Guide to Ally Treasures
By Saf
Ally treasures are basically ally equipments that count as a passive stat multiplier and also gives the allies enchants different from the ones in the normal soul parts, that i would like to call super abilities.
They’re obtainable after leveling up your soul sphere to 20, and the way they pop up is after claiming a soul part, the next claim has a set chance of being a treasure sphere (you will definitely see it, it has its own animation and the sphere is golden).
The introduction of ally treasure has made offline soul skips extremely valuable, and soul gain stat if you farm online is now very recommended.
So i suggest you buy any offline soul skip you find in the black market, and always take the ones that show up in dispatch, and if you’re a spender there’s some really good relays that give a bunch of offline skips, and the ones in the soul part pass.
For online farming just try to incorporate soul shackle (relic) or time adventurer (synergy) in your build, there are some foods that give soul gain too but most of them are exclusive so they’re limited.
To maximize your ally treasures early on i suggest you take every new treasure to equip as many allies with treasure as possible, the higher the rarity of the treasure the better, but there are some specific treasures that are very meta as of now which are : Sophia(atk buff), Charlotte(atk buff), Ellis(good for pot), Jayna(cooldown reduction), Zeros, Vivet, Inabelle(elemental damage increase) and Nike(farming)
The rest are just quality of life to make the ally easier to use, and some of them increase damage for carries so just mix and match and have fun with those if you’re an ally user.
If you summon ally treasure and all of them are dupes, first compare the ones you have equipped with the ones summoned and if any of them is a stat upgrade then just take it, and if you have dupes you can scrap any extra treasure and when you get enough you can craft a treasure chest with the shards if you have pot lvl 10.
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