Useful Tips for Noobs
When making your creature, you can have any number of icons. This can be good or bad, depending on how you want to play.
Some easy strategies:
- Use Scratch (a free attack card) with cards that let you draw more or reuse cards. This helps you attack a lot.
- This works well if you have low or high impetus.
If you’re not using that strategy, try:
- Unyielding for single creatures.
- Wall of Flesh for multiple creatures (these help protect your creature).
There’s no best personality for your creature. Aggressive, Cunning, and Stubborn all have good cards. You can change your play style to get different cards if needed. You can get all types of cards from the Academy if you have the right icons on your creature. There’s no perfect build. Any build can be strong if you play well and build it right.
- You don’t have to take a card when you level up.
- You don’t have to upgrade a card when given the chance.
- It’s okay to take a card if you’re interested in it.
- Good cards can show up anytime.
It’s fine to retire a creature if it gets too strong and you want easier games. You can also keep creatures you don’t use. You have six slots for creatures.
Premise and Gameplay Loop
The Corpsmen game is about being a new graduate who becomes a Corpsman. Your main job is to build up creatures. You go into the wild to beat strong enemies called bosses. You bring back meat to feed the town and your creatures.
The game has different phases that you can do in any order after the first time:
- Make one or more creatures/monsters
- Put them in a team
- Choose an area to explore
- Pick a starting path and follow it, making choices along the way
- Fight enemies, handle events, and face the boss
- Return home, whether you win or lose, and start over
When making creatures, you first choose the body type. All bodies work about the same, but they decide what limbs you can add. One body type gives you poison-related abilities.
All parts are equally strong. The important thing is what icons the parts give you. These icons decide what abilities your creature can get.
Size is just for looks. You can have different numbers of limbs. You can make your creature simple or complex. In the end, you’ll have four ability cards and 50 health points.
After choosing body parts (usually two legs, maybe a tail, and a head with arms, more legs, or wings), you pick your creature’s abilities. You choose 4 cards from groups of 3 options. Think about how you want your creature to fight. Don’t worry if you don’t get exactly what you want.
When you start the game, you’ll make a team of creatures. You have six team slots, but you won’t know this right away. The tutorial gives you two temporary creatures (numbers 626 and 627) plus your own creature. Focus on using cards for your own creature first. After the tutorial, you’ll lose the two temporary creatures.
You can have teams of one, two, or three creatures. It’s up to you. There are three areas to explore: Forest, Mountains, and Swamp. Each area has different bosses and special enemies.
When you choose an area, you’ll see a map with different routes. The map shows what you’ll find on each route, like battles, special battles, boss battles, rest spots, or random events. Regular battles give you parts, meat, experience, and let you use your cards. Bosses give more rewards but are harder.
Events can be good or bad for your creatures. They might give bonuses or cause problems. If you’re new, you might want to avoid them at first.
When you finish exploring, you either win or lose. If you lose, you don’t get to keep the meat you found. If you win, you get to keep everything you found.
Back at home, you can make new creatures, buy parts, get new cards, or remove cards and problems from your creatures. You can have as many or as few cards as you want. Remember, your creatures can die at any time, even if they’re very strong.
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