End Game Build for Healer
After testing this endgame wand/bow healer set, I have a few updates that I think are final and the perfect wand/bow healer set focused on survivability and hit balance.
4P Trans Gear Map (with all purple being +9 and full trait) for Wand/Bow:
- Max Health (With Bow mastery): 13,325
- Max Mana: 9,015
- Crit Chance (With food): 814
- Hit Chance (With food + Bow passive): 527
- Melee Eva: 848
- Range Eva: 62
- Magic Eva: 912
- Melee End (with Bow Sanc passive): 1,310
- Ranged End (with Bow Sanc passive): 460
- Magic End (with Bow Sanc passive): 620
- Skill Heal: 89.68%
- Head: Trans
- Chest: Trans
- Pants: Trans
- Gloves: Wind Soul
- Boots: Trans
- Cloak: Elite Assassin’s Cloak
- Neck: Seasoned
- Bracers: Knight’s Resistance Bracelet
- Ring 1: Insightful Dimension
- Ring 2: Trans Magic Ring
- Belt: Tukun’s Cast Iron Belt
- Wand: Excavator’s
- Bow: Karnix
Important Mentions:
Destroyer’s Choker = Crit Hit 80, 3.8% CDS, Max Health 555. Traits = Max Health, Buff Dura, Skill Dmg Boost. This is very expensive and hard to get good traits. Unrealistic.
Holy Warrior’s Choker = Mana Regen, Mana Cost, CDS. Traits = Buff Duration, Max Health, Skill Dmg Boost. Expensive. If you can get health, run it as long as you don’t drop below 12k Health.
Worshiper’s = Hit 85, Max Mana 530, Bonus dmg 10 (dead stat if you’re not dagger). Traits = Max Mana, Skill Dmg Res, Mana Regen. This would be an additional 3 – 6% more skill heal because of Noble Revival passive. Might not be worth.
T2 Build
For the build below I’m using max, Annihilator’s Cloak, Abyss Conq Neck, Trans Ring, Insightful Ring of Dimension, Tukun’s Iron Belt, Knight’s Res Bracelet.
World Tree’s Mysterious Wreath:
- 5 Wisdom
- 5.2% Buff Duration
- 72 Heavy Attack Chance
- 8% CDS
- 160 Melee End
- 12% Mana Cost Efficiency
Grand General’s Command Visor? Calculated differences with 2p GG below
- 5 Strength
- 4.7% CDS
- 15 Mana Regen
- Melee End
- Ranged End
Wraith Knight’s Execution Armour:
- Strength 3
- Max Health 735
- 86 Heavy Atk Chance
- Max Health 600
- Melee End 160
- 8% Debuff Duration
World Tree’s Origin Gloves:
- 7.5% Range
- 755 Max Health
- 5 Perception
- 8% Range
- 160 Melee End
- 8% Atk Spd
Grand General’s Strole Gloves? Calculated differences with 2p GG below
- 3 Dex
- 7.5% Range
- 76 Crit Chance
- 8% Atk Spd
- Melee End
- Ranged End
Wraith Knight’s Invincibility Gaiters:
- 5 Strength
- 150 Melee Evasion
- 140 Ranged Evasion
- 8% Debuff Duration
- 600 Max Health
- 160 Melee End
Wraith Knight’s Punishment Boots:
- 4 Perception
- 105 Hit
- 3.9% Move Speed
- 20 Stamina (run longer, more block)
- 8% Move Speed
- 160 Melee End
Overture of Soul Salvation:
- 9 Strength
- 8 Perception
- 162 Weaken Chance
- 80 Heavy Atk Chance
- 80 Crit Chance
- 600 Max Health
Moonlight Bowstring:
(You lose Karnix’s 9% range increase, which should be worth with all the additional range we get with new gear).
- 9 Strength
- 9 Perception
- 2% Range
- 80 Heavy Atk Chance
- 80 Crit Chance
- 600 Max Health
How new gear changes my current stat sheet (Current gear > Removing Current > With New Gear > Reallocating Stats):
Max Health 13,300 to 14,760 > 13,905 > 15,075 > 17,210
Melee Endurance 1,100
Magic End 810 to 0
Ranged End 0
Max Mana 8,245 > 8,020 > 8,245 > 9,655
Buff Duration 43% to 48.2% > 42.2% > 55.2% > 54.7%
Debuff Duration 23.45% to 33.45%
CDS 24.8 to 27.5% > 26% > 27.5% > 27%
Move Speed 664 to 679
Hit 535 to 450 (lose from gloves) > 390 > 520 + 120 > 640 > 635
Range with wand 17.9m > 23m
Heavy Atk 260 to 418
Atk spd 26% to 28%
- Melee Defense 1,547 > 2,034 > With new additional strength > 2,084
- Ranged Defense 1,412 > 2,064 > With new additional strength > 2,114
- 50
- 13
- 42
- 50
Removing Current
- 31
- 13
- 37
- 35
With New Gear
- 57
- 13
- 42
- 61
Reallocating Stats With Final Gear
- 60
- 13
- 40
- 60
Changes with Full T2 vs Grand Gen:
Max Health 17,210 > 16,455 > with 5 more strength 16,680
Melee End 1,100
Ranged End 0 to 800
Max Mana 9655 > 7,930
Buff Duration 54.7% > 49.5%
CDS 27 > 22.7%
Heavy Atkl 418 > 346
Range 23m > 21m
You lose 6% Skill Heal
60 > 64 (could do 60 so Percep can be 55)
13 + 3 > 16
40 > 40
60 > 51 (could do 55 and bring strength down to 60)
- Melee Defense 2,084 > 2,003 > with 5 more Strength 2,028
- Ranged Defense 2,114 > 2,175 > with 5 more Strength 2,200
- +++ 22 Dmg Reduc 2p Grand Gen Bonus
Happy gaming!
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