Quick Guide to Exo Rush Build
The build is meant to overwhelm the enemy with exo’s, the best unit in the game ever forever. Since they can attack land and air, the only counter to them are anti-swarm units, but even then, right clicking on said units seems to be an effective counter-counter.
- Never stop producing BOBS.
- Get your dog to scout out the enemy.
- Overcharge and build a barracks with 2 bobs when you hit 150, produce 2 other dogs.
- Get your scout dog back to base, if the dog is attempting the decomposing challenge make a third dog.
- When you hit 10 bobs, start sending bobs to the rock ore stuff until you got 4 of em there.
- Build a supply depot with 2 bobs.
- Send out the 3 dogs, be aggressive, try to take as much attention from the enemy as possible by harassing their bobs, strolling in their base, etc. This is a one-way trip, sorry Charlie.
- When you hit 4 bobs on the rock ore, send all 4 to get your natural. Overcharge your natural as its being built.
- Start building another barracks, overcharge if you’re impatient.
- 10.get 2 lancers out for counter-dog shenanigans.
- Build a bioteknics lab. overcharge!
- Start spewing out exos, and when both your first and natural are saturated, get 4 bobs and get your third.
- While your third is being built, construct 3 more barracks.
Keep in mind this entire time you could be pressured by early rushes, if your scouting revealed that your opponent has a mech bay then hold out on the third and focus on getting all 5 barracks working. You’ll need it to counter hedgehogs.
- With your third (evantually) built, you can send any other bobs to the coal mines and start producing exo’s at a consistent rate. You’ll hit your supply cap all the time with exo’s so get 2 bobs to spam habitats.
- With your epic space marine army at-hand, send em over to your opponent’s base for an unconsentual anal probing. keep producing exos in the background just in case your first visit doesent go so well.
- Victory!
A few issues could arise from anti-swarm units, and if your enemy spams said unit you might be in a pickle, try your best to keep your exo friends a secret.
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