Who is Bunny and How Does She Work?
By Gumieca Ya.
- Bunny is a high DPS character who excels in mobbing and bossing (probably one of the best starting characters if you want to speed through the story).
- Bunny’s abilities are all Electric with 2 of her skills being Singular and the other 3 being Fusion.
- She scales exceptionally well with Skill Critical Hit Rate, Skill Critical Hit Damage, Skill Power Modifier, and Skill Effect Range.
- 3 out of 4 of Bunny’s Skills do not require MP, instead Bunny has a 2nd MP bar called Electricity that charges with movement. (Grappling does not charge this bar).
- Though Bunny is such an amazing character, She is also a very vulnerable one. She is super squishy overall and has to be super up-close to do max amount of damage which sucks during bossing (There are ways around this though).
Bunny’s Skills
Passive Skill: Rabbit Foot

- As explained in the skill description, everytime Bunny double jumps and lands, she deals AoE (Area of Effect) Damage.
- Electricity is Bunny’s second MP bar and to gain electricity you have to be moving around. When not moving Electricity will deplete.
- This does not scale with Skill Power Modifier.
Skill #1: Thrill Bomb

- Thrill Bomb is an AoE ability that hits the nearest 6 Monsters within a 7 meter radius.
- This ability does scale with Skill Power Modifier since it applies Electrocution which deals damage to enemies overtime.
- It does more damage the more Electricity you build up. If you have a full Electricity bar, it will do max damage.
Skill #2: Speed of Light

- Speed of Light grants you 50% more sprinting speed.
- This significantly charges Electricity faster than regular sprinting..
- Charging up Electricity/Sprint Speed can not be modified, but increasing sprint time while decreasing its MP cost per second is possible. (Skill cost or Max MP).
- This is the only ability that drains your actual MP bar while using the skill.
Skill #3: Lightning Emission
- Lightning Emission creates an AoE effect around you that hits every target within its radius every 7 meters moved.
- This Ability does scale with Skill Power Modifier exceptionally well.
- It will be your main ability when mobbing or bossing. It is going to be doing the most damage and you will almost always want to have this active at all times.
- It also applies Electrocution so you will be applying lots of damage over how many times you can proc Lightning Emission.
- Lightning Emission’s radius can be increased with Skill Effect Range.
Skill #4: Maximum Power

- Maximum Power is a Laser Beam that deals more damage the longer it is used for.
- It drains Electricity overtime so it’s best to use it when you have a full bar of Electricity.
- It has 3 stages of Power when at Stage 3 does the most with 40% damage increase.
- This ability does not scale well with Skill Power Modifier.
- Though it is a strong skill, our main source of damage will not be coming from Maximum Power.
Why is Skill Power Modifier So Important?
- You’re probably asking why in the notes I put under the skills about what skill scales and doesn’t scale with Skill Power Modifier.
- Skill Power Modifier scales insanely well with Damage Over Time abilities and since the main 2 skills bunny has (beside Maximum Power) applies Electrocution which does Damage Over Time.
- Though her main skills do scale with Skill Power, It is more important to keep Electrocution on your target or boss. It makes a huge difference rather than just having the initial damage being bigger when it goes on cooldown.
- While the skills are on cooldown, Electrocution continues to tick. If you build your modules on bunny properly, you can keep Electrocution on your target/boss indefinitely.
- Skill Power is more for Big Damaging Abilities like Blair or Kyle’s Ultimate.
- Though Bunny also could excel in Skill Power, I think Modifier is stronger overall.
What Modules to Run
- You were probably asking this question by now or probably skipping to this point. “What modules are best for Bunny? Is being tankier better or is being a glass cannon better?”
- Lots of guides on YouTube from what I have been watching do not really show you the end game of Bossing. (Beside Moxsy, No hate to him as well his videos are very informative).
- Though Moxsy’s build is great, I don’t think he’s fully maximized bunny and her potential.
- Please note, these module builds are fully enhanced with crystallization catalyst (moxsy’s video was not).
- These Build Paths are also on Ultimate Bunny so we are using High Voltage for our main skill module because it is her strongest one.
- I think this is the only advantage Ultimate Bunny has. It is the most Min-Max Card you can use. Electric Condense, Electric Transition, and Electric Charge are not really that great, mainly used for mobbing.
- If you are using regular bunny, do not use any transcendent card as it will lower your damage significantly.
- If you are curious on what High Voltage does, It increases the damage and range on Thrill Bomb and Lightning Emission. It does lower the amount of targets hit, but that will not matter during boss fights as there are only a few to only one target.
Module Build #1: Tanky + High Damage Bossing

- Build #1 is focused on being able to take more hits while dealing a good amount of damage still.
- Though the first few hard bosses may be easy, it gets a lot more difficult later on considering the last 3 bosses do have a minimum requirement of 3-4.
- We are building quite a bit of Defense with a lot of Skill Power Modifiers and Critical Hit Rate and Damage
- Some might argue that Skill Simplification is not the way to go. Testing out Skill Simplification between Focus on Singular, Skill simplification did more damage overall even though the -25% Max MP is present. (Paying the Price for more damage) There is a way around this though! I will be going over it when down in the external components
- If you do not have ultimate bunny, superconductor is a very good skill module to run to help increase your DPS!
Build Path #2: Squishy + Way Stronger Abilities + Range

