All Dooley Items (Tier List)
By Power Drill Convert.
Current Ranking of the Cores:
- Burn > Friend > Shield >= The Core > Crit > Weapon.
Alpha Ray – B
- With the rays being so meta it has been a lot easier to gauge the strength of alpha rays. As far as scaling goes it is pretty good but it is hard to find success with weapon builds right now. Also in ray builds it currently doesn’t trigger other rays so there is usually very little reason to use it there, and even if it did trigger them it would probably be the worst of the 4 rays.
- Better just by the fact rays are easier to obtain now.
Beta Ray – S+
- Completely egregious if you can get it to gold/diamond in a ray build since it can permanently freeze pretty much every small item the opponent has. Often sell it at bronze in hopes to find a higher level version though.
Gamma Ray – A
- Not as necessary as omega ray because usually in poison builds you have all your poison focused onto one item (monitor lizard/chemsnail) and so aren’t getting as much out of the buff, but still usually worth running alongside them.
Omega Ray – S
- One of the 2 infamous builds that is insanely easy to force right now. Obviously best if you have the burn core but still strong without. Basically as soon as you find this you just move the core to the very right since it is almost always better than the scaling from burn core.
Angry Balloon Bot – D
- If you are against poison or another mostly shield/heal build it basically does nothing. When it works it still probably feels a tad underwhelming, and it requires a very specific build to be useful.
Antimatter Chamber – D
- Honestly I have never tried this item, it is so hard to fit into Dooley builds because they are so reliant on combos between cards on the board – at least when you are using a core. I think 99% of the time I would much rather have a virus which disrupts on half the cooldown at gold+ but also deals a hefty amount of poison damage.
Atomic Clock – B
- Can fit really well into a lot of builds and if I have extra ammo lying around, I’d always consider it, though I usually only buy it at gold+. The ideal scenario for this is putting it next to crane with the skill that hastes a tool when you use a tool.
- Only thing bringing it down in my opinion is Dooley has a lot of other really strong and flexible items such as Pierre and Chronobarrier which can be situationally much stronger.
- Lowered rating a little because I have been finding it hard to make room for this in a lot of Dooleys meta builds right now.
Balloon Bot – C
- Can be situationally very good in the early to mid-game especially with either Miss Isles or pulse rifle, but similarly to brick buddy falls off in the late game since fights are much shorter.
- I have heard that this can be really nice with some of the new friends that charge on use such as race carl, but the cooldown was increased by 1 second so I feel like it is overall much worse.
Bellelista – B
- In combination with the skill that hastes a weapon on non-weapon use has a lot of potential and I have had some success with it.
- Currently outclassed by other friend builds I think but after the recent changes it seems a lot more usable
Battery – A
- Enables a lot of really high cooldown weapons to be good, or assuming the cooldown lines up so the item to the left has a slightly shorter cooldown than battery, also really good for just charging up important items. Usually feels weak at lower ranks though.
Bill Dozer – A
- I have been really impressed with this item when I have tried it. Its damage is similar to Clawrence (except Clawrence does more at diamond) but the cooldown reduction on other friend items feels well worth the extra slot it costs for being a large item.
- Probably stronger now that aiden has a 3s cooldown and there are a lot of friends that now charge in various ways for more triggers (such as bomb squad)
- Like with other large items is very difficult to force at the moment without a reroll on large item shops.
Blast Doors – S+ (Removed)
- I really like the new design of this item but it was insanely overtuned. Like literally so long as you had blast doors most elite encounters just became trivial. Once it comes back shield builds will likely be a lot stronger again.
Bomb Squad – A
- The change from haste to charge 2 seconds was such a huge buff to this card. Unfortunately it is not very well positioned at the moment unless you are doing a burn build with friend core but often just a good item to use with a few random friends you have lying around.
Brick Buddy – A
- I think this is one of the best early game items for Dooley, but with the abundance of poison right now shield has lost a lot of value. Really strong addition to any friend build but similarly to Balloon Bot it falls off later into the game. Strong synergy with Miss Isles.
- I think the scaling was changed to be worse at higher but better at lower ranks (5-15-30-50 to 10-20-30-40) If anything it’s probably better because it was unlikely you’d want to continue using this until the very end of the game.
