The Battle Cats – Underground Labyrinth Guide

Guide to Underground Labyrinth

What is it?

It’s a limited time gamemode, along the lines of legend quest and heavenly tower, that shows up in the main menu, alongside legend stages and catclaw dojo, where the main goal is going as far as you can.

When can I play it and why should I?

Labyrinth has no consistent schedule, but when it’s available the requirement for entering is having completed Into the Future chapter 3, it’s main appeal is the high amount of dark catseyes you can obtain out of it.

How do the rewards work?

Labyrinth has 2 main factors, first, it records how far you currently are and ranks you in the same way dojo does, with higher placements giving better rewards. Second, you must get as far as you can, there are a total of 100 stages but very few people can beat all of them.

How do the stages work?

Every stage is no continues and has a small energy cost, but the most important factor in labyrinth is the amount of cats you own. You need to have a full loadout of 10 cats before you can enter the stage and your run will typically end once you no longer have 10 cats to field.

At the end of every stage part of your team will be “trapped”, that is to say that you are no longer able to use them and you will have to replace them to enter the next stage with a chance that you will have the option to “rescue” one of the units that just got trapped of your choice if you win the stage, effectively preventing them from getting trapped.

Furthermore, any units that didn’t get trapped will remain locked in your lineup, that is to say, you can’t remove them and they will have to stay in your lineup until they get trapped.

How does the trapping system work?

Every time you beat a stage a certain amount of the cats in your lineup will be trapped, the amount being dependent on the stage you were on with a 60% for you to have a chance of rescuing one of them, losing or backing out will trap 2 cats.

  • Stages 1-9, 11-19 and 21-29 will trap 3-5 cats.
  • Stages 31-39, 41-49 and 51-59 will trap 4-6 cats.
  • Stages 61-69, 71-79, 81-89 and 91-98 will trap 5-7 cats.
  • Every 10th stage and stage 99 will trap the most cats, between 7-9 cats.

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What is the plan?

Your first priority is to always win a stage since you will lose units regardless of whether or not you succeed, so you want to avoid wasting units in order to get as far as possible, to achieve this you should always be bringing 1 or 2 units that are able to win the stage on their own regardless of what the rest of the team looks like, this is made easier by the fact that most laby stages are pretty easy.

Second priority should be to save valuable units for as long as possible, competent attackers and meatshields being the most notable units to save up on, after all, it would be counterproductive to waste all your good units in the first 5 floors and be unable to win stages later on. For this the previously stated 1-2 good units rule of thumb plays well, since it reduces the odds of them being the units trapped while giving you the option of rescuing them if they do, allowing them to be preserved for a large amount of floors.

Third priority, which becomes more prevalent the more cats you have and further you plan to get, get rid of all the bad units and the units that require heavy support early on. There are tons upon tons of cats in this game that are extremely weak, even by labyrinth standards. Be it collab, seasonal or monthly units, these weak units are what you want to be filling your lineup with the most, especially early on, to save up your more competent ones for later.

This also applies to units that require heavy support to function since labyrinth’s format means that you may not have the units to cover up for them. As a side note for this point that applies mostly to players with sizable collections, Ubers are a unit rarity that you will end up with a disproportionate amount of compared to other rarities so it’s also a good idea to start culling them sooner rather than later.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 502 Articles
Egor Opleuha is a professional copywriter with more than 12 years of experience, who eventually became fully immersed in the gaming industry. The legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga was and continues to be his favorite video game franchise. In his free time he likes to fish and play guitar.

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