The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria – Useful Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks For New Players

General Tips

Make a secure camp early on the first day. You can demolish it and get all your stuff back when you’re ready to move deeper into Moria, but you’re going to need a couple in-game days to get your feet under you, and you’ll want walls and a door or you won’t have a good time lol.

Keep food on you at all times, even if it’s just a couple mushrooms. Nothing worse than going farther than you thought you did and starving to death lol.

Carry the amount of supplies needed for a bedroll and a camp fire at all times. Ya never know when or where you’ll need to rest.

Later game you can add enough materials to make a waystone it’s really nice for going to your main and unloading.

The good thing about the repair system is that metal fragments will be the only thing you’ll ever need to repair your armor and weapons. Higher grade equipment just needs more fragments, but the tougher enemies tend to drop more fragments anyways.

Statues unlock the blueprints, duh. But if you have 1/2 recipes or 1/3 recipes and you start getting coins instead of completing those recipes, know that the game is bugged and you’ll never unlock those in that map seed. It’s happened 3 times for me, all different recipes, all different map areas. I don’t know any solution for this.

There are some recipes that if they do not unlock, you cannot beat the game.

Shadow always respawns, even at end game. You can build Durin’s Lamps and place them over shadowsmoke but it will respawn. Consider this when building a base near end game.

Enemies will constantly spawn in a base whether you have it completely on built foundations, sealed off with roofing, walling ,and natural barriers. They will always spawn in. It’s really annoying!

  • Never adventure at night if possible. Amounts of patrols of orcs, goblins and their dogs spawn at least 2 times more than in day (learned that the hard way).
  • Always loot orcish chests as they have a lot of valuables in them (destroy the totem to get the key).
  • Use E on hold a lot – vacuums all things on the ground.
  • You don’t need to use a 1h and a shield, some people find 2h better as it deals more damage.
  • Be aware of darkness – always have wood and some metal fragments to make standing torches when you suffer despair.

When you Farm mithril or other stuff in the dark area where you get damage Just craft miruvor And fill it Up 2-3 Times in your inventory. It will heal against the debuff And you have No Stress anymore. I got the whole Thing clear in 1 try getting 350 mithril without using any heal Item Just the Drink. I also killed a nameless beast it droped leather and a black diamond.

Avoid mining anything ore (just dig through dirt), until you have unlocked some local weapons. The statues in that area require stone to repair, and all the local ore veins are in granite. You’ll probably find a good place to set a camp in the process, and you can build chokepoints as soon as you start mining granite

Remember to sleep whenever the horde alert meter rises too much.

If you need to clear the orc camp at the entrance to pass it, build a small fort in the bottom of the Crystal Descent or the room next to it, to retreat to. You can even try luring orcs into a path with barricades on both sides, so that you only have to face a couple at a time. This will help you avoid getting poisoned. You can use the Iron Hammer you’re repairing the statues with to repair a building you find and want to use as a base. It’ll make them look new and not all run down or mouldy for the wood stuff.

Temporary Camp

When exploring always carry the materials to throw down a hearth, bedroll, meal table, repair smithy and a map stone, if you’re going into a big fight or a deep dark throw a camp down and sync to the bedroll so if you fall in battle you can spawn straight back in and return to the fray, or run and repair armour, throw food on to cook if you need heal mid battle or for afterwards (medley skewers are the best and only require mushrooms and sunions).

Also handy if you need to dump inventory at your base (if you have one).

Keep in mind that if you destroy a temporary bedroll you have claimed, you will have no claimed bedroll left and dying before you do so means you’ll respawn at the very beginning!

A possible workaround could be this order:

  • In the field, destroy bedroll but keep mapstone and hearth.
  • Use mapstone to travel to one of your bases.
  • Claim bedroll there.
  • Travel back to field mapstone.
  • Destroy field mapstone and hearth and continue.

Repair smithy requires metal fragments to actually repair items, amount of fragments required correponds how broken equipment is.

If exploring Moria with a group, assign people to carry different resources in order to maximise inventory space.

Also take with you 5 hero tokens for quick buff whenever group camps for night or repairs.

Don’t bother carrying beds as long as you can drop a mapstone.

Your “adventure carry” will be:

  • Big backpack
  • Half stack rocks
  • Half stack metal fragments
  • Whole stack wood (platforms and fire)
  • Whole stack fiber (ropes)
  • Mapstone mats
  • Durin lamp mats
  • 5 iron ingots (repair)
  • 3 brewskins with different contents.

    Tips for Crafting Achievements

    To do the crafting achievements some quick thoughts:

    • A game world needs to get all the recipes unlocked correctly (from statues or ranger etc.). If you enter someone else’s world, check the Recipe Viewer to see what is available to craft.
    • Your dwarf has to do the crafting (someone cant make it and give it to you). There is no required order – you could make any of the 3 or 4 pieces in any order at any time, on any world
    • You should make all of the required items for crafting achievements in the same world. Looking at reports above, it seems that some of you have tried to make 2 pieces in one game, 2 in another, and it may not have been working… or we have the bug that Smudgy found – this could be affecting some of you if you have long-running games and “old” dwarves.

    When in doubt try to have a single dwarf enter a world with all the recipes available, and get the materials, and craft all the pieces you need

    Volodymyr Azimoff
    About Volodymyr Azimoff 523 Articles
    Volodymyr Azimoff has been passionate about video games for many years, and over the past decades he has managed to turn his main hobby of life into a profession. It is important to note that this is not the first successful project for Volodymyr. Right now he is the owner of several other sites on gaming topics. Surprisingly, this workaholic finds free time for his family, playing games on his favorite consoles and watching TV series.

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