Bunker – D
- Okay to be fair I haven’t yet tried harmadillo + bunker after the patch but with the removal of triggers on poison, burn and sandstorm it is hard to see it being good anymore even in harmadillo builds.
Capacitor – D
- Really happy to see that the cooldown was reduced by 3 seconds which is what i was hoping for last time I reviewed Dooley’s items, but still feels a bit weak in my opinion (compare it to black pepper from jules etc.)
Char Cole – B
- This seems like a pretty fair card, I am yet to try it in a full on friend build but I imagine it would be quite strong from time to time. If anything, the cooldown feels a bit high to me but I haven’t tried it enough to make a comment.
Charging Station – A
- I have probably played double core builds more than anything else and in those builds I think I’d much rather use motherboard for damage buffing or other cards that synergise with the core. And the charge effect feels like a similar effect to fibre optics but on a medium item so the item is in a bit of an awkward position at the moment.
- I have been experimenting with this card a lot more and I have to say the charge effect alone, even if fibre optics is often better, can 100% take some builds that focus on one item to the next level.
(One of my recent successful charging station builds).
Chemsnail – A
- I think I’d rather build around monitor lizard out of the two because I’m not convinced that Dooley has enough great slow items, but if you manage to get cool LED’s + Pylon the build feels quite strong and if it goes untouched might take the place of monitor lizard after it is nerfed.
- Very good target for enchants and much stronger if you can find righty tighty.
Chronobarrier – S
- In the late game you just want to go off before your opponents and this helps with that significantly. I think fort for Pyg is probably stronger but this is a close second.
- I think as long as my build can function by giving up 2 slots for a diamond chrono-barrier i will always try and fit it into my build.
Cog – C
- Maybe I am underestimating, but it has always felt very difficult to justify a slot for cog when things like metronome exist.
- Maybe it is useful for the cards that get buffs from being hasted but those cards feel really weak to me.
Combat Core – A
- I think a large part of its strength is its synergies from all the effects dooley has related to the core such as “upgrade the core” skills and level up rewards, Pierre, Scrap metal, cool LED’s, GPU, remote control etc.
- No longer the powerhouse it once was but I can’t imagine it being weak once you get the right items and synergies. It got a significant nerf from having no reroll in large item shops. Usually you were able to almost guarantee an early gold combat core but now that is less realistic.
Crane – A
- I think this is exactly what a large weapon should really be. At diamond this item has so much potential to one-shot people but with a 10s cooldown it can often be too slow. Pair this with atomic clock, Pylon, Pulse rifle, Miss isles etc. and it stacks up shockingly fast. In combination with the skill that hastes another tool when you use a tool and atomic clock it can also be very quick to get going. I have had a few wins pivoting to crane especially with how good pulse rifle is at the moment.
Chris Army Knife – B
- Generally a useful item to have because it has a lot of tags and can fit into almost any build. Especially nice with soldering gun since it is both a tool and a friend.
Claw Arm – D
- I have never tried this item, but it is one in a series of items that gain benefits from being hasted that just feel impossible to use. It is hard to imagine it being better than Bellelista etc.
Clawrence – B
- Similar to bill dozer in function and still solid on its own but I just feel like bill dozer has a small edge due to its additional cooldown reduction to other friends.
Cool LEDs – A
- Probably Dooleys best slow item. With double core and maybe a couple slow buffs it can keep the majority of the opponents board permanently slowed.
- Worth justifying with almost any core at gold+
Coolant – C
- As a freeze its basically strictly better than Isochoric Freezer (I still don’t understand why that item exists as is) but even then, I’m not sure 6 seconds for a 3 second freeze (at diamond) is that insane. The second effect is very situational and it’s hard to imagine using only self-burn would make it worth using. If the meta ever becomes burn heavy, then maybe this item has a place.
- I haven’t used it personally but it’s probably a good item to tech in vs Dooley right now since there is probably a 50% chance it is a burn build.
Cooling Fan – C
- What a weird mix of effects, in theory a 2.5 second cooldown for +5-15% crit chance on the core is pretty good but it feels like a stretch to add in self-burn just to take advantage of this. With ignition or crit core maybe it has more of a place, but because burn takes time to stack up anyway it feels like overkill to use a slot to increase burn stacking from the core later on. A decent filler in double core builds.
