I’m going to explain now how this works and what you need to make it work.
Guide to Max Damage Output
By Terrente
6 skill stones, just 1 is legendary and they are pretty common, and 2 or 3 Old currency Bag 2 from the event for the magic powder to upgrade the skill to S5 as long you have them leveled up enough.
How does it work
It works using 3 skills that apply a decreased attack, evasion and accuracy debuff by chance when they hit, and other 3 skill that deal extra 250% of skill dmg when those debuffs are on the boss.
Debuff skills
First one is D. Meteor Strike, this one is almost guaranteed to be applied every time it has the highest chance to apply the debuff at 40% and multiple hits that each have a chance and gets extra with upgrade, up to 6 hits at S5 each having 40% to apply debuff, which is almost every time applied for me with just S3.
Second and third are Thunder Strike and Judgement, they both do decent amount of dmg, 3550% and 3600% at S5 and have 35% chance to apply evasion/accuracy debuff. They don’t always apply but if only 1 applies your damage goes way way up shown by the calculation made under.
Damage skills
Damage skills are Meteor strike, Water blade and Water splash.
First and most important is Meteor strike, since the chance of decreased attack effect is almost guaranteed and has the biggest damage of all 3 skills.
The other 2 are water blade and water splash, both rocking just 2418.25% and 2538% of attack dmg.
Now now don’t get upset i can hear your gaming chairs going back and forth.
Just the skills inself if you calculate the damage is:
- 510×4(or 6 if S5)+3550+3650+3600+2418.25+2538=14,196.25/15,216.25 IF S5
15k attack is just 2,536% of attack damage on average per 6 slots of skills taken, which is very little and makes me sick.
Now here is the damage when you have the -attack decreased debuff.
275% of skill damage, for a skill that does 3650=10,037.5% of ATTACK DAMAGE EXTRA.
So just by having the -attack debuff you do ⅔ of your all togherer skill as EXTRA and is almost always guaranteed.
- 15,216.25+10,037.5 = 25,253.75%
Increasing the average damage per 6 skill slots from 2,536% to 4,208.95 making an increase in damage of 65.95% MORE THAN HALF.
What is the final number you might ask?
So the maths are simple:
- 15,216.25(base damage of skills)+10,037.5(extra meteor)+6045.6(extra water blade)+6345%(extra water splash) = 37,644.35% OF ATTACK.
And is an increase of 147.55% OF THE basic skills damage.
Making the average damage per skill slot 6,274% OF ATTACK.
As reference this is God’s Hammer, a mythic skill with S1 having only 5437.5%.
Now for the downside, the downside is that you will have almost guaranteed about, 25,253.75% with 1 debuff, increasing to 31,598.75 or 31,299.35 depending on which second buff you apply, remember you will not have all 3 debuffs all the time, on average will be 2 but 3 is very possible.
Another problem is that the debuff skills have longer CD than the damage skills, making it tricky to play around, I will refer just to the debuff type for clarity:
- Attack% debuff:6.8S Damage:6.5 quite easy just put the damage skill around 1-2 skills down to assure debuff casts first.
- Evasion% debuff: 7.8S Damage: 7 should be 2-3 skills down quite easy to fix.
- Accuracy% debuff: 9SEC Damage: 6.8 now this one is pretty tricky since the debuffs last 3 seconds and the difference in CD is 2.2 so you should try to arrange your skill damage to happen around 2.2 seconds later and only have a 0.8 seconds range.
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