Strategy Guide for PT Sierra
By Mazianni.
Figure out the locations where there are holes to the bottom of the map, put your sand pumps in those locations. You can figure it out by going into map mode and rotating the camera to look for the wall outlines. for the pit. There are several near the elevator that you can tunnel to easily that will allow you to minimize the pump infrastructure required to empty the map. If you want spoilers, check the spoilered video.
- Another tip is to put down calycite (or standard power) flooring at the level if the elevator exit and just tunnel to the locations– you might have to pump out of a bit of the sand, but it’ll save you belts if you put the pumps in at the exit level for the freight elevator.
- Another tip is to build up your diesel production a little bit and stock up at least half a chest before you start– then convert over to sesamite recipes for diesel production to ensure you maintain a strong output.|
- Another tip is to unlock the glide pack before you start trying to empty Sierra so that you can use the free range of movement to explore vertically.
Finally, when placing a sand pump above ground level, put down some powered or calycite flooring around where you want to place a pump, then you can use that to help put the pump at an elevated level (rather than being forced to put it on the ground.)
Pretty standard stuff for base building that you probably learned– but it works for sand pumps. I think that when I do this placing the sandpump is a two click process, so you can place it and then raise/lower the level a little before clicking again to actually place. I cannot test that at the moment to be 100% certain though– you can only put a sand pump above sand and I’ve completely cleared out Sierra.
The map viewpoint is facing towards PT Sierra at the start (from behind the elevator). My first two sand pumps are between the elevator and the PT and while that’s an excellent place to start, that location is not the best location. (There are four locations that I found that go all the way to map floor so you don’t have to move the pumps around once you place them and fuel them in those locations).
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