Copper Ed – B
- Early on I’m never unhappy to have Ed but it just doesn’t really do anything well enough to fit into any one late game build, so it usually gets cut pretty soon. Maybe if you have the skill that freezes on poison you can keep it a little longer.
Cryosphere – C
- I tried this item out just before writing this and it does feel like it has potential, if you can use fibre-optics or battery or the likes it could become very easy to create a permanent freeze situation. Feels like it needs a lot to come together to be amazing though and maybe needs Dooley’s scarf which is also a rare item.
Crypto – A
- Not much to say except worth buying when you can afford to since it’s free money.
Cybersecurity – D
- Very comparable to sniper rifle in venessa but just comparing the number it comes out a lot weaker. Sniper rifle literally does 10 times it’s damage whereas this only does 4x. It obviously has the upside of being able to use other weapons but even then this feels way too weak. (especially since sniper rifle is niche anyway).
Diana-Saur – B
- A lot more limited than Momma saur but it is hard for destroy effects to not have potential to be strong. The limitation of only destroying if your opponent has 6+ items makes it so you really want to upgrade this item. I also think it isn’t usually good/necessary to run it alongside Momma-Saur and instead focus other items on speeding up momma-saur’s activation etc.
- The damage scaling was nerfed from 40->20, though in the case of Diana you could often just tech it in as item disruption as opposed to using it as a damage source itself. I think the damage nerf to Moma-saur was much more significant.
DJ Robot – B
- Have only played it a couple times but feels like a reasonably strong early-mid game item. I would have tried it more but I found out the hard way that DJ Robot is not levelling up nanobots on level up at the moment. The robotic factory nerf probably hit it’s potential late game pretty significantly aswell.
Dooley’s Scarf – C
- Really cool item but really hard to justify the space for it. Interesting in combination with cryosphere as mentioned before and of course as a counter to freeze builds if they become really popular.
Duct Tape – S
- Without a doubt one of the best shield items in the game and essential for harmadillo and shield builds. Would probably still be strong even if it didn’t have the slow passive on top, yet I’m not sure it feels so unfair that it warrants a nerf. Model Ship pales in comparison though.
Fiber Optics – S
- At gold it’s good but sometimes hard to fit in but at diamond this item is cracked and almost always worth making space for in a build.
First Aiden – A
- They completely removed the on haste heal effect but replaced it with an even more versatile version of the card that is hard to complain about. tied with miss-isles it now has the lowest base cooldown out of all friends which is very relevant in friend builds.
Flamethrower – D
- Insane for the other two classes but Dooley has basically no way to buff attack significantly without something like the heavy lifting skill, meaning this item is almost always useless when you see it. If you do have a good way to scale it though it is definitely a consideration.
Force Field – B
- §The item itself feels quite good especially when compared to spiky shield in Pygmalien which has double the cooldown and half the shield (but medium size not large). I guess the problem is that it is probably harder for Dooley to stack enormous shields without skills compared to pyg, especially later in the game. I often use it in combination with combat core if I happen to pick one up early.
- The base shield was nerfed slightly but I think this didn’t affect the card in a huge way.
Fork Lift – F
- One of the few large Dooley items (alongside railgun and kinetic cannon) that are just complete garbage and never worth considering because combat core is basically better in every scenario. Neither of its effects are particularly strong so I struggle to see any scenario where you’d want this. At diamond it would be 700 damage on a 10 second cooldown which just doesn’t cut it especially considering you’d have to run all small items for this to reach its maximum output.
Gearnola Bar – C
- Nothing exciting but not terrible as an early filler.
- Small buff by 20 at gold and diamond but it could have used a buff to lower ranks as well.
- In double core builds this item is really nice, and if your build revolves around the core it is still usable and usually better than cog. Main problem is that metronome is so insane that you sometimes don’t need or have room for the extra haste, and unlike metronome, until you get it to 4 seconds of haste it is difficult to keep 100% haste uptime.
Hacksaw – D
- I’ve never used this but it’s hard to imagine it being better than the dino’s which can destroy multiple items, or virus. The damage is usually irrelevant which makes it kind of comparable to antimatter chamber but instead of 10s destroy 3 it is 6s destroy 1.
