crane. Max the box and level up the rope well. Consider bringing one explosive each run. If you don’t have these, runs may be slower or this route may not work. Pick the Aramano Adrianii for easy contracts regardless of your DLC. Only grab what you need. Getting extra stuff means throwing the box more often than what the guide says.

How to Get Easy Money

Position your truck precisely using the video. It should be level with the rear cargo hatch ladder, between the road and ship, on the left side of the puddle.

Grab the work light and climb the ladder. Cut the cargo crane in front of you and radio it in. Then cut and queue the cargo hatches. Break the panels under the crane and head to the bow. Cut the middle cargo crane but don’t call it in yet. Cut and add the forward cargo hatches and crane.

Turn to the bow, grab the work light above the stairs, and throw your box into the truck. Go downstairs, grab everything except plastic trash, go back up, and throw the box again. Go down another level, grab everything in that room and the shelves and work light downstairs. Return to sunlight and throw the box.

If you have a fully upgraded crane, the aft cargo hatches should be gone. Radio in the pallet there, grab shelves and lights, destroy the mobile cargo, and rope out.

Go to the forward cargo hold, radio in the pallet, then head aft along the side your truck is on. Grab the work light and enter the next doorway. On the left, grab the right metal shelf, barrels behind it, and the monitor/computer on the middle one. Exit and throw the box.

Go further aft, use your rope to get on the upper level of the shorter structure, and enter the doorway. Grab work lights across from the metal door on the left, then enter the mess. Grab ovens and furniture, exit to sunlight, break and pick up two iron panels at the end of the walkway. Throw the box over the funnel behind you if the truck is positioned correctly. Dig through the second half of the floor panels, clean out the room and the work light outside. If you see stairs going up, position yourself in the corner below them and throw the box into the truck alongside the funnel. If not, jump down and use the rope to get back up.

Return to the area you dug down earlier and continue downwards to free a pallet. Drop down, fill your box from the new room, go out and throw the box. On the way back, go inside the port side doorway with stairs going down. Blow up or hammer the door, turn off the switch, grab the work light, go back up to the room you filled your box from, and dig down twice more aft-wards to free the pallet. Radio it in and empty your pockets by throwing the box.

Go back to the doorway you briefly entered and head for the main hallway. Grab the work light down the hall, turn right, grab washers and table from the laundry, break the wooden door across from it. Kill power, grab everything except lockers, head towards the bow, exit to the port, and throw your box from there.

Return through the doorway, enter the cabin on the left with bunks and wardrobes, grab everything, then work on walls, floors, and ceilings for the wood contract. Throw the box twice when the wood room is done. Go up the stairs in the hallway you were just in.

Upstairs, grab the metal shelf over the fire extinguisher, the work light beside them, the small area behind the stairs with another metal shelf and more fire extinguishers, and furniture in that alcove. Head fore, enter the blue room on starboard, grab two washing machines, go out to the balcony, and throw the box from there. If you forget them, grab them at the end as you exit the ship.

Go back to the stairs, up twice, grab the final fire extinguisher on the wall, return down to the previous floor with the television set. Grab wood and bridge modulars from the next room fore, throw them from the port side balcony. Break the wooden door on the starboard side of the bridge for 3 desks. All contracts should be completed now. Perform your final throw and run back to the computer. Don’t recycle scrap, it’s not worth the time. Turn in contracts and the run is done.

I got about 6k profit per run in less than 10 minutes.

I hope that’s useful.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 505 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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