Weigh Stations Guide
By Wiz.
Why We Have Weigh Stations
Weigh stations are important for keeping space roads safe. They make sure your space truck isn’t carrying too much weight. This applies to both the main part of your truck and any trailers you’re pulling. When you need to enter a weigh station, you’ll see a guide light to help you line up correctly. Once you stop completely, the station will start checking your weight.
Who is Rosso?
Rosso runs the weigh stations that are found all over space. You never see him in person, but he’s always watching. He tells drivers to stop at the stations to make sure they’re not carrying more than they’re allowed to.
Overweight Cab
You’re usually okay if your cab weight is under the limit (442 pounds normally, or 1,322 pounds if you’ve upgraded your skills). If you’re over the limit, you’ll need to give up some cargo to leave.
Important things to know:
- You won’t get money for the cargo you give up.
- Giving up illegal items will get you fined.
- Trying to bribe doesn’t always work.
- Throwing cargo out of your cab to lose weight will get you fined for littering.
- Going to sell items instead of stopping at the weigh station is not allowed.
- When asked to go to a weigh station, you should do it right away.
- Gas cans are very heavy (132.3 pounds each). It’s better to sell extra ones to keep your weight down.
Weigh stations are usually found in busier areas of space. You’ll only see the weigh station icon if it’s open and working. These stations don’t stay open in one place forever. They close in one area and open in another after some time. This can happen anywhere from every 2 hours to once a day.
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