Hammlet – D
- I have never considered using this item but maybe with pylon, LED’s and a core that you really want to spam it might be nice. Or for the things that trigger off of using a friend. It also has a million tags which might be relevant for something
Harmadillo – B
- I don’t have much experience with the new version but it feels decent from what I can tell. Compared to the previous version the difference is insane though.
Ice 9000 – F
- I somehow think they made this card worse with the previous patch, but I haven’t had any reason to try it yet. It is nice that it is now available in bronze but even in a freeze build I feel like there has to be a better win con. 8s cooldown just feels too high to me
Induction Aegis – B
- At bronze this item feels pretty nice. It is currently very comparable to welding helmet which has a 1 second lower cooldown but takes up 2 item slots. As a baseline burn item I am always happy to see it in the early game even though it usually gets cut later on.
Isochoric Freezer – F
- This item is laughably bad in its current state. It is literally Ice pick but without the damage and scaling from freeze. Probably would never consider it even in a full freeze setup.
Kinetic Cannon – F
- Similar to Forklift, this item is abysmal. It can be directly compared to combat core which gets up to 50 attack per item use at diamond. This gets 40 but only from small items, and also has a 6 second longer cooldown leaving the only advantage that it has higher base damage.
- Cooldown was reduced from 10 to 8 seconds but i still don’t think i’d ever consider this item
Laser Pistol – D
- Decent in the early game but pretty much no uses anywhere else. Not sure if it needs changing though, would be nice if it had an extra effect.
Lens – C
- When I read this item, I wasn’t convinced I’d ever actually seen it in-game. Seems very difficult to use though because apart from metronome, friend core and solar farm, Dooley’s haste items aren’t actually that strong. +5 damage also feels quite insignificant by the time you get to this item.
Lightbulb – C
- Just by virtue of being a 3s cooldown item this item can be pretty good just for charging the core and powering up other items. The crit can be relevant especially if you are playing a slower build but I find it’s usually hard to make room for it. Much more considerable if you are using the crit core.
Mech-Moles – D
- Another item that suffers from having no amazing ways to target haste in dooley. I’m not sure what this item needs to be comparable to something like sharkclaws in venessa – I think you’d have to be hasting it at least 2 times per use (plus you might need to use extra cards just to haste this)
Memory Card – C
- In combat core builds I often go out of my way to farm this in pve encounters, and sometimes it just appears as diamond or gold in your shop, in which case its just a massive chunk of attack which is nice. Early game it can be a nice econ item for a character that is otherwise lacking.
- The reduction of the cooldown from 12->10 seconds was nice but it still feels rarely worth using unless you find it early game at bronze.
Metronome – S
- If I can fit in this item I think it’s almost always worth it, usually getting it to 2 haste is enough to keep 2 items permanently hasted which is so much value for just one small item. Interestingly, Mak has an item called ‘Catalyst’ which is basically a strictly worse version of metronome.
Micro Dave – B
- Solid early game burn card that can also be built around potentially. One gripe I have with it is that a lot of the other burn cards are medium, so it feels hard to use them in conjunction. Generally, I think rocket launcher, ignition core etc. are easier to build around. It does have great synergy with soldering gun though.
- The bomb squad buff was a big buff to this card because if you put it next to micro dave they both charge each other.
Miss Isles – A
- The lowest friend cooldown AND multicast is all that you could really ask for in the builds where it is good. Bill Dozer, Clawrence, Brick buddy etc. all care about friend activations and this is usually the perfect card for that.
Momma-Saur – B
- If your run looks poor it is definitely possible to find a Momma Saur and have it turn it into 10 wins. Stuff like battery/fiber optics to spam it as much as possible or just friend core all work well with it because usually if your opponent loses 1 or 2 items Mom will be enough to finish them off by herself.
- The damage nerf to momma-saur was huge because it will now take at least 1-2 extra hits for her to kill the opponent. She is also really bad into the current meta because even if you destroy the opponents items you will often still die to DOT effects from enemy Dooley’s etc.
Monitor Lizard – S+
- Dooleys strongest and most consistent build this patch. I have tried chemsnail and monitor lizard builds a lot and it is insane how much quicker and easier to piece together this build is. All you really need is friend core and monitor lizard and you have an (almost) guaranteed won run. I try not to get too tunnelled in on the card with friend core though because I have missed it and done poorly because of that beforehand.
