Beginners Tips to Weapons and Armour
Armour doesn’t reduce the damage you take, but rather it gives you a blue armour bar the works like your red health bar. Don’t be afraid to take some hits with it. That’s what it’s for.
You can’t be killed by weapon damage while you have a blue bar, but poison and shadow can bypass your armour. Watch out for enemies that do special damage. If an orc with a dripping green blade is coming at you – the green stuff is probably poison!
Different weapons are better for fighting different enemies. Carry a range of weapons and switch between them depending on who or what you are fighting. Spears are great for fighting wildlife and creatures for example, but are almost useless against 2 legged armoured targets.
Your dwarf will tell you if you need a better weapon to fight the enemy you are facing! But they don’t tell you what the better weapon would be. Forgive them. They are in a stressful situation.
One handed axes and swords are good for short fast slashes around yourself when fighting hordes or swimming creatures.
One handed hammers are great for crushing armoured targets.
Spears are best for fighting animals like wolves, or wargs. They do fast stabs directly in front of you.
Two handed Axes are slow, but do a big hit. Only use them with plenty of stamina or your stamina buffed.Two handed mattock, swords and Halberds are great for controlling the space. Plonk your feet square on the ground and slice up the orcs as they come to you. The third swing of a sword, or mattock will do a big hit and knock an enemy down so use it as crowd control.
Shields Block, and Bash. Remember to Block and Bash.
Roll to dodge attacks you can’t afford to take. Like a trolls fist to, or dragons tail to your face.
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