- Build #2 focus more on fighting weaker bosses in the end game. You are a lot more squishy but your skills will have a lot more power and range.
- This build is not meant to last for true endgame, the last 3 bosses will require you to switch to a more defensive build.
- When testing out Electric Master vs Singularity Master between builds, Electric Master is meant for enemies or bosses that are weak to Electric. Singular Master is better for bosses who are either NEUTRAL or have a STRONG RESISTANCE against Electric.
- If you like this second build path, you could replace HP Collector with Iron Defense for the later boss fights.
Build Path #3: Mobbing

- Building towards a mobbing path can be done in many different ways. This is just how I built mine. I messed up a bit by putting 7 points in Battle of Stamina instead of 6. If you put 6 points, you will be able to fit Electric Condense into the build which is also great for mobbing
- Note If you like having more range, feel free to add in Maximize Range over Amplification Control but you will lose a bit of damage
- You are able to put in High Voltage (if you have Ultimate Bunny) for maximum range but you will lose out on hitting every mob at once.
- Another Skill Module you can put in is Electric Charge (if you have Ultimate Bunny) to help with mobbing. (It increases your double jump passive by 8 meters at max rank) It DOES NOT scale with Skill Effect Range. You of course do not have to run this on ultimate bunny. Just a nice little add on since you’re always going to have Lightning Emission up.
- You could replace Nimble Fingers with Time Distribution if you are running High-Voltage, since High-Voltage lowers the cooldown on it already. If not, then Nimble Finger is the way to go for mobbing. You’ll just have a bit more survivability with the Max HP coming from Time Distribution
How to Fully Max Out Your Modules:
- If you are confused when I said fully enhanced by crystallization catalyst earlier, I will go over them right now for you.

- This is Crystallization Catalyst, it reduces your Module’s capacity size in half.
- This allows you to fit in more Modules and enhance them fully!
- The ONLY Descendant Module you would NOT want to enhance with your Catalyst is your Skill Module (aka your Transcendent Card).
- Transcendent Cards will automatically lower in capacity when upgrading with Kuiper Shards!
- To expand your capacity size a huge amount, when finishing your story. You will Receive an Energy Activator.

- Please use this wisely! If you are not going to main bunny, use it on a character you are going to main!
- Energy Activators increases your Descendant Module Capacity size by +20
- Back to Crystallization Catalyst, They are only able to be used when your character is maxed level (Level 40)
- When using the Catalyst, please note your character will be reverted back to level 1. Think of it as a prestige system! To use another one, you would have to level your character back to 40.
- You are able to farm both of these as well! Energy Activators will take longer to but Crystallization Catalyst do not
- If I were to talk about how to use the Catalyst properly, this doc would be too long!
- Best way to farm levels back up for Bunny is by going to the Special Operations Terminal in Albion and going into Sterile Island to farm the waves.
- The Material needed to research for Crystallization Catalyst are going to be

- To farm Murky Residue, Go to Sterile Island on Hard Difficulty and do the Infiltration Operation Unknown Laboratory (Circled in Blue).

- Macromolecule Biogel can be farm in Echo Swamp Hard Difficulty in 2 location.

Note these will have a 5 minute timer after completing them.
- Mixed Residue will be farmed in Agna Dessert on Hard Difficulty, It will be scattered all around the Map. I will add a video guide here on how to get them.
- The Map below are the general locations of where it spawns.

- Advanced Neuro Circuit has multiple places where you can farm it. The best one I found would be in White-night Gultch on Hard Difficulty.

- The Crystallization Catalyst Blueprint is only obtainable through many different Amorphous Material Patterns. The best one to get is going to be Amorphous Material Pattern: 011. This works so well because it is also obtained when doing The Special Operation I mentioned above! You can gain these amorphous materials while leveling back up to 40 IF you are doing the one stated above.
- Once you are done getting Amorphous Material Pattern: 011, the next step to do is to run Void Intercept Battle Normal and Defeat Stunning Beauty.
- Once defeated, Use the Reconstructed Device and click on Amorphous Material Pattern: 011. You will have a 15% chance of getting the Blueprint, but with a Shape Stabilizer, It will raise to 20%
Weapon Choice
- The best Current weapon for Bunny is the free one that the game gives you by doing quest called Thunder Cage.

- Thunder Cage is a Submachine Gun (SMG) that has a unique ability called Overcharge.
- Overcharge applies when Thunder Cage eliminates a target and hits all enemies around the eliminated target within a 5 meter radius.
- Upgrading the Unique Ability increases the % of which Overcharge will trigger (Max Rank is 100% Trigger Rate) and it increases Reload Speed Modifier.
- Since Bunny is such an upclose target, SMG’s are going to best for her DPS wise.
- You are also wondering which Modules to run on Thunder Cage as well. Thunder cage is all about Critical Hit Damage and Rate along with Firearm Attack and Weak Point Damage.