Motherboard – B
- Mainly something I consider in double core builds, but I usually aim to pivot out of it with Pierre or Chronobarrier etc. in the late game. In combination with GPU the amount of damage it gives to the core is quite significant.
Nitro – B
- Often you run this just to get a mass of burn effects to the point you do actual damage. The self-burn synergies don’t really matter for much at the moment except Pyrocarbon which now hastes on self-burn, which sounded like a really cool change but the solar farm buffs were big enough that that is usually the go-to for haste in burn builds for me.
Nitrogen Hammer – D
- Since you only ever see this card as a mob drop its easily forgettable that it is actually a dooley card. The scalings on it seem poor but maybe that is the tax for being a freeze item. I’m not sure when It’d ever feel like a reasonable pivot. Maybe if you had iceberg hanging around from somewhere.
Pierre Conditioner – B
- If you can get this to 2-3 seconds freeze with 2 cores and remote control it is very easy to set up a permanent freeze with just this card. At 1 second though it can be difficult to achieve but is still often worth using.
- With snowflakes removed temporarily and double core being less optimal I have found this to be rarely a consideration anymore. I also probably overrated it last patch because of how situational it is.
Plasma Grenade – C
- If you could increase the ammo on this reliably on Dooley it would probably be a strong item but just with 1 ammo it isn’t often worth using. At high ranks it can be good just for the 3-4s enemy slow on all items though.
- I feel like they gave this one an unwarranted nerf from 4s to 8s (and increasing slow by 1 i think?) It was already situational but now i’d probably only consider it if I had ammo and it was at gold+.
Plasma Rifle – C
- If I see an early plasma rifle I’m usually very happy to build around it, though it is often difficult to make room for survivability if you are using lots of burn and also this. Can scale really fast if you get some of the skills that apply extra burn or that legendary item that burns when your opponent uses an item.
- Lowered rank just because other burn options are better at the moment.
Power Drill – C
- I had a LOT of success with this item when it was at 2s charge at diamond rank, but now that it has been lowered to 1s charge I don’t really consider it unless i have the absolute perfect setup for it. I’m not sure that it was too op at 2s so it would be nice to see it back there, or at least have it’s cooldown lowered a bit
Power Sander – B
- Really nice early game scaling item but similar to others falls off late.
Pulse Rifle – A
- Great weapon for damage scaling but also great just for cards that care about uses like tape/the core/crane/balloon bot. The downside of only having one friend can be a problem but usually is worth it since the extra multicast is so strong.
- Alongside the cooldown nerf, the damage nerf is surprisingly relevant but it is still one of dooleys better weapons.
Pylon – B
- Needs quite a lot of slow support to be considerable, and you really want to upgrade/increase the haste on it to make it shine, but if you are able to perma-slow all enemies and perma-haste all your items that is a HUGE advantage.
Pyrocarbon – D
- I thought this item sounded insane but usually when I see it i wish it started at 2s haste because it seems difficult to make it so that it perma-hastes your items. Also there is still not much other incentive for taking self-burn cards so it Isn’t usually even an option.
Race Carl – B
- In theory this card is really strong, and probably with sharp corners etc. it would be. Outside of that though it is so difficult for dooley to scale the damage on Carl to the point it would be better than other payoffs.
- At the moment it is a very comparable effect to monitor lizard but the power difference between them is so huge that it is hard to give Carl a fair rating. I think I tried it a couple times this patch and it has felt okay both times. Good for triggering other items especially.
Railgun – C
- Never actually tried this but I doubt it would do enough damage to be a wincon by itself. Feels like you really want combat core but that would mean you have basically have no extra space on your board.
- Currently disabled so unable to give it a rating now that it triggers off of rays as well.
Remote Control – B
- One of the main reasons the double core build is extremely strong. It gets a whopping 2 second cooldown reduction on upgrade so at diamond I’d probably consider it even in single core builds.
- Double core builds are much harder to force so lowered rating accordingly.
Robotic Factory – B
- After the nerfs I’m not sure whether this is often better than a diamond tier bill dozer. I agree with kripp that if you could enchant this like shipwreck it would be a lot more appealing as a diamond item.
