The Elder Scrolls: Castles – Useful Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips and Tricks for New Players


  • Focus on only one race. For example, I have 60 Khajiit and nothing else. I have banned all others.
  • Marry all your citizens to a combination of poor citizens and nobles. This way, the poor citizens become noble too. With all nobles in your castle, you can abuse the poor people and nobody will complain (because they are absent). This is often the best method to get a lot of resources.
  • Example: “Oh no, Your Majesty, the food is full of rats! What can we do?” Sell it to poor people: +320 gold.
  • Without poor people = no happiness lost and a lot of money gained.
  • Without Wood Elves in your castle, you can ask citizens to cut more trees in the forest. +70 wood and nobody will complain because you have no Wood Elves.
  • Without Imperials, you have no obligation to spend a lot of resources for the Emperor’s birthday or to help him during wars. No happiness lost because you have 0 Imperials to complain about that.
  • So the best strategy is to focus on one specific race, make them all nobles, and you will upgrade your castle quickly.


How to start a new Castle?

You can lets everyone of your castle dies (dying out of food) is the best method for now.

How to kill ghosts?

  • Ghost require a element weapon for get killed.
  • If the Mission is in the Quest Board you need Ghost the blue normal size NPC.
  • If is a Event quest you need to kill ghost from The Event Quest board.

How does food production work?

Basically build a kitchen, place people with the right “traits” (like pyromaniac). Then equip them with the right tool and outfit. The kitchen has 4 people slots. So if you have other people with attributes like “Leader” that helps boost production. Then you can upgrade the kitchen (and tools/outfits) as you go along. The fun is in trying to breed people with all the right attributes to boost production. You have to watch their relationships too. It’s all quite intuitive and stress free.

Is this game PVE or PVP?

PVE as far as I’ve seen, but the PVE is very satisfying and requires a way more strategy (when compared to shelter). Lots more crafting & upgrading required as you advance, and you can really hone in on the skills of your adventurers.

Are there motifs for each room here like in Fallout Shelter?

You can get skins for armour, weapons, outfits, as well as for your whole castle (there is currently a Redguard castle skin which looks pretty epic. BUT those skins do cost (sometimes free as a reward I think, I got a cool redguard for my king and one for armour).

How to reduce oil consumption?

You have a lot of method for get or reduction the consummations of Oil in your castle:

  • You can build another oil workbench (you need sandstone lvl 21+).
  • You can also build decoration from the build menu. You have some banner and armor set who can reduce the Oil consummation of your citizen.
  • You can deletes some room who you do not servent.
  • You can play with the trait of your citizen and placed the goods one on the workbench for produce more Oil.
  • You can updrate our Oil workbench too.

How to get the event gems?

You can get them rarely when you have already done a event mission, just do it the same mission again for gain x3-x5 gem per tentative but is not a garantee. You can get them when you have done a quest of the event.

  • You can also gain them with the ⭐ from the event missions. For example, you can get 25 of them per star in a mission of the event.
  • Oh, it depends on the event; sometimes you just gain a lot of them at once. Like the event we just got today (Craft mage gears) +650.
  • Sometimes it’s a combat mission. You have a new map with 10 combats to do, with 3 stars each, and each star gives you x25.
  • You can also get 3000 of them from the shop for a small pack.
  • You can also win a lot of those gems for 800 gems.
  • The event icon is in the top right corner of the screen, below the shop icon, when you have an event.

How to upgrade items?

To upgrade an item to level 2, you need 2 of the same item. For level 3, you need 3 identical items (identical in resource and material).

Let me explain! If you have a Silver Staff level 1, you cannot upgrade it with a Dwemer Staff. However, you can upgrade it with 2 other Silver Staffs level 1 to get a Silver Staff level 2.

Castle icon right-down corner of your screen:

  • Select the chest.
  • Search the item you want to updrate with a golds left-up corner losange 🔶 and select it, on the selected item, click on the yellow losange for see the full list of the copy of the item you wish to updrate.
  • Select them all and approuved the updrate. You also need golds and Corindons for the most high lvl item.

Is there a recommended way that I should be marrying couples and breeding them?

The child most often gets the trait of one of the parents, so it is better not to combine Subjects when one of them has a bad trait. And vice versa, if they have good or good and the same, then combine. I would not make the family of the ruler too large, so that there are fewer nobles, as in certain rulings it is rarely possible to maintain parity and please both sides.


Can’t download the game…

  • Maintaint the google play Icon on your cellphone.
  • Empty the cache and erase last Data (not panic for your account is safe).
  • Desactivate Google play -> Maintaint the icon -> Detail -> Detail of the application -> Desactivated.
  • Restart your phone.
  • Go to setting -> Application -> Google play -> Activate it back.
  • Connect yourself on google play store.
  • Try to installing again Elder Scroll Castle.
  • Verify too if you have not update of other games/application in waiting. Maybe some of them has start their update before Castle so you need to wait.
  • You can activate the Airplane mode and go Offline and restart with turn on back your network on the cellphone.

How to reset my account?

You have several methods:

  • Change your google account for another one.
  • Bannish all your citizen and wait your king dead!
  • Go to Google Play Store application setting and Empty the Cache and delete all Data.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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