Skul: The Hero Slayer – Exploits Guide

Warning! The guide contain spoilers. So that people that don’t want to use exploits read it on your own risk.

Guide to Exploits

By Chained Champion

Item rooms, skull rooms, shop slots, NPCs and curses

Always consistent even if you reload, in the case of slime if you have the same number of slots before and after the slime dupes the same slot.

Slime rng

Is exploitable in vanilla if you have a full inventory of items he’ll preferably dupe slots 2 5 and 9 (read left to right and up to down) soon I’ll do testing on not full inventories to see what slime prefers.

Bug dupes (all are very rare)

Skull dupes

1st method room NPC dupes

You can accomplish by entering and beating a skull room with 1 of the skull NPC and loading the reward and NPC skull without picking up either until you’ve loaded both

2nd method special room dupes

You can accomplish by entering a skull room with a special event that has a skull for a prize just load the room reward open it and see if it’s a dupe.

3rd method (dark mirror only, note i don’t know when it’s unlocked)

Shop dupes which is the easiest to see if you get a dupe first go in a shop if it has the headless npc(guy on middle platform) offering a skull you would want duped roll the shop until you see a skull flask of the same type and open it.

Darn character limit

Item dupes

1st method item npc you can accomplish this by going into an item room and/or having treasure 4 and loading the room reward and/or treasure 4 and unlocking them all without picking up any until all are loaded(note this has the possibility of triple of the same item although it’s incredibly rare).

2nd method special rooms you can do this by entering an item room and/or treasure 4 (if the room doesn’t have enemies you can’t use this) and unlocking all the rewards before opening any (note this also has the triple item chance again it’s still very rare).

3rd method shop dupe (dark mirror only, note forget which level) you can do this in multiple ways all involving either the gacha box or an inscription box first is main shop by having a gacha box and an item you want first open the box and see if it’s the dupe, second is having an item you want on the main shop and having an inscription box that has one of the inscriptions of the item you want and open the box, third is the same as the first part but with the dark quartz pedestal at the top of the map and also the last method involves the inscription box with the dark quartz pedestal

4th method adventurer dupes can be done by loading the rewards then looting the adventurers (note doesn’t not work with the legendaries).

Shard of darkness fusions glitch

Modded exploits

Custom items mod adventurer item dupe can be done by not having the legendary you get from soul ripper and looting the adventurer before picking up the dropped legendary.

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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