These are the Modules you would want to use. To Fully Max Thundercage, It has to be Crystallization Catalyst 9 out of the 10 slots (Feel free to adjust to your liking. This is my preference for the gun).
- These are just the general modules to work with Thunder Cage.
- You could replace Focus fire with Electric Conductor or Any Attribute Damage.
- It could be the perfect flex spot for fighting different bosses (For example: Fire, Toxic, and Chill Enhancement).
- I am still testing other guns for secondary and third gun slot.
- For example 2 other weapons that COULD go well with Bunny are, Blue Beetle, Afterglow Sword, and Executor.

- Afterglow Sword could enhance your damage against bosses with increased Firearm Critical Hit Rate. (Not sure if this only applies only to Afterglow or can be applied to other guns. Have not tested yet. Just a theory).

- Executor can apply Electrocution and Firearm ATK.
- Just like Afterglow, Still unsure if this will apply to other guns. Unsure if Electrocution with Executor will scale off Skill Power Modifier.

- Blue Beetle enhances Fusion and Singular Skills which are all of Bunny’s Skills.
- Just like the rest, Unsure how these work and if it will beat the DPS Thundercage can do.
External Components
- The best Set for Bunny currently is Supernova.

- Supernova is obtained by killing Hard Executioner.
- 2 Supernova externals are GUARANTEED when defeating Executioner.

- This set applies Electric Skill Power Modifier and Fusion Skill Power Modifier.
- This means that all your skills will be enhanced but when you apply the 4 Set, Fusion skill is amplified which means Thrill Bomb and Maximum Power is buffed by 12%.
- When hitting an enemy with an Electric Skill Attack (All of Bunny’s Skill beside Speed of Light) has a chance of applying another attack at a 50% chance which will add another 100% to your Skill Power Modifier.
- With a 2 second cooldown, This is really good for adding DPS to Bunny.
- You could argue and say that another 2 Set would be better (for example the Bravery set which gives 11.9% Max Shield and 1.8% HP Recovery for just a little bit more survivability). I have not tested this yet but feel free to let me know or I will test it out and give an update.
What Stats to Roll for on External Component
- For stats, It would be best to go for 2 DEF stats on one External.
- 2 Externals should definitely be aiming for Max Shield and Max HP.
- Lastly, the last External should aim for MAX MP and Shield Recovery out of Combat
- The reason I say Max Mp is due to Skill Simplification in the build, your Max MP is reduced 25%. Adding Max MP will balance it out giving you more room to use Speed of Light and Shield Recovery for more survivability if you’re not being focused in a boss fight.
- You could have Resistance to a certain Attribute added in as well if you prefer that.
For example like this:

- My Processor or Memory will definitely be switched out for HP and Max Shield for stats but I have not gotten it yet.
- If you look at your character stats at the bottom right of your screen next to your externals.

- You can see your character stats there. Defense is on the third line. As you can see I am at 48,401.14 Defense which is not ideal. According to Ryechew, If you are over 32,000 to 35,000 Defense, it will start to apply Diminishing Returns, which means that it will start to decrease in value and you will not get the full amount of defense you are supposed to get. If you want to watch the full video of Ryechew explaining how Defense works:
- 2 Stats of Defense from External will get you to that 32,000 threshold if you are running the First Build Path stated above. If you are running a different build path try to hit that 32,000 to 35,000 margin.
- Of course there a different ways to get to it, if you want to switch out Iron Defense for another Module like Skill Concentration or if you want to get more defensive, Increase Shield or Battle of Stamina (which would probably cause for 1 more crystallization catalyst to fit it in)
- So in that case, building more HP and Shield will be more valuable for you in the long run!
Note: I’ve been farming for awhile to get the right externals and it’s been nearly impossible for me to get double roll HP on any sort of external. I will be testing more once the new set of rotation comes in. I will be testing the DPS of running 2 externals instead of 4 as well. I’ve been getting a lot of comments saying HP is way better than just running the 4 set. How I see it is… it all comes to how well you can fight the boss and dodge its abilities too. I’ve been on 6k HP and 1.4k Shield and have not gotten any problems running anything yet. I will create an update as soon as I possibly can. Though Shield is bugged right now too since defense is not applying to it.. I don’t see a problem with running it as well.
Reactor Slot
- For Reactor, the best one to get will be Tingling Singularity Reactor.

- Things to note: For Legendary reactors, for the skill power to apply, you NEED to be Holstering the weapon said in the Optimization Condition. For example in the picture above it says Thunder Cage. If you switch to any other weapon, it will not apply the bonus.
- When farming for reactors, try to look for Electric Skill Power Boost Ratio and Singular Skill Power Boost Ratio. Those are currently best for bunny since your main damage is coming from Lightning Emission which is Singular.
- For the perks at the bottom, it could be totally up to you what you will prefer. Skill Critical Hit Rate and Damage will probably be best in slot for it. If you get one or the other and another good stat like Electric Skill Power boost Ratio along with one of the two listed above. That is REALLY good. Skill Effect Range could work too but totally up to you on how you want it.
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