Rocket Launcher – A
- Dooley has so many weapons that would be cracked if he could boost the damage of them easily (Flamethrower, Carl, Pulse Rifle etc.) and this is no exception because it basically does 6x damage if the enemy has burn. I have played a pyg who managed to find this item with crook and it was disgusting. Even without damage buffs it still does a good amount of damage though and is a good target for burn buffs but I can imagine soldering gun being a better item in many situations.
Schematics – B
- Almost always a buy assuming you are using a core that scales off of crit, especially when upgraded. If its lower tier I’ll sometimes sell it early and hope to find a higher tier one in shop.
- Currently disabled.
Scrap Metal – A
- This item previously made Dooleys late game the nuts because having the core/combat core on a 1-2s cooldown is extremely hard to beat. Still an insane target for the level 11 free upgrade but not as easily obtainable as before.
Security Camera – D
- I have never used this item in an end game build and it’s hard to imagine a build that would want it. I think I’d rather have vanessas amulet 99% of the time (obviously they are cross class but still)
Solar Farm – A
- I love the new design for solar farm because it really feels like it pieces together a burn build. Early in the game the regen is actually significant and if you upgrade it it is just fun to have your regen reach the hundreds and get a taste of how mak will feel to play. It triggers a lot more now which is also nice for many items and the core.
- The secret event at monster grotto is also a nice bonus.
- Also became a really nice target for enchantments.
Soldering Gun – A
- Great for burn (especially with micro Dave), Great for triggering uses and all around a strong item. Being a small item is also a nice upside. It is one of the main reasons Chris army knife is a nice item.
Tesla Coil – C
- I feel like the changes last patch were a nerf the the overall power of the item overall, but because Dooley has such a hard time buffing attack it feels like an overall buff to the item since it has a much higher base damage and now triggers a lot more often (for items where that is relevant)
Thermal Lance – C
- Pretty cool item but as I have mentioned previously it is really difficult to target haste without metronome or cog at the moment. I can’t see this being better than something like char-Cole in a friends build which also has the advantage of being a small item. I guess with Solar Farm you would be hasting this every 2 seconds which would stack up at an OK rate.
- The change to silver and increased scaling were actually nice but it still struggles in that it is very difficult to target haste. I want to try it in a solar farm build at some point.
Thrusters – C
- Most of this item’s budget is probably in the cooldown reduction effect which can be quite nice and make it worth using up until late in the game. If you need self-burn I think nitro does a better job being a 4s cooldown with higher burn and a nice charge effect.
Uzi – A
- When in doubt I usually pick up the uzi because why not. It is just a solid low cooldown item that can be used for triggering the core or other items that care about activations.
- Currently hard to fit into most meta builds.
Virus – A
- At silver this is unusable but at gold+ this item is actually really nuts. If you have no other small items, it is essentially a 5s cooldown, small sized harpoon which also does poison damage, and even if you have other small items it can often still be worth running since it does a tonne of poison all by itself. I have good success both building around this and just slotting it in as a disruption tool. The main problem is it can be quite hard to get to gold+.
Wallace – C
- In the first few fights the scaling can actually win fights, but it is so slow that it usually becomes irrelevant pretty quickly.
- I actually never noticed that when it shields it shields for its base + the shield it gains so at bronze it’d shield for 10,15,20 instead of 5,10,15. Still feels weak to me though
Walter Cooler – A
- The goat.
- They nerfed the diamond version to charge 1 second instead of 2.
Weakpoint Detector – B
- After trying this in the previous patch I learnt that it actually has insane potential for an item since it can very easily permanently loop with righty tighty etc. But this patch they nerfed the skill that slows on tool use and lowered it’s charge to 2s at all ranks so I’m not convinced it is as usable now.
Welding Helmet – C
- As an item itself it’s okay but I think it compares unfavourably to lighter from vanessa.
- And now with Induction Aegis being buffed and burn skills removed it looks even less appealing (even if it got a +1 shield buff lol)
Welding Torch – C
- They changed it from self-hasting to reducing cooldown by 50% whilst you have shield. Much less combo potential with things that trigger on haste, but it now stacks WITH haste so I think with the right setup it is probably quite decent. Its main advantage is that it has a high base burn for a common item, though I doubt I’d bring it to late game builds.
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