Quick Guide to Codes
By Klare.
Keypad Codes
A2 Locker Storeroom
Code is 5678. It’s written on a nearby wall.
A2 Shotgun Room
Look through the window. Change your view to see the door lock better.
A2 Control Room
Code is #520. It’s written on a nearby control unit.
A2 Data Room
Password is 0000. You need to reset it on the computer in the captain’s room.
A3 Heart Room
Code is 1314. You can hear it in an audio file on floor A4 near the submachine gun room.
A1 Captain’s Room
Code is 6090. It’s written on a nearby wall.
A3 Butterfly Poster Office
Code is 1180. You can find it in an email on a computer nearby.
A3 Planning Department
Code is 0210. It’s written on the back of a wedding photo.
A3 Area Duty Room
Code is 3964. It’s hidden in a poster nearby.
A4 Submachine Gun Room
Code is 3758. It’s hidden in a nearby poster showing gifts.
E2 Loading Area Office (Stealth Section)
Code is 9842. You need to find four posters in this area to get the full code.
B2 Body Bag Room
Code is 2940. It’s written in two parts, one on a wall and one on a door nearby.
A4 Storeroom
Code is 9885. A note nearby has instructions to figure out the code.
A4 Office before White Card Room, after Pressure Puzzle
Code is 6083. It’s written on the wall in the stairwell. You need to line up the code correctly.
A4 Elevator Control Room
Code is 3974. It’s hidden behind two lockers in the room.
Breakable Walls
A1 Warehouse Hidden Area
Blow up the damaged wall and use the fishing container to climb up.
A1 Store Room Hidden Area
From the A3 floor, jump onto the air conditioning units. Look for a damaged wall near railings and a big drop. Use an explosive to break it.
B2 Tunnels Hidden Weapon Room One
After going through a vent, you’ll see a weapon room. Break the damaged wall with an explosive. You’ll need to go around to the back to get in.
B2 Tunnels Hidden Weapon Room Two
While looking for the first hidden area in the tunnels, you’ll find another one. It’s close to a shelf and a wire fence.
Stairwell Hidden Area
In the stairwell, you’ll find a door that needs a red key card. On its right side is a damaged wall. Use an explosive to break it and get inside.
tack för att du visar koder till det här spelet tack,