Challenge Mode Perfect Coworker
General Tips
- Skip grenade launchers. They’re not great due to low damage, slow reloading, and odd shooting path. Regular guns work better, especially with piercing ammo.
- Pick turrets instead of barriers. Turrets both block and shoot enemies. Barriers are weak in this game.
- Upgrade defense to level 3. This is usually enough. You don’t need to go all the way to level 5.
- Remember, if you exit to the main menu, you’ll lose your weapon. That’s why it’s good to know about different handguns.
- The piercing ammo gadget is very strong. Use it when you can.
- If you can’t find the handgun you want after trying twice, just use what you get. The basic handgun isn’t very good, so try to avoid it.
Lisichka is a character who deals a lot of damage. She may shoot slowly at first, but she’s still one of the best characters for Challenge mode. Lisichka works best with Hector, who makes her reload faster and fire more quickly.
At the start, focus on increasing her firing speed as much as possible. She already does a lot of damage, especially with the first shot of each magazine. Use Handgun C with Lisichka. With her first-shot ability, she can take out dangerous enemies in one shot and most other enemies in 1-2 shots.
Lisichka is good with sniper rifles, which are some of the best weapons in the game because they can shoot through enemies. However, try to avoid single-shot sniper rifles. Even though they do a lot of damage, you need to be able to control groups of enemies, and single-shot rifles fire too slowly for this.
Shotguns are also good for Lisichka. Try to avoid other types of weapons if you can.
Abrek’s effectiveness depends a lot on luck, mainly because of her gadget. While there are good combinations possible, you first need to get a gadget. Despite this, Abrek is still a good character to pick.
Abrek works best with Krasavka, who increases her Magazine Capacity by 1 and reduces her Cooldown by 1. Her stats are close to Snezhinka’s, but with faster cooldowns and slightly less damage. The longer-lasting assault rifles (ARs) are very useful, as these weapons are well-balanced and good at both damaging enemies and controlling crowds.
Abrek’s main strength is using her gadget often, which can create powerful effects. She can get piercing shots, constantly fire multiple missiles, or take down bosses very quickly with guardian cannons. You’ll use the gadget 1-3 times per wave, depending on which one you have. Defeating an enemy reduces the wait time by one second. The three gadgets mentioned (piercing shots, multi-missiles, guardian cannons) are recommended because they’re very strong, but you can try others too.
ARs work well for Abrek, so it’s best to use them. Also, try to get Handgun C as a backup weapon.
Dezik is very good at controlling groups of enemies and dealing damage. She’s probably the best character in the game right now because she’s easy to use and does a lot of damage. Dezik works best with Anita, who gives her +1 Damage and +1 Knockback. Dezik shoots more bullets with shotguns and her handgun. Handgun C is the best choice because it does more damage, making the handgun about three times stronger. You can use it easily up to days 80-90. Try to get shotguns for Dezik and only use them or your handgun. Other weapons aren’t as good as the C handgun with multishot, and the handgun doesn’t cost credits. When you start using multiple shotguns, the game becomes much easier. The extra shots make it quick to defeat anything on the screen. If you get the piercing rounds gadgets, you can win almost every boss fight very easily. Dezik is an excellent character overall.
Dochka is good but depends on luck. She can be strong with the right setup, but it’s hard to keep momentum. Her best partner would be Snezhinka for faster reloads and bigger magazines, but Snezhinka isn’t available as a teammate. Choose any partner instead. Dochka’s main feature: all her shots become explosives. This is good for crowd control but prevents using snipers’ piercing or armor-piercing rounds. Her damage might be slightly lower. Use Handgun B for better crowd control. Handgun C does more damage but fires slower, reducing crowd control.
Don’t use grenade launchers. Instead, use:
- Shotguns: turn the screen into a nuke, good for bosses
- SMGs: high fire rate helps with crowds and low damage
Use a gadget to boost her damage, like guardian cannon or flamethrower.
Krasavka is simple but effective. Her stat boosts are good and her tight shot grouping helps with quick decisions. Best partner is Abrek, who increases magazine size and reduces cooldown. Krasavka is straightforward. Her SMGs are better, and she gets great stats after resting in barracks. Use Handgun C on stat boost days. Otherwise, use any SMG except SMG C. She’s decent with all weapon types.
Piercing Ammo gadget works well, letting her control crowds with high fire rate if knockback is high enough. Her mobility doesn’t help much in Challenge mode. She’s better for Story mode.
Hector is good for long-term play. She earns more credits and uses rapid fire to keep enemies down. Best partner is Lisichka, who improves reload speed and fire rate. Start with Handgun B due to high attack and fire rate. It works like an assault rifle when you lack other weapons. Light machine guns (LMGs) are best for her, but assault rifles and shotguns work too. Her reload speed boost makes even slow LMGs reload faster.
Focus on advanced LMGs:
- Variant A for high damage
- Variant B for flooding the screen with bullets, great with piercing rounds gadget
Multi-missile gadget is a good backup for long waves or boss fights when you need to reload.
Anita is the third best for challenge mode due to her economic strength. She makes defenses cheaper or free and heals constantly. This lets you focus on fighting enemies. Works best with Dezik, who boosts her attack and knockback.
Use Handgun C to deal with tough enemies if you’re focusing on green defenses early. In challenge mode’s late stages, placing green defenses is key. Anita makes this easier or free. It’s good to build many defenses early, as they get stronger over time and you can only place one per day. Assault rifles are always good. If not using piercing ammo, try flamethrower or multi-missile gadgets. These help against bombers or groups attacking your defenses. Her natural healing provides a safety net if you don’t have barrier turrets or skip defense upgrades.
Snezhinka is the main character. She’s good overall, best late game. Has many options. Partners well with Dochka for faster reload and bigger magazines. She aims better and weapons last longer. Any start works, but Handgun C is good early. Elite Rifle and Molten Iron Squad are rare but strong. Elite Rifle is best, better with piercing ammo.
In Challenge mode, build defenses instead of her special cannon. Long Molten Iron Squad use makes things easier, allows more defenses. Like Anita, but bit better late game. Needs careful resource management.
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