The Braves – Guide to Liana

Liana Guide + Useful Tips

She is a beginner character that is easy to use and she can use any weapons equally. She also has 1 free resurrection which will help when you made a mistake along the way.

Pros & Cons


  • 10% to Cooldown reduction+ 1 resurrection
  • No penalty damage to any weapon


  • Very low damage, 304 ATK at level 50
  • Health is average at 3040. It’s not low but also not high either
  • 10% to damage. This make her low ATK feel even lower


While Liana can use any weapon but the stating weapon will give bonus damage (+25%) to the skill of that weapon. It is a good idea to choose a weapon that have a good starting skill and also good for dealing damage to bosses.

My Recommendations Are:

Firestarter’s Staff

The fireball skill is very easy to use and the passive to combo the skill is the best passive to increase your DPS in the game. You get more cooldown reduction to every skill so almost every skill will cast more often and deal more damage. The fireball also has ability to track enemy and boss so you don’t have to aim and can just move around to avoid boss’s attack.


Stone shrapnel is very good at the start. Since it shoots stone in front of you, it’s easy for you to walk in any direction you want. This is very good for going to find breakable and items around the map. When fighting against bosses, most bosses will give you attack opportunity after they attack. Even with the bosses that don’t give you any time to stand still, stone shrapnel will still clear the path for you to run around and let other skill deal damage to bosses instead.

The passive is not needed, while it helps in the long run, sometimes you need the power immediately so it’s not that good to take the passive. The combo boulder is also not that good to use. First it doesn’t clear the enemy in front of you as good as stone shrapnel. It’s also block your screen and make it’s a lot harder to see.

Frosty Chakram

Throwing Disc is also a very good starter skill. While it doesn’t attack as fast as fireball and the range is a lot shorter, it’s also dealing a lot more damage and have pierce. Throwing Disc has a really good DPS for bosses and mini bosses while it can still clear enemy around you. It’s harder to use compare to fireball but overall, it’s more useful for bosses.

Increase running is a fine passive but it’s not needed. When you need more running speed, most of the time even with fully max skill it still doesn’t help. The combo is also not that bad but overall, it will decrease your damage. It helps to clear enemy around you so it’s not all that bad.

Example of End Game Skill

Greedy hand is not useful but we need it to have a combo of dragon fire. So after we pick the skill once when it appear again you can banish it from appearing again. Doing this we will save 4 skill points or 4 level so that you can get other skill faster.

Stone shrapnel is very useful but the scaling is not that impressive. So, after we pick the skill 2-3 times when it appears again you can banish it from appearing again. Doing this we will save 5-6 skill points or 5-6 level so that you can get other skill faster.

Revive only use 2 skill point to max out so it’s really useful to save 3 skill points for getting other skill faster. It’s still useful even when we already have 1 free revive.

We can also take more aggressive option and go for over 9000 instead. We don’t take it before because we don’t have a passive slot for it. You can also choose some others skills and passive if you can’t find the exact skill but this skill set offer enough DPS and survivability so it’s still recommended.

That’s it!

Jan Bakowski
About Jan Bakowski 474 Articles
A lifelong gamer Jan Bakowski, also known as Lazy Dice, was always interested in gaming and writing. He lives in Poland (Wrocław). His passion for games began with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. Proud owner of Steam Deck, which has become his primary gaming platform. He’s been making guides since 2012. Sharing his gaming experience with other players has become not only his hobby but also his job.

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